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New job ideas

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  • #46
    Re: New job ideas

    ok ... i can see why people are getting upset about the idea of an Alchemist being introduced into FFXI, but why? so far, every job is very different from each other, so why wouldnt this be the case with an Alchemist? of course, you can make your own potions and what not already through crafting, but thats after you spend hundreds of thousands of gil. and these things you can sell, correct? why whouldnt an Alchemist be able to create new things?

    say they can combine Poison Potion and Ether to create an HP / MP Drain Potion? or even combine other combinations to create something intirely new, and never before seen? i mean the posiblities are endless! and even combining items with weapons? of course there would be a huge risk... your item could be lost (i could only assume that the items that you would be useing wouldnt be simple Poison Potions, but maybe Rare, and possibly rare/ex so that only Alchemists can use the weapon) , or maybe everything could be lost? but that would be the risk you would have to take for a 'one-of-a-kind' weapon...

    i would take that risk...

    i dont know? i dont see why an Alchemist would be such a bad idea?

    oh ya... i still love the other ideas to...

    Geomancer and Time Mage would freakin rock too!


    • #47
      Re: New job ideas

      A time limit? that could be worked in I suppose. then they could start spamming potions when they get invited and on there way to camp and have a pile when they get there. And yes, I did intend the traps to offer more stragity to BCNMs and difficult NMs then "through more xxx job at it." They would be more support so only one/party would be needed, and they can't main heal but they can let a RDM or even BLM out if there isn't a main healer and keep everyone alive.

      EDIT: New ideas.

      Angelic Vial - Restore 20% of total HP and adds Reraise effect.
      Omnivascular Vial - Greatly enhance STR, DEX, but slightly lowers VIT, AGI, INT, MND and CHR.
      Stone Trap - Petrifies an opponent but greatly increaces their defence and VIT.
      Contraption - Randomly bestows negitive and positive status effect on everyone in the radius, but the negative ones wear off team/alliance/party members alot faster.
      Originally posted by Ellipses
      Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
      Originally posted by MCLV
      A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
      More Sig:


      • #48
        Re: New job ideas

        Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
        A time limit? that could be worked in I suppose. then they could start spamming potions when they get invited and on there way to camp and have a pile when they get there.
        Granted, that leaves room for abuse. However, I can envision the same problem with the "reset on zone" idea as well.... while waiting in the window for a NM to spawn, the Chemist/Engineer could be spamming up the potions knowing full well he'll have (say) three stacks of 99 Fire Potions (for example) by the time the poor NM spawns. :D

        I like your ideas. They make me happy joy inside with glee.


        • #49
          Re: New job ideas

          make it where potions creation is a use on create thus you cant create 3 stacks then use em all at once


          • #50
            Re: New job ideas

            Well I think a good way to make Chemist would be to allow them to create EX type items, but not for each and every specific spell and ability they could use. If Chemists 'make' their items on the spot using other mats, that means they would need at *least* 3 inven spots per spell/ability they have. At most they would be able to carry supplies for 20 spells, and then you add in gear and equip and it severely limits their inventory capacity.

            So I figure that instead of each ability having their own special item, a chemist could make 'base' items that are consumed when a certain ability gets used. This idea is similar in concept to how nin tools work, where both Utsuemi spells use the same items. But with Chemist, each item should be consumed for each role an ability plays.

            For example, a chemist could make five different base items, one for heals, buffs, enfeebles, direct dmg, and 'special' spells. As a Chem lvls it would learn 'recipes' using scrolls and such like other mages, where each recipe had it's own cast time, recast, and special effect. But instead of drawing on MP to cast these recipes, they would consume an item of the corresponding class. If they use a healing recipe a healing item will be consumed, if they use an enfeeble an enfeeble item will be used.

            Now to create each type of item, you would need to use a Chemist JA and a few specific, cheap and easily obtained items. Each mixture is different for each class of item, and all can be made at lvl 1, but not used at lvl 1.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #51
              Re: New job ideas

              I always imagined Chemist being the healer equivalent of Ninja, personally. Stacks of Medicine Tools to use on pt members/mobs instead of proper Alchemy potions, because that'd just be daft.

              As for Time Mage? Slowga/Hastega/Reverse (Poison becomes regen for example)... and lots of other things like Comet (mini meteor)... things like ectosmash which ghosts use - warping mobs around to debuff/cause damage... the same kind of thing but for party members - maybe to give them SATA without THF? It's not just haste/slow/bind, ya know.
              Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
              75 Summoner
              58 White Mage
              Pandemonium Server


              • #52
                Re: New job ideas

                I have an idea for a job.


                2 hour: Play Fair - Causes all RMT in Vana'diel to lose all job abilities. Duration: 30 minutes.

