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The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

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  • The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

    Well the update is tomorrow. I'm kinda excited about the "special force" S-E mentioned they are going to add to deal with in-game illegal activities.

    Now, do you think they'll have the power to get rid of "obvious" botters immediately. Hmm? What are some obvious activities you've seen?

    This was what I saw today... a group of anon in mining gear like 4-5 of them following each other in a huge group. They ran around gusgen mine dropping each member at each mining spots. They've been standing there for 8 hours now. 1 at each mining point. Totally monopolizing the entire place. (kinda funny I came to gusgen right when they were arriving -_-;; )

    1 spot miners that stay at 1 spot repeating mining macro forever... things as obvious as this, will the special force be able to deal with them you think? It's so depressing to see, seriously...
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

  • #2
    Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

    I wonder what they will actually be able to deal with. It's pretty obvious that the group of identical people with names one character off following eachother around is RMT that's up to something, but it would be difficult to actually prove someone was violating the ToS in some way. That group in Gusgen could be one legit, eccentric player that bought 5 copies of the game to better experience mining. We know it's not, but how do you prove it?
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

      I think, Taskmage, the hope would be that they can trace IPs and such to prove it isn't one person.

      What I'd like to see is the gilseller team on Ramuh taken out. We were there for three hours, killing random stuff to pop Ullikumma. Then, here comes the LS "EndlesslyReform." They stand around, and in about a half hour, one person shoots straight at Ulli the second he pops and gets him. Luckily, they died and a legit LS got him, even if it wasn't us. But before they even claimed? The leader talks in say, "We're back, lol. Good luck adventurers." Apparently their accounts were TEMP banned, not perm. :-/ How they can taunt us and come back with known gilseller accounts and get away with it is beyond me.
      BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
      Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

      Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!


      • #4
        Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

        I'd like to see SE crack down on claim bots myself. However, those are very hard for them to catch, because they are probably(?) only active right around pop times. Unlike mining/fish bots that are active continuously.


        • #5
          Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

          There is a major LS on Garuda that admitts and openly uses claim bots. Dont believe me on how arrogant they are? Check this out. They even buy the pop items off RMTs to do sky. They claim a majority of Kings, etc with blatent botting, using the reasoning that:

          'We bot because everyone else does.'

          My theory is this... if I see several members of mentioned LS disappear over the course of the next month or two I will consider the 'special force' something worthwhile. Otherwise to me, I will consider it the next step after seeing yet another GM say; 'We will investigate this matter.'

          Before sound too skeptical... I am hoping for the best from this, but I am not expecting much.

          75 BLU | THF | PLD


          • #6
            Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

            Originally posted by greydaze View Post
            Then, here comes the LS "EndlesslyReform."
            ... wow we have exact same LS name on Titan.

            It's true, I identify many characters as bots but there are just no proof. But I really hope SE would just stop looking for proof and take actions on the obvious. Ligit players, if they do 1 point mining for a whole day, that's using 3rd party software for the most cases. Fisher in port jeuno.... how many of them are ligit you think.
            Last edited by Jei; 10-18-2006, 07:49 AM.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

              So even after all the fishing updates and changes there are still fishing bots? That's dissapointing to say the least.

              Some HELM activities could use a serious update.

              Harvesting has become pretty useless even after it had sort of a boost right after the Red Grass was added, but it died pretty fast, not to mention Giddeus seems to have been adjusted for the worse. Mining is botting paradise and Logging seems to be sort of ok because botters seem to focus more on mining.

              I don't know if they are ever gonna improve things, but I'd like to see harvest, mining and logging points being generated independently for each player with a fatigue system to limit the amount of times one can harvestt per Real/Vana day or something.

              A more dynamic system where the points could be generated in twice the places and where you could get a good amount of items in a short time (an hour or two) and then just wait till your fatigue wore off.

              I know the reason why the game has only one point at a time is to control the amount of items that enter the system, but there are many ways to keep this in check while making this activities more balanced and more enjoyable.

              Trying to mine on top of bots isn't my idea of fun really.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #8
                Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                I'm a lil skeptical of this new "special task force". I know WoW has these teams on their servers same with SWG, Guild Wars, RF online, COH/COV, Matrix online etc...etc...Really havn't heard much good or bad about these teams. FFXI is kinda the last MMORPG to elect this type of in game survelance so to speak...I heard these teams will be in game not like GMs and how they just appear from now where...I'm guessing like SWAT or the army Rangers lol...

                All in all i really don't care about this new team. I don't have to update my programming i don't have to spend time crunching code for my bots. I'll be able to play the game like i always have i'm not going to be looking over my back or constantly rotating my camera. I'm just going to enjoy the slow decline of the AH prices and play happliy and maybe take an hour off my daily farming routine in Konchant Highlands.

                Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                • #9
                  Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                  Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                  So even after all the fishing updates and changes there are still fishing bots? That's dissapointing to say the least.

                  Some HELM activities could use a serious update.

                  Harvesting has become pretty useless even after it had sort of a boost right after the Red Grass was added, but it died pretty fast, not to mention Giddeus seems to have been adjusted for the worse. Mining is botting paradise and Logging seems to be sort of ok because botters seem to focus more on mining.

