Special Event: The Dark Lilies
Talk to the exorcist NPCs in the following areas, and help them discover the secrets of the spirits terrorizing the towns.
Northern San d'Oria (D-8) Gertrude
Bastok Markets (G-8) Brian
Windurst Waters (F-5) Roger
1. Talk to starter npc
2. Accept Quest
3. Trade a "Sweet" that is accepted to a Trick Npc
4. With costume find the witch, she is mainly invisible but there should be a croud following her(Like so)

Sandy's first witch is near the fountain
5. Do not let the witch see you and just follow her and move with her back or this will happen
6. You can stop when you hear this
Sandy- "Poseaulloie : Ah.....I know you are there... But to have someone hear my pain..has lightened my soul...if only a little..."
Bastok- "Selma : You...I see you...Cease your stalking...I wish to be alone..."
Windy- "Bikho Ronpotteh : Enough... you have learned my secret... Leave me in peace..."
7. Go back to the npc that you started the quest to get the hat (mine was Gertrude) and pick up your Witch hat
8. Wait a day and do it again
9. tell all the nubs that do not have the costume on that are following the witch to scram
10. wait a day
11. Talk to your npc again this time it is a different witch
12. find the next witch and follow here, SAME RULUES

Second witch is near port zone
13. This one can turn random ways, not a set track like the first one
14. Wait until she stops talking Like the first witch or until you read this
Sandy- "Maryse : I see you there... Listening to me... I should curse you... But I will forgive you... as my brother would..."
Bastok- "Pretty Heart : You...go back...Back to the exorcist...Tell him...I am ready...to leave..."
Windy- "Guwana : Are you satisfired...? Then Hushy-wush and leave... You'll scare the fishy-wishies..."
15. Return to the npc and pick up your Coven Hat
Thanks Byxfluzba for bastok info & Cybilcora for the windy info
Witch hat
[Head]All Races
Lv.1 All Jobs
Coven hat
[Head]All Races
Def:2 Latent effect: Hp+3% Mp+3%
Lv.1 All Jobs
Latent effect: Job Level
Odd lvled jobs = 3% HP
Even lvled jobs = 3% MP
TY Linku for the Latent info
-Zoning resets the quest unless you have done it that day already
-Only able to trade one kind of sweet per day aswell ( You Can Trade Different Sweets in the same Day)
-Equiping the HQ hat allows you to buy lanterns from Moogle
-Doing the quest after having HQ hat rewards fireworks

Pumkin/Horror head & Trick/Treat Staff Rewards come from trading the "Trick" Npcs sweets randomly
Pumkin/Horror head & Trick/Treat Staff Rewards come from trading the "Trick" Npcs sweets randomly
Pumpkin Head, Pumpkin head II, Horror Head, Horror Head II, Trick Staff, Trick Staff II, Treat Staff, Treat Staff II do the following:
Start by getting 2 stacks of 99 of different types of candy (I.E Ginger Cookies, and Goblin Chocolate). Then go to any shopkeeper npc that is wearing a costume. Keep trading one of the types of candy with them one at a time until you get either a Pumpkin head, Pumpkin head II, Trick Staff, or Trick Staff II. When you get one of these put it on and go to a different shopkeeper npc. Trade the other type of candy to that npc one at a time to receive that items "pair". The following list is the pairs of items:
Pumpkin Head ---> Horror Head
Pumpkin Head II ---> Horror Head II
Trick Staff ---> Treat Staff
Trick Staff II ---> Treat Staff II
If your wearing an item you cannot receive any item similar to it except for it's pair. For example If you wear a Pumpkin Head, you cannot receive a Pumpkin Head II or a Horror Head II. Also you cannot receive any similar item if your wearing the second pair item. So you cannot receive any type of head item if your wearing a Horror Head or a Horror Head II. This works the same for the staffs.
Once you receive the second item, switch to another npc and use your first item again to get another item using the list above to receive whichever item you want.
