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My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

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  • My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

    This is only half a rant, and half an amusing story.

    So, was in Valkurm tonight, wanted to get the last half a level to hit 16 on my WHM. I've recently restarted in FFXI after playing on a different server two years ago. Anyway, I get the usual trans-only greeting of hello and asking if I need a party. I reply with the built in yes please and I'm soon among a full PT.

    Pretty much everyone greets me with the translator. The group has a SMN/WHM that is helping heal. Things are going well. I was reading a magazine in between pulls, especially after we shuffled a few members in and out, causing a fair amount of downtime. Still all the players were competent and when we did get a pull it died fairly quickly and without much effort.

    I notice that, because I am basically not talking, the party starts addressing me with the translator, so I decide to reply only with it. We group for at least three hours in this manner, with me speaking only when spoken to, and only with the translator. There were a couple deaths. One of them was mine, when I got aggro from healing, and took an unusually hard hit, and the other one was because a high-level friend of the summoner (our party leader) decided to bring a swarm of mobs to our group on several occasions, and at one point a someone in our group healed the guy out of habit, causing an "inadvertent" MPK.

    Someone asked me a rhetorical/small-talk question, and someone else in the party quickly said that I was Japanese. I didn't contradict nor confirm, just kept healing people. I hit 16 and they immediately asked for Curaga, even though we were getting by fine without it. I replied (No money!) (Curaga) to imply that, truthfully, I was too poor to afford the spell. I had used Cure II off and on, but only in terrible emergencies. Apparently no one ever noticed, and the group became concerned that I did not even have that spell. Eventually (and sorry I didn't think of this sooner) I just started a Cure II cast out of combat, then cancelled it.

    "sob, he's been holding out on us"

    [keep in mind this is a 3-hour party and the only deaths that I can recall were my own, and one caused by someone outside the party]

    Around this time a couple members leave our party, and the summoner starts talking about replacements. He mentions getting a WHM, and someone asks why we need two WHMs, to which he says "I'm getting rid of this one"

    I find myself suddenly without a party. Sent the leader a tell (Party) (What?) and get (No Thanks)

    Sooooo, despite having a humorous time fighting with the translator to say what I want (good lord I feel sorry when people are FORCED to use the thing), I decide I'll blow my "cover" to find out why I was kicked, because I know it was for a bad reason.

    Me: So... why did you kick me?
    Summoner: We need a WHM that uses Cure II not Cure
    Me: You realize that Cure II takes 3x the MP and heals for at best 30% more at this level without super high MND?
    Me: And that no one died because of my use of cure spells
    Me: AND that in emergencies, I did use Cure II

    [slight pause]

    Summoner: still
    Me: Logging. Don't invite me again.
    Summoner: ^ ^ (Take Care.)

    It's official: I was kicked out of a party for being efficient.

  • #2
    Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

    hmm... you'll meet bad people. just blist them and move on : /

    On a side note, throwing a couple cure 2 here and there isn't that bad. It saves time, because it really does cure more HP in the same amount if time you take to cast cure 1. In a situation where you don't have to worry about hate, it's a better idea to cure 2 once and sit, than cure1 a few times before you sit. It's just more time efficient.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

      if you level your healing to cap before leaving for the dunes (around level 10-11), then by 16, with whatever +mnd you should have at that level (saintly rings, maybe a Mist Silk Cape, Justice Badge, Willow Wand +1, Friar's Rope, Traveler's Hat, Zealot's Mits) your cure 2 will be at most a few points off of cap (at least mine was as a taru, we get the short stick of MND). Also note that "too poor" isn't an acceptable excuse to not have the useful spells for any particular level or equipment like I mentioned. I quested my Traveler's Hat, My Friar's Rope, and my Justice Badge, I camped my Mist Silk Cape and was able to farm more than enough crystals leveling 1-11 to get Zealot's Mits and Willow/Yew Wand +1.

      Having not enough money for spells only really works with things like Erase, where you have a good 8 levels to either BCNM it or farm enough money to buy it before it becomes a necessity. For the love of god man, Look at that link, Curaga costs 1575 without any fame at all, and doesn't even require the city of purchase to be in 1st/2nd place like Cure 2 does, you could get one stack of fire crystals and buy a Curaga Scroll and 2 stacks of cookies with the money you make. I would call Curaga a fairly important spell upgrade for that level as well, because around 16 you stop fighting crabs and move on to flies and gobs, both of which have some pretty painful AOEs. I hate fighting flies especially before we have a whm of level 16, and if that whm would tell me that he/she can't afford a 1575 gil spell, I would probably kick him/her too. It would only be excusable if the person was truly new to the game, in which case I would extend the advice of crystals and other low level farmable items, but for someone who has played this game before, there is no excuse, just apathy.

      Save the Mithra, eat {Tarutaru}kabobs


      • #4
        Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

        It's official: I was kicked out of a party for being efficient.
        I feel for ya. I would have been pissed if the leader kicked the WHM for using more Cures than Cure IIs. The official sign of noobage is when the only spell a WHM uses is Cure II. I yell at so many people for this as it becomes incredibly hard for me (the PLD) to hold the hate when I get hit, have maybe 70% hp, and the WHM Cure II's me. O now look, mr. hardcore WHM has an IT mob hating his ass and I can't voke for another 10 seconds.