                  I don't know if they are ever gonna improve things, but I'd like to see harvest, mining and logging points being generated independently for each player with a fatigue system to limit the amount of times one can harvestt per Real/Vana day or something.

                  A more dynamic system where the points could be generated in twice the places and where you could get a good amount of items in a short time (an hour or two) and then just wait till your fatigue wore off.

                  I know the reason why the game has only one point at a time is to control the amount of items that enter the system, but there are many ways to keep this in check while making this activities more balanced and more enjoyable.

                  Trying to mine on top of bots isn't my idea of fun really.
                  Maybe you should move to fairy...I've minned in Zerhun, gusgen, Pal-mines and only once in Ifrits Cauldron( just to see if i could mine anything worth while...blah 5 zinc ore later....) I've had no competition with minning bots. Usually its only mithra Thfs with Flee on.

                  Maybe to fix HELM maybe randomize the spawn points...i know for a fact the minning points in Zerhun have a pop order. Maybe randomize the points...

                  Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                  • #10
                    Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                    Originally posted by greydaze View Post
                    I think, Taskmage, the hope would be that they can trace IPs and such to prove it isn't one person.
                    There's a little thing called NAT that makes that impossible.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                      Fairy sounds amazingly clean. Gusgen on Titan server tho, we were clean for the past week after a few 1 point miners are gone (with the 3000 movement thing ban.) New miners are just back last night, we now have at least 6 points being camped 24 hours now.

                      I think I'll head over to Mt. Zhayolm and mine there. I heard the ore there sucks... but just wanna try, can't find ore list of the place anywhere.

                      Oh and, a conversation with GM I had just right now.

                      He mentioned SE *already* is monitoring 3rd party softwares. From the history tho they don't seem to do a really good job hunting down botters. Things might stay the same... Or hopefully, bots will be used by RMT and get themselves banned....

                      Either way, the sky will get cleaner.
                      Last edited by Jei; 10-18-2006, 09:11 AM.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                        Why do people buy gil? Because they dont want to take the time necessary to get an item/scroll whatever, so they buy gil. The gilseller's are only part of the problem, if people didn't guy gil, then there would be no gilseller's. So how do you get rid of gilbuyer's? Make all the notorious monster drops rare/ex, and make all the drop rates 100%, that way, if you really wanted something for your bard, like a monster signa, you would only have to camp the NM that drops it, get claim, and kill him once, and BAM, you have monster signa. The problem is SE doesnt want you to have the best gear available for your character, which is kinda dumb. Who wants to party with a Ninja that doesnt have an emp hairpin, I don't, but it happens. In a game where you rely on 5 other player's to make your XP party good, it shouldn't be that hard to acquire gear that many people would say is a necessity. And if anyone is gonna complain and say "but i took forever to get my leaping boots, and it wouldn't be fair if SE made NM droprates 100%", then please STFU when you are berating a player in your party for not having gear that is really tough to get. Oh and the reason i mentioned leaping/bounding boots and emp hairpin, cuz i got my NIN to 37 without 'em, and it really sucks when some1 is bitching about your gear, i'm sorry, but im not gonna spend 24 hours+ of my life camping a notorious monster just so i can level a subjob. If SE really wants to stop RMT, make NM drops rare/ex, and make drop rates 100%, then the only items RMT could "sell" on AH would be thru BCNM/KSNM?whatever.


                        • #13
                          Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                          Originally posted by Marlon View Post
                          Why do people buy gil? Because they dont want to take the time necessary to get an item/scroll whatever, so they buy gil. The gilseller's are only part of the problem, if people didn't guy gil, then there would be no gilseller's. So how do you get rid of gilbuyer's? Make all the notorious monster drops rare/ex, and make all the drop rates 100%, that way, if you really wanted something for your bard, like a monster signa, you would only have to camp the NM that drops it, get claim, and kill him once, and BAM, you have monster signa. The problem is SE doesnt want you to have the best gear available for your character, which is kinda dumb. Who wants to party with a Ninja that doesnt have an emp hairpin, I don't, but it happens. In a game where you rely on 5 other player's to make your XP party good, it shouldn't be that hard to acquire gear that many people would say is a necessity. And if anyone is gonna complain and say "but i took forever to get my leaping boots, and it wouldn't be fair if SE made NM droprates 100%", then please STFU when you are berating a player in your party for not having gear that is really tough to get. Oh and the reason i mentioned leaping/bounding boots and emp hairpin, cuz i got my NIN to 37 without 'em, and it really sucks when some1 is bitching about your gear, i'm sorry, but im not gonna spend 24 hours+ of my life camping a notorious monster just so i can level a subjob. If SE really wants to stop RMT, make NM drops rare/ex, and make drop rates 100%, then the only items RMT could "sell" on AH would be thru BCNM/KSNM?whatever.

                          Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                          • #14
                            Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            There's a little thing called NAT that makes that impossible.
                            What's NAT?
                            BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
                            Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

                            Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!


                            • #15
                              Re: The obviously suspicious activities you have seen...

                              Originally posted by Marlon View Post
                              Make all the notorious monster drops rare/ex, and make all the drop rates 100%, that way, if you really wanted something for your bard, like a monster signa, you would only have to camp the NM that drops it, get claim, and kill him once, and BAM, you have monster signa.
                              I have a better idea. Lets let everyone start out with everything so no one has to do anything ever.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


