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Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

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  • Thoughts and OPinions on a few things


    Ok, been playing for about 1 week and a half now and I have some q's I would like an answer to...

    1. XP'ing - there was a recent split in opinion in my LS last night about the fastest way to XP. One said attacking easy mobs for ~25xp was the quickest, and another was all for the dunes in a PT. Current ls lvl's are 13, 15 and 24. I personally think (im lvl 13rdm) solo on easy prey is quicker, but at what stage will PTing become the only way forward?

    2. I have noticed a lot of people chasing around upping their crafting skills, but i dont care much for it to be honest. All that running around etc just doesnt appeal to me right now. Will this hold me back?

    3. I need a good synthesis guide (Crystal + Item = XXX)

    Im sure there were a few more things but I'll post them when I remember!



  • #2
    Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

    Originally posted by hongman View Post
    1. XP'ing - there was a recent split in opinion in my LS last night about the fastest way to XP. One said attacking easy mobs for ~25xp was the quickest, and another was all for the dunes in a PT. Current ls lvl's are 13, 15 and 24. I personally think (im lvl 13rdm) solo on easy prey is quicker, but at what stage will PTing become the only way forward?
    If the three of you try to party, I don't think you'll get any XP... Partying in the dunes can (but will not always) provide good XP if you keep everyone in the party within about 1 level of each other, e.g. 11 10 10 11 11 10. This way, you can fight mobs that are "Very Tough" to the 11's and "Incredibly Tough" to the 10's. The worst situation is to have one person who is higher than anyone else, e.g. 15 10 10 11 11 10. In this case, the mobs are probably "Decent Challenge" to the 15, but "Incredibly Tough" to everyone else. So, the 15 is basically soloing, and everyone is getting low experience (XP is based on the highest level player, as far as i know).
    Character: Bricklayer
    Server: Ramuh
    31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


    • #3
      Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

      The 3 of us are not partying together, just chatting whilst each doing out own thing.


      • #4
        Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

        Generally (job depending) it starts making more sense to party instead of solo somewhere around the mid to late teens. You can (job depending, once again) solo into the early 20s and beyond, but not at the same rate as most average parties.


        • #5
          Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

          2. I have noticed a lot of people chasing around upping their crafting skills, but i dont care much for it to be honest. All that running around etc just doesnt appeal to me right now. Will this hold me back?

          3. I need a good synthesis guide (Crystal + Item = XXX)
          Well this is kind of a contradiction. Synthesis is crafting, and vice versa. To answer the first question, no you don't need to craft at all. If you don't feel like it, then there's no reason to waste your time and money.

          To your second question, without working on a craft, synthesis recipes won't do you any good because you won't have a high enough crafting skill to make the items you want.

          PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
          Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
          When ignorance reigns, life is lost


          • #6
            Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

            OK I guess I didnt places that across very well!!

            What I meant to say was I dont go actively working on my synth skills, only when I feel I need to - and right now I need to make a table or something as my mog safe is full!!

            So, question was really do I have to start attaining certain synthing skills sooner or later - answer NO

            Is there a recipe guide somewhere? So if say like now I need a bit of furniture, I can see what I need to do it without having to go thru miscellanious trials. I could look up to make a table I need skill lvl X and these ingredients.

            I could then work on getting to lvl X without having to waste time doing trial and error.


            • #7
              Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

              These forums are a great place to look/ask for recipes. Try the carpenter forums.

              PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
              Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
              When ignorance reigns, life is lost


              • #8
                Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                I usually get my Recipe information from these 2 sites:




                • #9
                  Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                  I did look on somepage, but then I have only just realised that crafting and synth is the same and recipes mean more than cooking!!



                  • #10
                    Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                    It should be noted that getting storage from crafting is quite an arduous process. The only craft that produces any measurable amount of storage is Woodworking, and you really don't get access to create any really usable storage furniture until at least level 70 or so - by which point you'll have spent at least a million gil on the craft.



                    • #11
                      Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                      I think you've gotten some good advice on the crafting questions personally, so I'll just throw in my 2 cents on partying at your level.

                      Dunes parties can be great for leveling fast. Dunes parties can also (and unfortunately, most often) be a living hell. The reasons are plentiful for this. Some of it has to do with new players learning the game (and therefore don't have the ever useful subjob), experienced players learning new jobs, jobs being low levels and not as useful...and also n00bs that just have no idea what they are doing.

                      Fortunately for you, as a RDM soloing can, at times, be better for exping. And also, fortunately for you, you are a mage and will get invites very quickly. So if you know, or find, a good group of people definitely party with them. Otherwise {Run away!} from the Dunes and solo if you can't find good people to party with (or just wish to play on your own for a bit!)
                      My Paladin Oath

                      FF Character Quiz


                      • #12
                        Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                        As for crafting recipes, I've found this website to be the best for craft information.


                        Just click on "Guild" on the left side, then pick the craft you want. This site is great for many other things too.
                        I crush up my pills and snort them like dust. They are my sugar. They are the sweetness in the days that have none. They drip through me like tupelo honey. Then they are gone. Then I need more. I always need more.

                        Sig thanks to Aksannyi of Dreams In Vana'diel


                        • #13
                          Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                          Thanks guys/gals

                          I did solo last night in Konschtat, and had to call on a fellow LVL16 RDM to help me out as I was completely on the brink of death after every battle with a sheep, which gives the most XP. A few times I died whilst healing becuase of a sneaking gob.

                          It was a noticeable a loit harder last night soloing, as even 'Even Match' was very tough!

                          I finally did manage to lvl up to 15 last night (yay) and then headed to Bastok where EVERYTHING is cheaper than sandy. I'm gonna stock up on spells, even bought a few to sell back in sandy to make some profit (i.e Cure 2 in Bastok is ~600-700g...AH in Sandy is 5k!!)

                          One thing I did notice though that I dont understand is I was looking to buy a Sanintly ring from the bastok AH but it was yellowed out - I am high enough lvl for it, had free space in my INV and enough money...but it wouldnt let me bid??!!

                          I have also decided for now to stick with my trusty sword until lvl 18 when I can get the Yew wand.



                          • #14
                            Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                            I was looking to buy a Sanintly ring from the bastok AH but it was yellowed out - I am high enough lvl for it, had free space in my INV and enough money...but it wouldnt let me bid??!!
                            I'm willing to bet this is because there aren't actually any rings to buy. Notice the number to the right of the item name.... if there isn't one, no one has that ring up for sell. Just because an item is on the AH list, doesn't actually mean the item ITSELF is actually there to be bid upon.

                            It was a noticeable a loit harder last night soloing, as even 'Even Match' was very tough!
                            You will quickly learn that the higher level you are, the harder and harder mobs become; even a {Decent Challenge} will actually become a little be harder than you may think. Look at it this way: When you fight something that is an even match, that means it is about the same level as yourself. The higher a level, the stronger it is going to be/

                            PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                            Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                            When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                            • #15
                              Re: Thoughts and OPinions on a few things

                              Originally posted by hongman View Post
                              I have also decided for now to stick with my trusty sword until lvl 18 when I can get the Yew wand.
                              Theres no need to be so quick to turn in your sword just yet. Through qufim (19-24) and maybe a little beyond you can still add enough damage to be usefull with your sword.
                              In short, don't 'give up' anything, though your play styles may change as you level. Eventually you will never use a sword in an EXP party, but you might want it for quest and missions and what not. Later on you'll join skillup parties to keep your melee skills up, or you'll level NIN as a subjob.
                              You might as well get used to the idea of carrying a lot of gear around with you.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