TY Sharpen for this info
* Southern San d'Oria stand under the decorations with one partner in Dog costume and the other in Skeleton costume
* Northern San d'Oria stand under the decorations with one partner in Dog costume and the other in Shade costume
* Windurst Woods stand under the decorations with one partner in Ghost costume and the other in Shade costume
* Windurst Waters stand under the decorations with one partner in Shade costume and the other in Dog costume
* Bastok Markets stand under the decorations with one partner in Dog costume and the other in Ghost costume
* Bastok Mines stand under the decorations with one partner in Shade costume and the other in Skeleton costume
Thank you Avotas for the info
Bastok Markets roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Ghost Costume
Trick Ghast: Shade Costume
Trick Ghost: Hound Costume
Trick Phantom: Quadav Costume
Trick Shade: Shade Costume
Trick Shadow: Skeleton Costume
Trick Skeleton: Yagudo Costume
Trick Specter: Ghost Costume
Trick Spirit: Orc Costume
Trick Wight: Skeleton Costume
North San d'Oria roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Quadav Costume
Trick Ghast: Yagudo Costume
Trick Ghost: Skeleton Costume
Trick Phantom: Shade Costume
Trick Shade: Yagudo Costume
Trick Shadow: Orc Costume
Trick Skeleton: Hound Costume
Trick Specter: Quadav Costume
Trick Spirit: Ghost Costume
Trick Wight: Orc Costume
Windurst Waters roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Orc Costume
Trick Ghast: Quadav Costume
Trick Ghost: Yagudo Costume
Trick Phantom: Ghost Costume
Trick Shade: Quadav Costume
Trick Shadow: Hound Costume
Trick Skeleton: Shade Costume
Trick Specter: Orc Costume
Trick Spirit: Skeleton Costume
Trick Wight: Hound Costume
Ty Somepage
For HQ Pitchfork
you need to have obtained the Pitchfork first. After obtaining it, go a different nation then where you obtained your Pitchfork. Do the event the same way you would for the regular Pitchfork, except this time you need to trade with the npc that turns you into the beastman that apposes your nation. Sandoria- Orc, Bastok- Quadav, Windhurst- Yagudo. When you trade with this npc, you will turned into a goblin. Once both your members have the goblin costume on, walk under the Bomb Decoration like you normally would and you will receive your Pitchfork +1.
Talk to the exorcist NPCs in the following areas, and help them discover the secrets of the spirits terrorizing the towns.
Northern San d'Oria (D-8) Gertrude
Bastok Markets (G-8) Brian
Windurst Waters (F-5) Roger
1. Talk to starter npc
2. Accept Quest
3. Trade a "Sweet" that is accepted to a Trick Npc
4. With costume find the witch, she is mainly invisible but there should be a croud following her(Like so)

Sandy's first witch is near the fountain
5. Do not let the witch see you and just follow her and move with her back or this will happen
6. You can stop when you hear this
Sandy- "Poseaulloie : Ah.....I know you are there... But to have someone hear my pain..has lightened my soul...if only a little..."
Bastok- "Selma : You...I see you...Cease your stalking...I wish to be alone..."
Windy- "Bikho Ronpotteh : Enough... you have learned my secret... Leave me in peace..."
7. Go back to the npc that you started the quest to get the hat (mine was Gertrude) and pick up your Witch hat
8. Wait a day and do it again
9. tell all the nubs that do not have the costume on that are following the witch to scram
10. wait a day
11. Talk to your npc again this time it is a different witch
12. find the next witch and follow here, SAME RULUES

Second witch is near port zone
13. This one can turn random ways, not a set track like the first one
14. Wait until she stops talking Like the first witch or until you read this
Sandy- "Maryse : I see you there... Listening to me... I should curse you... But I will forgive you... as my brother would..."
Bastok- "Pretty Heart : You...go back...Back to the exorcist...Tell him...I am ready...to leave..."
Windy- "Guwana : Are you satisfired...? Then Hushy-wush and leave... You'll scare the fishy-wishies..."
