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experiences of a new player

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  • experiences of a new player

    Well finally got some time to play it last night, and I thought I'd share my exp as a new user.

    Spent ages running around, not even being able to find a way out to start fighting! I was asking to help (not annoying I don't think, if I got no reply after 10 secs I moved on) and I was surprised to find everyone ignoring me.

    After what seemed like forever finally a nice person named Meirow showed my round a bit and led me to the outside world, where I promptly started slaying anything I could see.

    Must of died a good 6 times! Then all of a sudden someone came over and offered me a linkpearl, and that person continued to help me lvl up, answer questions and even give me some armour!
    The amount of strangers that help me was impressive. Casting cure, protect, answering my calls for help (i hate those orcs)...

    Now, a few questions I thought of since!

    Map markers. Mine are all blank, the only person on it is a NPC in northern sandoria.

    I now have about 25 crystals of varying that enough to start making myself a better weapon?

    How do I find the useage for random items? Rabbits hide, Beastmans seal, etc.

    When one changes jobs, do you have to relearn spells you already know?

    What is PVP?



  • #2
    Re: experiences of a new player

    Originally posted by hongman View Post
    Map markers. Mine are all blank, the only person on it is a NPC in northern sandoria.

    Map markers are something you can place yourself. Party members will also be visible as blue markers on your maps.

    I now have about 25 crystals of varying that enough to start making myself a better weapon?

    You can't make anything with crystals alone. Crystals are like fuel used for crafting items and you need to have materials/ingredients as well. I would advice against trying to craft at this point and just focus on collecting stacks of items and crystals and selling them on the auction house.

    How do I find the useage for random items? Rabbits hide, Beastmans seal, etc. is a good resource for finding out how to use different items. Rabbit hides can be used for a number of leatherworking and alchemy synths as well as a couple quests.

    When one changes jobs, do you have to relearn spells you already know?

    No. Everything stays the same when you change back.

    What is PVP?
    Player versus player combat.


    • #3
      Re: experiences of a new player

      I take it you started in San d'Oria with the orcs there? Well, in South Sandy, there is an auction house (its on two tiers, in the middle at the bottom). I hope you are sorting you inventory (go to items, press +, it will give you an option to auto sort) so they stack up. When you get 12 of one type of crystal, put these up for sale on the auction house. This will help you get some money. Rabbit skins can either be sold or 3 at a time turned in for a quest in South Sandy (as you look at the auction house, head right, and as you come to the tanners guild, there is a man in front looking for rabbit skins). Not brilliant money but will help you get started. Hold onto Beastman seals, they are used for special battles later on (you trade 20, 30, 40, or 60 to a man in Jeuno who gives you an orb which allows you to enter a special battlefield). These can be used to make more money later.

      And no, when you change jobs, everything you have learned already stays with you.

      Use map markers to mark out special points of interest (quest givers, hidden entrances etc).

      PvP - player vs player. You can only do this in FF in special circumstances - Ballista and Brenner. Don't worry about it at the moment.

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


      • #4
        Re: experiences of a new player

        Originally posted by hongman View Post

        Map markers. Mine are all blank, the only person on it is a NPC in northern sandoria.

        Did you talk to the NPC? I think that's related to the first quest you get.
        Originally posted by hongman View Post
        I now have about 25 crystals of varying that enough to start making myself a better weapon?

        If you have any stacks of 12 of one kind of crystal, e.g. 12 Earth Crystals, go sell them at the auction house.

        Originally posted by hongman View Post
        How do I find the useage for random items? Rabbits hide, Beastmans seal, etc.

        Particularly, give the rabbit hides to the guy next to the leatherworking guild. Keep the beastmans seals in your mog house (they stack to 99). Anything else, go check it out on somepage, or your database of choice.

        Originally posted by hongman View Post
        When one changes jobs, do you have to relearn spells you already know?

        Answered above. However, you will have to wait until your level is sufficient to start using the spell again. For example, let's say you learn Water as a lvl 5 BLM. If you switch to RDM, you will have to get up to lvl 9 before you can cast Water.
        Originally posted by hongman View Post
        What is PVP?
        Answered above.
        Character: Bricklayer
        Server: Ramuh
        31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


        • #5
          Re: experiences of a new player

          Thanks everyone.