                Job Traits
                Level 5: RMT Killer - Often causes RMT type enemies to be intimidated.
                Level 15: Attack Bonus vs RMT
                Level 30: Attack Bonus vs RMT II
                Level 45: Attack Bonus vs RMT III
                Level 60: Attack Bonus vs RMT IV
                Level 75: Attack Bonus vs RMT V

                Job Abilities
                Level 1: RMT Charm - Takes control of an RMT.
                Level 5: Legit Circle - Grants "resistance to RMT" effect to party members within range.
                Level 10: Draw-in - Draws all RMT in zone to you
                Level 20: Cauldron - Summons Ash Dragon
                Level 30: Aery - Summons Nidhogg
                Level 40: Shrine - Summons Kirin
                Level 50: Chasm - Summons Tiamat
                Level 60: Range - Summons Jormungand
                Level 70: KRT - Summons Vrtra
                Level 75: Sea - Summons Absolute Virtue

                Pet Commands
                Level 1: Fight - Commands pet to engage closest RMT
                Level 20: Lemming - Commands RMT pet to jump off the nearest cliff
                Level 35: Find a Dragon - Commands RMT pet to find the closest Dragon and /poke it.
                Level 60: Mijin Gakure - Commands RMT pet to use Mijin Gakure on all RMT within range.
                Level 75: Super Mijin Gakure - Commands RMT pet to Use Mijin Gakure on all RMT within zone.

                Hmmm... I am way too bored at work.

                i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                • #53
                  Re: New job ideas

                  I want that job added, now!
                  "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                  Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                  • #54
                    Re: New job ideas

                    Especially the Super Mijin Gakure...{Yes, please} Just go to a zone...say....Castle O.? >_> Sky? >_> And just charm, and Super Mijin spam until all the RMT are dead! :D

                    Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                    • #55
                      Re: New job ideas

                      Originally posted by Likibiki View Post
                      I always imagined Chemist being the healer equivalent of Ninja, personally. Stacks of Medicine Tools to use on pt members/mobs instead of proper Alchemy potions, because that'd just be daft.

                      That idea is actually quite provacative especially if we give the Chemist a couple of interesting abilities (I'm calling Chemist Tools Reagents):

                      1. Drink: Use Reagent on self
                      2. Potion: Use any potion on other ("throw" X-Potions/Blind Potions, etc.) (requires a special consumable tool)
                      3. Combine: Combine 2 Reagents to make a nifty Concoction(Use on Self)
                      4. Combine II: Use combine on Someone else (Party or Mob)
                      5. Combine III: Combine a Reagent with a potion to make even wilder Concoctions!
                      6. Combine IV: Use Combine III on Someone else (Party or Mob)
                      7. Potionga: Turn a potion into an AoE Buff/Attack
                      8. Combinera: Use Combine on everyone
                      9. Combinera II: Use Combine III on everyone
                      2hr. Mad Scientist: Create an amazing (Random or List Selected ala Dice) concoction

                      All concoctions are "instantaneous"--they don't generate items. A Chemist's tools would be a combination of new tools, Reagents, and existing potions crafted by Alchemy--there's no reason not to allow this--ninja tools are all crafted anyway.

                      All of the "Use on Self" abilities except for maybe "Potion" could range from 1-37 and all of the use on others/use on everyone powers could be 38+. I think with this sort of set up and the limitations of inventory wrt Potions taking up 1 slot each, the Chemist will be interesting, very expensive, and quite versatile and useful... Incorporating Anima into the recipes might be interesting too... Light Anima + Reagent = Enlight or something nifty, but one would have to be careful of usurping other classes' abilities. Plus the interesting abilities allow for some very useful sobjob save MP for a WHM for instance using Potion to throw Echo Drops/Antidotes, etc.

                      Maybe a chemist could "equip" potions to the Ammo slot... causing them to 0 their TP when they switch up.

                      The reason for the instantaneous effect is that a Chemist's Concoctions are "unstable" and only last a short while before the reaction neutralizes the constituents.
                      Last edited by Sabaron; 10-12-2006, 12:35 PM.


                      • #56
                        Re: New job ideas

                        Honestly i don't think we need anymore jobs...maybe a new race and a new starting location...and more spells and abilities. for those of you who are trying to get your maat cap its going to be harder and for those who do have it well they don't have to worry do they...

                        Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                        • #57
                          Re: New job ideas

                          New jobs do not affect anything in game other then adding new jobs. They can still add new abilities, balance existing jobs, and do all that other stuff. The new jobs have absolutely no relation to Maat so obtaining the Maat's cap now is the same as it was before Cor, Blu and Pup were added, creating more jobs won't change it either.

                          As for new races and starting areas, very unlikely that will ever happen. To add those would require people to start over from scratch, something SE hasn't forced on anyone. Adding new jobs would allow long time players to re-visit the lower lvls again, but with the resources they have as a long time player. Doing that is a win win scenario which isn't applicable to things that involve a 100% restart like new races.

                          This whole concept of 'we have enough' and 'change the existing jobs before adding new ones' is kind of pointless because neither concept is solid. There is no such thing as 'enough' when it comes to a key feature of the game like multiple job classes and adding new jobs does not mean old ones won't be adjusted. I feel that this expansion so far more then anything proves that as SE was able to add 2/3 successful new jobs *while* adjusting current jobs.

                          I'm sure in the future there will be more Merit JAs and such, with raised caps and more customization. But no matter how much uniqueness they try to add to jobs it still won't change the fact that there will *always* be superior builds and classes. This is something every *game* has to deal with, whether it be fighting games, offline RPGs, FPS, there will always be a 'best' and as such will always be a 'worst'. No amounts of job updates can change that fact.
                          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