15. Return to the npc and pick up your Coven Hat
Thanks Byxfluzba for bastok info & Cybilcora for the windy info
Witch hat
[Head]All Races
Lv.1 All Jobs
Coven hat
[Head]All Races
Def:2 Latent effect: Hp+3% Mp+3%
Lv.1 All Jobs
Latent effect: Job Level
Odd lvled jobs = 3% HP
Even lvled jobs = 3% MP
TY Linku for the Latent info
-Zoning resets the quest unless you have done it that day already
-Only able to trade one kind of sweet per day aswell ( You Can Trade Different Sweets in the same Day)
-Equiping the HQ hat allows you to buy lanterns from Moogle
-Doing the quest after having HQ hat rewards fireworks

Pumkin/Horror head & Trick/Treat Staff Rewards come from trading the "Trick" Npcs sweets randomly
Pumkin/Horror head & Trick/Treat Staff Rewards come from trading the "Trick" Npcs sweets randomly
Pumpkin Head, Pumpkin head II, Horror Head, Horror Head II, Trick Staff, Trick Staff II, Treat Staff, Treat Staff II do the following:
Start by getting 2 stacks of 99 of different types of candy (I.E Ginger Cookies, and Goblin Chocolate). Then go to any shopkeeper npc that is wearing a costume. Keep trading one of the types of candy with them one at a time until you get either a Pumpkin head, Pumpkin head II, Trick Staff, or Trick Staff II. When you get one of these put it on and go to a different shopkeeper npc. Trade the other type of candy to that npc one at a time to receive that items "pair". The following list is the pairs of items:
Pumpkin Head ---> Horror Head
Pumpkin Head II ---> Horror Head II
Trick Staff ---> Treat Staff
Trick Staff II ---> Treat Staff II
If your wearing an item you cannot receive any item similar to it except for it's pair. For example If you wear a Pumpkin Head, you cannot receive a Pumpkin Head II or a Horror Head II. Also you cannot receive any similar item if your wearing the second pair item. So you cannot receive any type of head item if your wearing a Horror Head or a Horror Head II. This works the same for the staffs.
Once you receive the second item, switch to another npc and use your first item again to get another item using the list above to receive whichever item you want.
TY Sharpen for this info
* Southern San d'Oria stand under the decorations with one partner in Dog costume and the other in Skeleton costume
* Northern San d'Oria stand under the decorations with one partner in Dog costume and the other in Shade costume
* Windurst Woods stand under the decorations with one partner in Ghost costume and the other in Shade costume
* Windurst Waters stand under the decorations with one partner in Shade costume and the other in Dog costume
* Bastok Markets stand under the decorations with one partner in Dog costume and the other in Ghost costume
* Bastok Mines stand under the decorations with one partner in Shade costume and the other in Skeleton costume
Thank you Avotas for the info
Bastok Markets roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Ghost Costume
Trick Ghast: Shade Costume
Trick Ghost: Hound Costume
Trick Phantom: Quadav Costume
Trick Shade: Shade Costume
Trick Shadow: Skeleton Costume
Trick Skeleton: Yagudo Costume
Trick Specter: Ghost Costume
Trick Spirit: Orc Costume
Trick Wight: Skeleton Costume
North San d'Oria roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Quadav Costume
Trick Ghast: Yagudo Costume
Trick Ghost: Skeleton Costume
Trick Phantom: Shade Costume
Trick Shade: Yagudo Costume
Trick Shadow: Orc Costume
Trick Skeleton: Hound Costume
Trick Specter: Quadav Costume
Trick Spirit: Ghost Costume
Trick Wight: Orc Costume
Windurst Waters roaming NPCs:
Trick Bones: Orc Costume
Trick Ghast: Quadav Costume
Trick Ghost: Yagudo Costume
Trick Phantom: Ghost Costume
Trick Shade: Quadav Costume
Trick Shadow: Hound Costume
Trick Skeleton: Shade Costume
Trick Specter: Orc Costume
Trick Spirit: Skeleton Costume
Trick Wight: Hound Costume
Ty Somepage
For HQ Pitchfork
you need to have obtained the Pitchfork first. After obtaining it, go a different nation then where you obtained your Pitchfork. Do the event the same way you would for the regular Pitchfork, except this time you need to trade with the npc that turns you into the beastman that apposes your nation. Sandoria- Orc, Bastok- Quadav, Windhurst- Yagudo. When you trade with this npc, you will turned into a goblin. Once both your members have the goblin costume on, walk under the Bomb Decoration like you normally would and you will receive your Pitchfork +1.
To start this event for Windurst Water you will need to first goto F-5 and talk to a npc called Roger, he will explane to you that he needs your help to capture them.
You job is to get into a costum and follow these ghost witches around till you here them wisper somthing to you, but be warned, if there find out your not a monster there will see though your decise and you will need to get another costume to carry on.
Ok I've got my witch hat.
This is what you do.
Talk to the NPC in one of the citys.
Gertrude (D-8) Northen San d'Oria
Brian (G-8) Bastok Markets
Roger (F-5) Windurst Water
Once you talk to them and say yes to helping them out, just get a custom from a npc by trading a sweet.
Now follow one of the witches around till she tills you everything and tells you to begon I've told you enough.
Once thats happen, then go back to the npc and talk to him for your reward.
