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New job ideas

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  • #31
    Re: New job ideas

    Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
    Dammit! I want a dancer!

    /em does the Forbidden Dance

    Bwahahahaaaaa :D Gotta love being Mithra.
    Gah, ew... Mithra... (Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.)

    Call me when you are doing that as a hume girl (or as an elvaan girl).

    Seriously though if next expansion is about the Mithra homeland I'm gonna mpk the devs.

    Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
    Oh oh! An alternate dimension's Shantoto (who is a time mage) goofs up some spell somehow and get's warped to our Windurst, double the Shantoto fun! Especially if they were completely opposite each other :D
    If I get to kill the evil Shantotto from this dimension I'll be happy.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #32
      Re: New job ideas

      Geomancer seems like it would be unique from the other jobs, although that may not be a good thing, seeing as how people are unaccepting of puppetmasters because of how different they are from other jobs. But if you ask me, this game really doesn't need any more support jobs, what we really need more of is tanks. Think about it: there are only three jobs in this game that can tank effectively, one of which was not even originally meant for tanking, and another that can't tank worth crap once it reaches level 50. Although the only problem is I really don't think there are any jobs from the FF series that could be used as a tank in this game...
      Click here to for words of wisdom from the wisest man to ever walk the face of the earth!


      • #33
        Re: New job ideas

        I agree we need new tank jobs and that Geo's have the potential to be that job. But I will disagree with the comment that Pup is unwanted because it's different. It's 'unwanted' because it was designed poorly. The Pup himself can contribute all but nothing to a pt due to his low combat skills, poor gear choices and inability to fit into a pt role and the 'maton is still at best an uncontrollable pet that gains few, if any, new skills and abilities as it grows in lvl while the monsters only get stronger and stronger. Weak pet + weak master = weak class all around. It seems like it was intended to be able to do a little of everything, but the problem is that it does *too* little of everything.

        Blu and Cor are just as unique as Pup, but they easily fit well into pts. But that's just my opinion.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #34
          Re: New job ideas

          I am unaccepting of puppetmaster as a job choice for beastmen.
          Troll puppetmasters....ughh


          • #35
            Re: New job ideas

            I rather see the current jobs not only fixed up a lot, but given equipment and merits to give them enough customization to make them feel like multiple (new) jobs.
            Read my blog.
            Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
            Entry 32: Death to Castro


            • #36
              Re: New job ideas

              Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
              I rather see the current jobs not only fixed up a lot, but given equipment and merits to give them enough customization to make them feel like multiple (new) jobs.
              While I agree with your sentiment, I doubt SE will implement these changes over the addition of more *stuff*.
              I believe this is due to the community itself. As far as I've observed, everytime there's *any* change in how things are, the sentiment that it is a 'nerf' is far more prevailent than 'gee, thanks for fixing that!'. Not nearly as many complaints about added jobs, however.
              Also consider the marketing strategy. What's gonna draw a player to FFXI (either a former player or a new one)? Someone telling them, "Man, they really worked on Puppetmaster! They're totally party material now that they're fixed!", or someone saying, "Hey, they added Time Mage now, dude! It's rockin'! They've got Haste and Meteor!"

              The only way I can reasonably see more customization is by upping the subjob cap from 37 (or upping the job cap, period). That, more than merits and equipment, would allow for the most customization options. However, I do not believe that SE is interested in implementing either.

              I think SE's strategy, currently, is to draw as many players in as possible by ensuring there's enough variety to entice any red-blooded gamer to play the game. This may change soon, but I believe this is still their goal even after several years of operation. After they hit what they believe to be the population plataeu (sp), they'll probably focus more on tweaking the game to be more balanced.

              Note that this is purely speculation and opinion; I could be wrong. This is simply my observation.


              • #37
                Re: New job ideas

                I'll just leave you with my standard { Time Mage ] { can I have it? }


                I'd have that job leveld to 75 so fast it won't even be funny...

                The ability I proposed for TMG was pretty good, but a lot of people didn't like it. I would call it Warp III or just generic "Teleport". What it does is the TMG can go out and "scout" a location or camp for an EXP party... He can then set a "tele-point" at said location. When he teleports himself to that location, the point disappears. This would be a HUGE advantage at later levels and I don't think it breaks any game mechanics because the TMG still has to trek there. If he treks there alone, then he faces the same risks and he can eventually teleport the party straight to their camp. This also gives him a viable position in the party and likely a highly requested job for the support slot.