        Ok I had to rant about that. But still that sucks you got kicked for me an actually good WHM.

        PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
        Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
        When ignorance reigns, life is lost


        • #5
          Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

          lol i think i might try that translator trick next time, see how ppl think of my playing

          as for booting u for cure Is, dont sweat it. ur not the retarded one. n lets say they get into another party n the leader says "im gonna invite this whm" n the ppl that were in ur pt say "dont, he doesnt use cure II, only cure I" im sure the least the pt leader could say is "lol" thats if he knew anything about the game

          Gaze upon its glory.


          • #6
            Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

            I wanna try this with my 64 mnk, but I'm pretty sure too many people know me at this point ><
            My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

            Which FF Character Are You?
            Originally posted by Balfree
            Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


            • #7
              Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

              I'm 75 MNK and I'm going to try it later today, this will be fun XD

              Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


              • #8
                Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                Well, unfortunately, some people are like this:

                "My way or the highway."

                Some people are sheep, and only follow things that other people do without thinking. When they see others using an "alternative" method, it would automatically interpret as "sux" without seeing the actual result, without giving it a chance to prove itself.

                There are more than one way to have a person to leave a party. The party leader in the OP's situation used the worst way: Kicks a member when that member was doing his job properly, behave properly (being polite, etc).

                In my opinion, mixing Cure and Cure II is efficient at level 16. Silence and capped debuff magic skill is nice on Goblin caster type. Barfira and Barwatera is very handly.

                However, Curaga during battle is a good way to get the WHM or party killed at OP's level. With a proper Barfira for Bomb Toss or Barwatera for Curse Sphere, Curaga is not really needed in Dunes. It is only handly after battle when everyone got hit by AoE.
                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                Race: Hume Rank 7
                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                • #9
                  Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                  I feel your pain op. I had a Quflin party where the pt leader kept asking me to use my Benediction between fights. He even got mad when I used Devine Seal+Curaga instead. When I explained it was for emergencies to prevent deaths in the pt since it is a 2-hour. His rational is that it never gets used if saved for an emergency and I couldn't survive using it during a fight.

                  Later in the party I fired it off when people were ranging from yellow to red during the fighting (We were camped at the entrance of Defulkts Tower). I might of been able to used Devine Seal+Curaga to save the tank and heal the rest, but after 4-5 fights of being asked nonstop to fire Benediction inbetween fights even when curaga alone would've healed everyone I was thouroughly sick of being asked and was looking for a chance to fire it that wasn't a complete waste of the abilities lifesaveing properties. (BTW I lived sitting within 2 steps of the tower zonepoint and back in the fight to finish healing new damage). After that the pt lead stopped being a moron because other that wanting the 2hour wasted he wasn't so bad.
                  Last edited by Theyaden; 10-12-2006, 04:39 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                    So you didn't buy a spell beforehand that most 15+ players can afford with a bit of farming.

                    Then you didn't communicate with anyone else in the party to the extent you could have, especially when it became clear there was some tension brewing.

                    Sure as far as efficiency goes, you did a great job. I completely understand your point about the MP use vs reward between the two spells.

                    However, I understand their side of it as well. They didn't feel that they could communicate the issue with you effectively so they kicked you. Once the jig was up and you discussed the issue, it was too late. At that point a replacement, warranted or not, was probably on the way.

                    In the end it was a failure on both sides and both sides are probably better off without the other.

                    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                    • #11
                      Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                      Curaga is helpful for dealing with Goblin bombs and other AoE TP moves after battle, but not a necesity. However, you should have had the money for it. It costs only 1-2 stack of crystals at best, and its sold in Selbina I believe, so there was no need to head back to town for it.\

                      In terms of getting kicked for Cure I's, the SMN is stupid. I mean, when I level my Galka WHM(shut up >_>) my general rule is to stick with Cure I's, then when the party member hits below 40% do Cure II then start Cure I casting again. Even though I have 2 Astrals so my MP isnt terrible, I'm not gonna burn MP and cast Cure II everytime, which would also grab hate off the generic tank in the Dunes, just to please some moron party leader.
                      Cleverness - Hades
                      DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                      • #12
                        Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                        One thing you could have done though was not restrict yourself to only using the translator. Fun and all, yes, but if you have a better way of communicating and understanding one another you should have taken advantage of that. A lot of problems could have been solved/prevented because of that. Otherwise, it looks like you bested the SMN in the end xD (why people prefer all JP or all NA PTs? less confusion)


                        • #13
                          Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                          Originally posted by Unruhe View Post
                          This is only half a rant, and half an amusing story.
                          It was amusing indeed, I treasure memories like this if I might add...

                          ...which is why I solo way past dunes lvl.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #14
                            Re: My WHM autotranslated fun in Valkurm.

                            I'm 61 PLD and nobody knows me because I was in a static party for the longest time. Totally trying this next chance I get.