If there see though your desicise or you get caught out then simpley get another costume and start again with follow the witch till she tells you everything.
As like last year trading sweets to npc in costume will do one of two things.
1. It will change you in to a monster.
2. It will give you an event item like a treck staff.
The Harvest Festival will begin on October 19, and a new event named "The Dark Lilies" will be introduced along with the usual costumed fun!
Bring your friends and join the festivities!
Event Details
This event is scheduled to commence on October 19th at 17:00, and will last until November 1st, 0:00 (PST).
Event Locations
The Harvest Festival will take place in the following areas:
Southern San d'Oria/Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines/Bastok Markets
Windurst Waters/Windurst Woods
Event Stalls
Special stalls selling Harvest Festival goods will be available in the following locations:
Northern San d'Oria (D-8)
Port Bastok (L-8)
Windurst Waters (G-10)
Special Event: The Dark Lilies
Talk to the exorcist NPCs in the following areas, and help them discover the secrets of the spirits terrorizing the towns.
Northern San d'Oria (D-8) Gertrude
Bastok Markets (G-8) Brian
Windurst Waters (F-5) Roger
*Please note that after completing a request from one of the exorcists, you will be unable to undertake another request until one Vana'diel day has passed.
Costumed NPCs
Trade treats to the NPCs in monster costumes and see what happens!
You might be transformed into a beastman, or even receive a special item!
*In general, "treats" are any sweets that can be made with cooking. Please note that there are some types of sweets that NPCs will not accept.
*While in costume, you will be unable to use items or magic, or open doors.
*To take off a costume, simply cancel the costume status icon or change areas.
Bomb Decorations
During the Harvest Festival, you will see decorations resembling the bomb monster.
See what happens when you approach these decorations in a party of two people wearing a certain combination of costumes...
*Try talking to the Moogles that appear in town during the event. They might have some clues for you!
To start this event for Windurst Water you will need to first goto F-5 and talk to a npc called Roger, he will explane to you that he needs your help to capture them.
You job is to get into a costum and follow these ghost witches around till you here them wisper somthing to you, but be warned, if there find out your not a monster there will see though your decise and you will need to get another costume to carry on.
Ok I've got my witch hat.
This is what you do.
Talk to the NPC in one of the citys.
Gertrude (D-8) Northen San d'Oria
Brian (G-8) Bastok Markets
Roger (F-5) Windurst Water
Once you talk to them and say yes to helping them out, just get a custom from a npc by trading a sweet.
Now follow one of the witches around till she tills you everything and tells you to begon I've told you enough.
Once thats happen, then go back to the npc and talk to him for your reward.
If there see though your desicise or you get caught out then simpley get another costume and start again with follow the witch till she tells you everything.
As like last year trading sweets to npc in costume will do one of two things.
1. It will change you in to a monster.
2. It will give you an event item like a treck staff.
The Harvest Festival will begin on October 19, and a new event named "The Dark Lilies" will be introduced along with the usual costumed fun!
Bring your friends and join the festivities!
Event Details
This event is scheduled to commence on October 19th at 17:00, and will last until November 1st, 0:00 (PST).
Event Locations
The Harvest Festival will take place in the following areas:
Southern San d'Oria/Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines/Bastok Markets
Windurst Waters/Windurst Woods
Event Stalls
Special stalls selling Harvest Festival goods will be available in the following locations:
Northern San d'Oria (D-8)
Port Bastok (L-8)
Windurst Waters (G-10)
Special Event: The Dark Lilies
Talk to the exorcist NPCs in the following areas, and help them discover the secrets of the spirits terrorizing the towns.
Northern San d'Oria (D-8) Gertrude
Bastok Markets (G-8) Brian
Windurst Waters (F-5) Roger
*Please note that after completing a request from one of the exorcists, you will be unable to undertake another request until one Vana'diel day has passed.
Costumed NPCs
Trade treats to the NPCs in monster costumes and see what happens!
You might be transformed into a beastman, or even receive a special item!
*In general, "treats" are any sweets that can be made with cooking. Please note that there are some types of sweets that NPCs will not accept.
*While in costume, you will be unable to use items or magic, or open doors.
*To take off a costume, simply cancel the costume status icon or change areas.
Bomb Decorations
During the Harvest Festival, you will see decorations resembling the bomb monster.
See what happens when you approach these decorations in a party of two people wearing a certain combination of costumes...
*Try talking to the Moogles that appear in town during the event. They might have some clues for you!