Re: holy hell. RMT is back with their price spinning effort.
There are reasons critism is easier to come by than ideas. However often the critism can be used to hone an idea and re-draft it or add additional items to a fix. I expect anything I put forth to be shredded on the first draft at least.
Your heart is in the right place, but no AH would mean spending days looking for an item in the Roleberry fleemarket going person to person to see what is available. Having to always tie up your computer when not playing in order to sell your goods would reduce how many people could consistantly bazar to earn gil. If your on a shared houshold computer you'ld be locked out of gil making and by extension upgrading gear to go on to higher level parties and activities.
The low level consumables market would be hit preaty hard. If I could only purchase crafting supplies from people who are online curently rather than picking them up from an AH my intake would go down. It would cut down on comparison shopping that is done for gear through the AH. Comparing item 1 vs item 2 to see if the price difference is worth it and have a side by side stat comparison that is only there if the bazar has both items. Don't know what it would do to prices, but supply and the ability to sell would go down.
I'll grant I don't see many of the rank 1 subless earners bazaring in the Rollenbury Fields except when a group tried it's hand at garison on Garuda server and cut the manequin market to half prices (usual keyboard mashed names were there selling parts very cheaply since manaquin parts are bazar only and they moved on to something else as I haven't seen them there for awhile).
Bazaring is basically the ah without item search feature, central locations, but an exact price match rather than guessing at the value and being easier to visibly undercut competadors.
Originally posted by Balfree
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Your heart is in the right place, but no AH would mean spending days looking for an item in the Roleberry fleemarket going person to person to see what is available. Having to always tie up your computer when not playing in order to sell your goods would reduce how many people could consistantly bazar to earn gil. If your on a shared houshold computer you'ld be locked out of gil making and by extension upgrading gear to go on to higher level parties and activities.
The low level consumables market would be hit preaty hard. If I could only purchase crafting supplies from people who are online curently rather than picking them up from an AH my intake would go down. It would cut down on comparison shopping that is done for gear through the AH. Comparing item 1 vs item 2 to see if the price difference is worth it and have a side by side stat comparison that is only there if the bazar has both items. Don't know what it would do to prices, but supply and the ability to sell would go down.
I'll grant I don't see many of the rank 1 subless earners bazaring in the Rollenbury Fields except when a group tried it's hand at garison on Garuda server and cut the manequin market to half prices (usual keyboard mashed names were there selling parts very cheaply since manaquin parts are bazar only and they moved on to something else as I haven't seen them there for awhile).
Bazaring is basically the ah without item search feature, central locations, but an exact price match rather than guessing at the value and being easier to visibly undercut competadors.