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Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

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  • Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

    Well, this coming summer I am thinking of trying to start a LS for all of the various missions, original, RoZ, CoP, ToA, and dynamis/limbus.

    I have been able to find general information on these things, but most of it is rather dated by now and they do not include things like party formations and in general what is a good idea to do in these things.

    So I am looking for whatever info I can find to help me setup the bestest LS ever!

    Some of the things I really would like to know, would it be a good idea to have specific parties in dynamis? Like a tank party with several tanks and whatever support they need (whm for party only spells, or a bard/rdm for refreshing pld tanks, etc) Melee parties with whatever support they need, bards/red mages with a seperate white mage or black mage party, and so on.

    If so, what would you recommend for the backup jobs in each party?

    For a melee party, I was thinking a summoner would make a good party buffer with their summons, Fenrir's Eclipse Howl, Carby has a random stat+ that might be good, there are other buffs that might be good but I would have to go and look at what summoners could do to know which they are, and smn could also act as backup healers for their party, while tossing out damaging blood pacts when they have time.

    How feasable is skillchaining in dynamis? I hear it can be laggy, I am very sure that having 6+ blm all magic bursting off of a skill chain would greatly help in bringing down the mobs fast.

    There are alot of things I don't know about Dynamis, so any help is greatly appreciated. Most likely I think I will try and go with a friend's dynamis shell on one of their runs so that I can see how they work before I start up my own shell.

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  • #2
    Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

    I think most linkshells formulate strategies that best fit their available manpower.

    Generally speaking, clustering mages in a party with at least a Corsair, Bard, or Red Mage is usually a good idea to reduce downtime regardless of what you're doing.

    Conversely, having at least one healer-type (RDM/WHM, WHM/X, BLU/WHM, SMN/WHM) in a melee party is essential to keeping them alive in most situations unless you're alliance WHMs are REALLY on the ball.

    Can't really talk about specific instances, since all of them are different from one another, but yes, generally speaking you have a main tank party, a pulling party, BLM group(s), a melee party, etc. Concentrating you similar jobs together makes it easier to coordinate party chat, and also realize when your alliance is in trouble.



    • #3
      Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

      Icemage really hit the nail on the head. A tank PT, a Melee PT and Mage PT really covers it, IF you have 18 people. Honestly the only Limbus that 18 would be ideal is Proto-Ultima. Other than that, a lot of the zones can be cleared with 9-14 really. A tank or 2, WHM or 2, a refresh and fill in the rest with what ever is available.

      Speaking personally from as a SMN, for buffing Eartherward is really the best one to use, to cut down on healing. Other things are not really worth, as most mobs are VT type. Even Proto-Omega and Ultima have pretty poor evasion so buffs like Fenrirs and Carby's arent worth the MP. DDing is really ideal for a SMN. Its the only job that can damage Proto-Ultima 100% of the time (last part of the fight it switches between Magic and Physcal immunity) and being able to damage it during your very small windows of time in the last 25% is very important.

      For Dynamis, SCs are just too hard to pull off due to lag. TP burnage is better, with BLMs using Single target nukes is just easier. With 30 people in Dynamis, the chance of someone messing up the SC is just too high. Plus BLMs have to kill of the Statues before they can help out with the beastmen. Again, Earthen Ward with SMN is ideal, though things like Healing Ruby 2 is also nice for Cheap, powerful, hate free Curagas. DDing is better than support. 700+ Physical BPs most of the time. I will say, Dynamis is not a SMN friendly area, due to lag and some mobs dying before you finish SMNing and use the BP.

      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


      • #4
        Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

        Ahh, ok, thanks for all the replies ^^

        One more question that I just thought of, in dynamis, with the exception of dynamis shadow lord and other boss/nm fights, which is a preferred buffer for a melee party assuming you can only get one? Smn or brd? I know it's wayy to far in advance to be planning things now, but those two jobs are hard to find, so I'd like to be able to use them to their best.

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #5
          Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

          You can't ever really have too many bards. Summoner is a glorified healer in Dynamis; the lag is too severe in most cases to be effective offensively, and Dynamis enemies hit far too hard for SMN to hold them with avatars, so all SMN end up doing is defensive BPs and cures.

          Key jobs in Dynamis (in order of importance)
          WHM, BLM, PLD, BRD, NIN, RDM.

          If you're forming a Dynamis LS, recruit these jobs heavily.



          • #6
            Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

            Summoner is a glorified healer in Dynamis
            Hurray for Healing Ruby II!

            Key jobs in Dynamis (in order of importance)
            WHM, BLM, PLD, BRD, NIN, RDM.
            Well, I kinda figured whm would be up there, but why do you list ninjas so low? Do they have a hard time keeping their shadows up due to lag? Or are the mobs just more paladin friendly?

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #7
              Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

              I never see Ninja tanking in Dynamis much. Everytime I go dynamis, it's always PLD tanking. I don't know what makes Ninja unpopular here but I do remember seeing ninja dieing very fast whenever they get hate... I don't know why so I can't explain.

              Not sure if Ninja can be puller. It's usually Thf's job. Can anyone explain why is it?

              I think BLM is the main key in Dynamis. You only need enough Whm for keeping the tanks alive. But there are many things you want to leave it to Blm, like the dolls, slimes, scorps, etc, the more BLM the faster and safer you're gonna be killing them.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

                Originally posted by Jei View Post
                I never see Ninja tanking in Dynamis much. Everytime I go dynamis, it's always PLD tanking. I don't know what makes Ninja unpopular here but I do remember seeing ninja dieing very fast whenever they get hate... I don't know why so I can't explain.
                Not sure if Ninja can be puller. It's usually Thf's job. Can anyone explain why is it?
                I think BLM is the main key in Dynamis. You only need enough Whm for keeping the tanks alive. But there are many things you want to leave it to Blm, like the dolls, slimes, scorps, etc, the more BLM the faster and safer you're gonna be killing them.
                I've only seen NIN as statue vokers and NM holders in Xarcabard. With 10-30 melee on a mob, TP is feed very quickly to the mob and it can spam shadow wiping moves, dropping a NIN very fast. On the other end, NIN hold statues very well since they hit very hard but attack very slowly.

                The reason I think you see THF>NIN as pullers is the difference between A+ evasion and A- evasion, as well as access to 45 second flee (with AF feet) and Perfect dodge.

                EDIT: Now that I think about it, there really is nothing stopping a NIN from pulling Dynamis. Hell I pulled for my HNMLSs Limbus as RDM before I left the LS. RDM/DRK with stun and Gravity worked nicely.
                Last edited by Gobo; 10-16-2006, 05:20 AM.

                PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                • #9
                  Re: Looking for info on Dynamis/Limbus strategies

                  A lot of enemies simply destroy ninjas (particularly Monk-types when they Hundred Fists). Still, they're suitable for holding the attention of most other job types, and thus makes them more than just a typical melee (but I still rate them far lower than PLD for that and the reasons mentioned above).


