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Fame/Quest/Mission Q's

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  • Fame/Quest/Mission Q's


    I have grasped that one does QUests to raise Rank points, but how do you build fame? Is that through the missions?

    Also, with regard to homing ring/Warp spell - does that only work if you have your HP set in an outpost under your regions control, or can you choose to warp anywhere? I heard you can only warp to outposts you have done supplies quests to - how does that fit into it all?


  • #2
    Re: Fame/Quest/Mission Q's

    Quests and Rank Points are unrelated. Quests raise your fame.

    Missions raise your rank points. You can also raise your rank points by donating crystals.

    The warp spell will send you to your homepoint. It's the same as if you died and chose to go to your home point, minus the death part. This also applies to Scrolls of Instant Warp and Warp enchanted items (warp cudgels, etc).

    You can only be teleported to an outpost if you have done the supply quest for that region. Your country needs to control that region for the week to be able to do that supply quest. See Outpost Teleporting for more details.

    The Homing Ring and Return Ring are special items that will teleport you to the outpost of the region you are currently in. There are many restrictions on this, however. You must have completed the supply quest for the region, your country must control it at that time, and you must be of proper level. The 'proper level' is the same as what is listed in Outpost Teleporting.

    I like to use a Homing ring to zoom to my home city in a hurry. Let's say I just missed the Airship to Bastok and I don't feel like waiting. I check the region map and see that Derfland is controlled by Bastok. I zone into Rolanberry fields (putting me in Derfland) and use my Homing ring. I then appear in Passhow Marshlands in front of the Outpost. I walk up and talk to the teleporting NPC and he sends me to Bastok. Quick and simple.

    It can also be useful to get to places easier, too. Like if I want to go into Delkfutt's Tower to hunt Thunder Elementals, I can just use my Homing Ring, providing that Qufim is Bastok controlled. I am teleported to the Qufim Outpost, which is right in front of the entrance to the Tower.
    Last edited by Haggai; 10-17-2006, 04:53 AM. Reason: typo and additional info

    i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
    I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


    • #3
      Re: Fame/Quest/Mission Q's

      Originally posted by hongman View Post

      I have grasped that one does QUests to raise Rank points, but how do you build fame? Is that through the missions?

      Also, with regard to homing ring/Warp spell - does that only work if you have your HP set in an outpost under your regions control, or can you choose to warp anywhere? I heard you can only warp to outposts you have done supplies quests to - how does that fit into it all?

      Umm, you do quests to raise fame. And you trade in crystals to the gate guards(after rank 2) to raise rank points, so you can do the missions.

      The homing ring thing takes you to the Outpost in an area where your current country owns the region, and you have to have done the OP quest...or so I think, I've never understood those rings well myself. >_> And the Warp spell simply takes you to your HP, but I think you know that

      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


      • #4
        Re: Fame/Quest/Mission Q's

        If you are having trouble raising your fame, see my guide on Quick Fame.

        i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
        I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


        • #5
          Re: Fame/Quest/Mission Q's


