We went into the Dem Crag last night but I dont have a map. Where do you get maps for inside the crags?
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Maps for Inside the Crags
Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
It's a little complicated getting maps for the Promyvions, and you definitely won't have them the first time you run all the way to the top.
First, you need to acquire a Rare/Ex Memosphere for the area you are in. For Holla, it's the Teal Memosphere. For Dem, it's the Beryl Memosphere. For Mea, it's the Indigo Memosphere. Getting these memospheres can be the biggest pain in the ass ever, since you need to farm them from the unique monster from each of the crags. (Holla: Thinker, Dem: Gorger, Mea: Craver) OR, if you take on the NM from each of the crags (have fun with that, it's REALLY hard, I had to do it with 12 people... once again: Holla: Cerebrator, Dem: Satiator, Mea: Coveter) it's a 100% drop from those NM's, along with the appropriate remnant to spawn an NM in Promyvion-Vahzl.
After that large ordeal... You get to run up to either the 3rd or 4th floor, and trade the Memosphere to a ??? that can be on either of those floors (check Vana'diel Atlas for exact spawn locations,) and poof, you'll have your map! You need to be really careful or have a suicidal friend with you to provide a distraction while you make the trade, though, since each of the ???'s is surrounded by those nasty true-sight mobs.
As for Promyvion-Vahzl (which you won't be getting to until 5-1,) you need to get a White Memosphere, which, as far as I can tell (also according to Somepage's entry,) ONLY drops off of the NM's there, which MUST be popped by one of the remnant items from any of the NM's from the original three crags.
And after THAT, you need to head for either the 3rd or the 5th floor to find the ??? to trade to.
Happy hunting!Last edited by Rosalie; 10-26-2006, 09:53 AM.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
You really don't need Promy maps. Once you've been on a couple of runs, you get used to the layout and the areas are generally small, uncomplicated, and open. A RNG can see all of the things you need to see as well, and I've not been in a Promy party yet that didn't have at least one veteran of that promy (winner or not) along. You can also print up a map from www.ffxi-atlas.com and peruse it while you're ascending. Promy maps, IMO, are more of a pain than they're worth. If you plan to do ENM runs, you'll be up and down the crags so often that you'll eventually memorize the small maps anyway. The only reason I want one is for "collectors item" value. Of course, if you should happen to run upon a memosphere during an ENM run, lot it and if you're lucky you'll be able to get your map on your next ascent. I would not recommend trying to fight the NMs in the lower areas for the memosphere unless, as Rosalie says, you have an alliance with you.
As for suicidal friends to have along for the ride, try a nice THF/BLU on floor #4. Cocoon + Metallic Body + Flee and aggro everything. Sweet.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Just to point out thought the ??? you trade the memosphere too changes along the 4 island like areas. On every island there is this small spherical light object cover'd my a sort of spherical structure (It almost resembles a globe in a stand, the light of course being the globe).
The frequency that the ??? shows up on each island varies. On the 1st island it only shows up there like 1 time every 24hrs - 5 days. On the 2nd island it shows up like every 8hrs - 2 days. One the 3rd island like every 4hrs, and the 4th island just about every 30 min.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Originally posted by Macht View PostJust to point out thought the ??? you trade the memosphere too changes along the 4 island like areas. On every island there is this small spherical light object cover'd my a sort of spherical structure (It almost resembles a globe in a stand, the light of course being the globe).
The frequency that the ??? shows up on each island varies. On the 1st island it only shows up there like 1 time every 24hrs - 5 days. On the 2nd island it shows up like every 8hrs - 2 days. One the 3rd island like every 4hrs, and the 4th island just about every 30 min.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Originally posted by kansmofo View PostIs that hte thing that you use to warp up to the next level?
Here, easiest way to answer is to show an image. You'd be looking for this, one exists on all the islands. Just when they are active to trade the memosphere to varies on each island. The higher up the islands you go the harder the mobs are but the drops and pops for things become much higher.
Last edited by Macht; 10-26-2006, 12:40 PM.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Originally posted by Macht View PostNo, that is the Memory Sphere's those warp you to the next level. It isn't that, the object with the ??? is much smaller in size could also say the structure design almost is similar to as if it was a console.
