The more I read on these (and other) FFXI sites/forums, the more I evesdrop on LS conversations, the more some of my old party mates (who have since shot up to 75 while my BLM main is still 1/3 off from 57)... I keep on getting the feeling that I don't know about the MAJORITY of this game, even though I've been playing it for well over 2 years!
I haven't had the hours, days, weeks to put in it, but my playtime is somewhere around 44 days total, and judging by many of the accounts on here and through aforementioned sources, I should have at least done a few of the promethea-missions, or have rank 10, or have done more than 2 BCNMs, etc, etc.
What have I done? Levelled several jobs; smattering of levels, some advanced ones in there too. Levelled some crafts (but none of them are Uber high yet). Got rank 5 at least a long while back. Got my first 2 BLM AF pieces. Helped some friends get started in the game. Helped in various other situations. Done a lot of gardening and farming to try and make money. Have fairly decent gear. Tried to camp a couple of NMs and have failed to obtain any exciting drops from them (apart from rank missions, of course).
Got a couple of mules, did a teeny bit of levelling on them. Kind of wish I'd started the game as a TaruTaru instead of Mithra (hindsight is wonderful).
Now growing my second chocobo from egg.
I sometimes wonder whether I will be the eternal newbie! Reading some of the shouts in Jeuno or some of the posts here... might aswell be another language sometimes!
I do love the LS I am now a member of "PanicMotion"! And I've got a pearl for one of my in-game friends' LS too. Having a network of friendly players in game is the most important part, IMO. Some of them have been kind enough to offer help in various quests and missions.
Most things come down to job and level. I could do X, if only... and to level my main to 75, I would need way more play time than I currently have. (I have a really busy RL-schedule, which means I haven't got much time to play in one continuous stretch, even though I can log on most days).

I haven't had the hours, days, weeks to put in it, but my playtime is somewhere around 44 days total, and judging by many of the accounts on here and through aforementioned sources, I should have at least done a few of the promethea-missions, or have rank 10, or have done more than 2 BCNMs, etc, etc.
What have I done? Levelled several jobs; smattering of levels, some advanced ones in there too. Levelled some crafts (but none of them are Uber high yet). Got rank 5 at least a long while back. Got my first 2 BLM AF pieces. Helped some friends get started in the game. Helped in various other situations. Done a lot of gardening and farming to try and make money. Have fairly decent gear. Tried to camp a couple of NMs and have failed to obtain any exciting drops from them (apart from rank missions, of course).
Got a couple of mules, did a teeny bit of levelling on them. Kind of wish I'd started the game as a TaruTaru instead of Mithra (hindsight is wonderful).
Now growing my second chocobo from egg.

I sometimes wonder whether I will be the eternal newbie! Reading some of the shouts in Jeuno or some of the posts here... might aswell be another language sometimes!

I do love the LS I am now a member of "PanicMotion"! And I've got a pearl for one of my in-game friends' LS too. Having a network of friendly players in game is the most important part, IMO. Some of them have been kind enough to offer help in various quests and missions.
Most things come down to job and level. I could do X, if only... and to level my main to 75, I would need way more play time than I currently have. (I have a really busy RL-schedule, which means I haven't got much time to play in one continuous stretch, even though I can log on most days).