                Job Ability - Set Telepoin: Set telepoint at current location.
                Teleport I - Teleports self to telepoint. (Telepoint is nullified)
                Teleport II - Teleports party to telepoint. (Telepoint is nullified)

                personally, I love it.


                • #38
                  Re: New job ideas

                  Originally posted by framerate View Post
                  Job Ability - Set Telepoin: Set telepoint at current location.
                  Teleport I - Teleports self to telepoint. (Telepoint is nullified)
                  Teleport II - Teleports party to telepoint. (Telepoint is nullified)
                  I'd love Teleport as a spell, but were I SE, I'd make it very long recast--like every hour or half hour and then make it work only in exterior zones and possibly restrict certain exterior zones or sub-zones that contain certain types of mobs (*cough* HNM *cough*) or make the telepoint set to a "zone" rather than a specific coordinate and do something along the lines of the Aht Urghan free warp Taru and give you a random position within the zone.

                  As for Dancer, do we really need another melee DD? Not saying that I don't love the dancer, Farris was always my favorite as a dancer in FFV... The damage.... so lovely.

                  To the Geomancer: I always liked the concept, but SE's Implementations (that I've been exposed to) have always been rather lackluster. The question is... where does he fit? Will he be usurping the role of the Summoner as a AoE buffer/DD? I'd like to see Geomancer be something of a toned-down version of the SMN with a smattering of quested spell-like powers (like Corsair Dice). For instance, he could have to do a quest in every zone to find say, the Heart of the Zone and use it like a scroll to get a nifty power. It might also be neat if he could use powers available from adjacent zones at a diminished power level for a bit more versatility. Instead of bells, I'd like to see him as a skilled Club user who is not a back-line job.

                  For the Time Mage: It's a nifty dark nuke like Banish's evil twin or it could work like an FFV harp and do a small percentage capped damage. Capping of nuke damage is already implemented for BLM spells (why AMII does crap damage to poor little bunnies in Sarutabaruta), so that's not really a problem. I suppose if one sets the base percentage at something reasonable for an average monster of the same level as the Demi is available that would be cool and then resists, obviously, lower the percentage. Of course, since it's a %-nuke, it's efficacy diminishes. The Time Mage starts up the nukage, and the BLM finishes--kind of a nice combo. I'd really love to see Ultima and Meteo since they've been staple FF spells forever. I must've been in a kind of cynical mood last night... Obviously, we could just give them Haste/Slow/Regen but make Haste/Slow lower/same level than WHM and make Regen higher level than WHM. We've already got nukes so that covers "theft" from BLM. Slowga and Hastega would be neat, although only the latter one will ever be all that useful. XZone could be changed into a Dark AM style nuke with % damage. Old status... hmm... reduces base damage I assume which is Bio but it works in a different way, starting at say 1% and then rising to a cap depending on the tier (e.g. 7-10% for I and 15-20% for II, and 20-25% for III) and does no damage unlike bio. Quick would actually be neat, like a mini-chainspell that doesn't do instant cast, but resets the target's spell timers which could be used on another player to speed up a Haste/Refresh cycle or allow a BLM to cast long-recast nukes such as Drain in succession. And finally, we come to Reset. If it exists, it would be best implemented as Time Mage's 2-hr. If we can do a snapshot party state at the start of a fight easily enough, we can just "load" everyone as of the start of the fight except, of course, for the state of Reset. If we can't snapshot the PT at the start of the fight, it doesn't work. If per se someone leaves the PT and/or someone else joins the PT during the fight it starts to get complicated because we don't know what that person's state was at the beginning of the fight.

                  [EDIT: Add]

                  More Time Mage: In AD&D Forgotten Realms there was a 9th level Alteration spell that allowed the caster to "undo" something. It might be easier to record the effect of a monster's last special move than to record the entire party state. So when you get gobbie bombed or something and 2 of your melees die from it, Time Mage throws Undo and the gobbie bomb damage goes poof!. This also would incorporate the monster not getting his MP/TP back for the action and it would have to not effect standard attacks since we'd most likely want to undo a special and there might be an attack in the intervening time between the action and Undo.
                  Last edited by Sabaron; 10-11-2006, 05:16 PM. Reason: Add Time Mage stuff


                  • #39
                    Re: New job ideas

                    Originally posted by LilithAngel View Post
                    Time Mage and Geomancer I can easily see, but why do people *constantly* go on about Chemist/Alchemist? There'd be no point at all. One can level the Alchemy craft and get exactly the same effect now. You don't need a whole job centered around the idea for that).
                    If Alchemist was based on Rikku/Alchemist from FFX/FFX-2. it could very well be its own job and have only loose ties to the craft itself, but it would be totally item-based and quite possibly a bigger gilsink than RNG, COR and NIN already are.