Here, easiest way to answer is to show an image. You'd be looking for this, one exists on all the islands. Just when they are active to trade the memosphere to varies on each island. The higher up the islands you go the harder the mobs are but the drops and pops for things become much higher.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
You trade the Memosphere you get from an ENM or NM monster in the crag to the ???. This is probably a macroable trade like other single-item trades, just use the following macro while targetting the ??? (WARNING: Untested):
[CODE]/item "Beryl Memosphere" <t>[/CODE]
Beryl Memosphere - Promyvion-Dem
Indigo Memosphere - Promyvion-Mea
Teal Memosphere - Promyvion-Holla
White Memosphere - Promyvion-Vahzl
Each of those links provides a list of target monsters from which to obtain the Memosphere for the Promyvion.
And for good measure, a couple of guides for Promyvion Maps in general:
Promyvion Map Guide
CotAM Promyvion Map GuideLast edited by Sabaron; 10-26-2006, 01:31 PM.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Recollections are for making animas.
Recollection of Pain
Recollection of Guilt
Recollection of Fear
Please look up the items you get here before posting in the forums.
Clan of the Angry Monkey has very good in-depth Promyvion Guides. Refer to them as well
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
And if you do holla.....make sure you kill him if you get him down to 1% >_< We got him down to 1%, but he just kept restoring and restoring.....it got to the point of being impossible and he picked us off one by one.....and to top it all off, he restored himself to 23% health! x.x
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
For Holla, most successful parties save their Astral Flows/Eagle Eye Shots/etc. until the boss starts spamming Uberdrain (Trinary Absorbtion) at around 33% or lower health. Once he eats all your buffs with Trinary Tap, this buff-eating ability becomes a giant drain spell as well (AFAIK). You can prevent it by casting throw-away buffs and keeping your Poison Potion on (he'll eat that too). I would recommend letting your Sushi/Attack foods wear off before entering. It's not pretty when he's got +27% Attack or +15% Accuracy... Protect/Shell/Stoneskin/etc, are also not recommended. In fact... you should probably go buffless except for some useless Barspell (Barsleepra/Barstonra), Poison (prevents sleep from his other ability), and your WHM's Reraise.
Tavnazian/Leremieu Tacos would probably be the worst thing you could feed him, and I don't think (though not sure) that he can steal Reraise--or at the very least, if he does steal it....he doesn't get it. Not tested, of course. Perhaps someone else has more insight into the specifics of Wreaker/Reraise and Trinary Tap. It would be absolutely terrible if he stole a Hi-Reraiser buff (multi-reraise) and actually raised multiple times; therefore, I doubt very highly if he can use Reraise, himself even if he can take it away from you.
Another note about the CotAM Promy Guide: Most people consider Holla the hardest promyvion while the guide writer considers Mea the hardest. IMO it's most definitely Holla.
You will also want to conserve at least a portion of your Hysteroanima for the end of the fight.
Did I mention you should bring animas? Watch out for pick-up promy parties... They're often a good way to waste your time/2hr/Animas (a lot of the pickups won't have any anima--you obviously don't right now either, so get some--you'll be much happier). Pick-up Promy members are often just looking to mooch a promy off of you without adequate preparation (i.e. Anima Farming).Last edited by Sabaron; 10-27-2006, 09:15 AM.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Lol, I usually only do the boss fights in 1 condition. If the party has at least 1 of each anima. Always 66%-100% use Psychoanima, 33%-66% use Terroanima, 0%-33% use Hysteroanima.
So far it's been very effective for me, often the WHMs reporting they hardly did much work at all. Really though however many phychoanimas or terroanimas you have is fine to use just about whenever. It's the Hysteroanima though you really want to activate when the mobs low on health, otherwise those flurry of special attacks can be a pain to get through.
Because of when Hysteroanima is used I personally have never experienced the Trinary Tap. Killed that boss probably over 30 times, and not once experienced that.
Also if you are wondering why the Phsyco, Terro, then Hystero order it's because of how the boss' fight. Between 66%-100% the boss hardly uses specials you might see 1 during that range so phsyco works best since it paralyzes normal attacks. Between 33%-66% the boss starts using specials more frequently so using a pshyco here is ok but only half effective, terro works best since it'll prevent the mob from attacking all together since it's running from you (Ranged attacks needed here for best results), 0%-33% is when Hystero is used because then the mob will be spamming special attacks so much that it'll hinder it's normal attack (So having hystero to prevent it's special has a double edged effect).Last edited by Macht; 10-27-2006, 09:21 AM.
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Re: Maps for Inside the Crags
Originally posted by Sabaron View PostTrinary Tap (Buff Eating) or Trinary Absorbtion (Mega Drain)?
We had Wreaker start eating buffs near the beginning of the fight (not spamming, just leisurely).
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