                    Time Mage.... well, PUPs would have someone to beat up for having the goofiest looking AF.


                    • #40
                      Re: New job ideas

                      More thoughts on Teleport.

                      This could be neatly implemented as a combination of fixed point and random point in zone teleportation... Have the TM set a point and then, based on his Time Magic skill, select a deviation and then a random distance. That way, you could try to jump to Rolanberry Fields and end up in Passhow, Jeuno, Battalia, or Sauromugue depending on how far away you teleported and where you set the point. Making this region sufficiently large even at high skill would make it less effective for HNM Campers who would definitely exploit the spell to its full advantage.

                      Also, instead of using a spell to set the location, it could be implemented like a Ninja spell having the Time mage throw a Telepoint Fragment or something and then give the point a duration and "stability" depending on the Time Mage's skill. The stability would degrade over the duration of the point and determine what the distance-"curve" from the set point would look like--I'm assuming we've got a Z-distribution and the Standard Deviation would be a combination of the telepoint stability and the TM's skill.

                      With this set-up, we could give TM's the ability to set multiple telepoints and have them choose from a list with an arbitrary maximum number of telepoints (say 5). Of course, making Telepoint Fragments Exclusive or exceedingly rare drop or, even better, crafted items that are made from rare drops or Exclusive materials would keep the market low and price relatively high.


                      • #41
                        Re: New job ideas

                        my point of view on time mage is a bffer using time/space magic. my diea is a spell called rust and one called renew that decrases(rust) or increases)renew) a weapons base damage state so you could have a spear with over 100 damage when one uses renew on it which would increase base damae :O also other spells and such but ya


                        • #42
                          Re: New job ideas

                          { Time Mage ] { can I have it? }
                          Red Mage
                          Read my blog.
                          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                          Entry 32: Death to Castro


                          • #43
                            Re: New job ideas

                            I like the idea of an alchimist job, but I think it would be limited, and alchemy is already a craft. Instead, I think it would be cool if we got the Technician job. The quest would involve Cid and Bastok, and mabye a few other places.

                            Techies would be able to use job abilities and/or magic to create and use EX potions that can be used on self or party members. They would also be Temp. so they don't take up invintory space and can stockpile them for an emergency, but would lose them if they zoned. This stops people from making 190 potions and spamming them on a BCNM or something. They would also be able to use special items such as traps like Ninjitsu for a variety of odd status allignments not offered by most enfeebling magic/skills.

                            EDIT: some possibile abilities:

                            Healing Vial: Creates a potion that heals 10% HP and adds Regen.
                            Consentration Vial: Creates a potion that increaces spellcasting speed and adds Refresh.
                            Activate Vial: Use a vial on a party member
                            Distribute Vial: Use a vial on yourself and nearby party members.
                            Steel Trap: Activates a trap that lowers enemy's movement speed and evasion.
                            Channel Trap: Activates a trap that absorbs an enemy's HP and MP and distributes it to party members.
                            Last edited by Neomage; 10-11-2006, 07:18 PM.
                            Originally posted by Ellipses
                            Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                            Originally posted by MCLV
                            A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                            More Sig:


                            • #44
                              Re: New job ideas

                              Technician/Engineer might be a better idea than Chemist/Alchemist. It'd essentially be the same idea as proposed in the original post, but maybe center less on potions and more on gadgets? Still think it'd rock if they could toss potions. :D
                              Either way, gun proficency is a clear given. The temp potions idea is pretty good too, to prevent NM spamming and whatnot. Reset at every zone seems excessive, though- perhaps have the potions have a time limit, afterwhich they'd lose their potency? It'd prevent the abuse just the same.
                              Last edited by largedopantwhite; 10-11-2006, 07:28 PM.


                              • #45
                                Re: New job ideas

                                Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                                Steel Trap: Activates a trap that lowers enemy's movement speed and evasion.
                                Channel Trap: Activates a trap that absorbs an enemy's HP and MP and distributes it to party members.
                                Ohhh..... perfect for those crowded areas like Dynamis.