          Ok, so I should try and work out a quest from this marked NPC? I remember talking to her a few times and it was pretty random!

          How do I place Markers? If I had of known earlier I would have placed a few already.

          And yes, I am in SanDoria, those orcs keep hunting me down/sneaking up on me and attacking me! I run, but they can hit me from a good distance away or cast spells.

          I think what I will do is lvl up some more until I get to lvl 8-10, all the while collecting items and crystals, then I'll sell them, buy some decent equipment (I only have a rusty dagger!) and then look for a few quests. Hopefully my LS members will help out when needed as well.

          I have currently reached lvl 5, and learned a job ability as well (or was it a WS)...

          I have noticed though that even getting round town is painfully slow, esp when you have to keep checking the map, etc.

          AH - how much should I get for a stack of crystals?


          • #6
            Re: experiences of a new player

            Originally posted by hongman View Post
            Thanks everyone.
            Ok, so I should try and work out a quest from this marked NPC? I remember talking to her a few times and it was pretty random!
            The first quest in the game that everyone gets is to give your adventurer ticket (or whatever it is you got) to the NPC marked on the map. You do this by selecting the NPC and selecting Trade from the drop menu. Then place the ticket in the trade window and press ok.

            How do I place Markers? If I had of known earlier I would have placed a few already.
            You just select an empty pink marker and it will let you place it somewhere on the map and then you can add text to it. The green markers aren't used much in the game and blue and teal ones are for party and alliance members respetively. You have to cycle between marker modes by pressing left or right.

            And yes, I am in SanDoria, those orcs keep hunting me down/sneaking up on me and attacking me! I run, but they can hit me from a good distance away or cast spells.
            Orcs have the same running speed as you so they can be difficult to outrun. I suggest you try to run in a straight line as much as possible and between trees and other obstacles that slow down the AI.

            AH - how much should I get for a stack of crystals?
            You can check what the current going price for crystals is by going to the AH, selecting Buy > Crystals and then select the kind of crystals you have and View History.

            When you buy something on AH you place bids on items and if your bid exceeds the asking price of the item you get it. Note that the cheapest item always sells first so people who want so sell quickly place their items for sale below the going price in order to get the next sale. When doing so, however, they risk losing profits as a clever or patient buyer might try to find the lowest possible price he can get the item for.

            Crystals sell very rapidly, often within a minute after putting them up for sale, so you can get cash from them very quickly.

            Tips: Until you get to over L10 it's best to buy your armor from NPCs as it tends to be a lot cheaper than on the AH. Also, since you're in San'd Oria, I suggest you buy some meat jerky from the inn in North Sandy. It costs 120g a piece with your starting level fame and greatly enhances your attacks for 30 minutes.


            • #7
              Re: experiences of a new player


              I cant wait to get back home to play it now!


              • #8
                Re: experiences of a new player

                Keep ALL the beastmen's seals you find, they seems worthless now but later 40 or 60 of them can be used for a special boss fight that can earn you as much as 2,000k, or 2,000,000 gil if you didn't know.

                I also assume because you where getting crystals you have signet yes?

                This means you have also been earning Conquest Points, which can be traded into a San D' Orian guard for special items. If you are a mage class, Royal Footman's Tunic is good, or if your a melee, you will want Royal Footman's Golves.
                Originally posted by Ellipses
                Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                Originally posted by MCLV
                A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                More Sig:


                • #9
                  Re: experiences of a new player

                  Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                  Keep ALL the beastmen's seals you find, they seems worthless now but later 40 or 60 of them can be used for a special boss fight that can earn you as much as 2,000k, or 2,000,000 gil if you didn't know.

                  I also assume because you where getting crystals you have signet yes?

                  This means you have also been earning Conquest Points, which can be traded into a San D' Orian guard for special items. If you are a mage class, Royal Footman's Tunic is good, or if your a melee, you will want Royal Footman's Golves.
                  The first item to spend CP on should always be the exp ring.


                  • #10
                    Re: experiences of a new player

                    Originally posted by Maju View Post
                    The first item to spend CP on should always be the exp ring.
                    For a new player who starting 1st character and 1st job, I would not recommend the exp ring. It is because new players may fight the wrong mobs and die often. Instead, stay in starting area long, fight more mobs, get more drops and skill up

                    No need to rush anyway, and enjoy the game You can only enjoy the experience as new player and starting 1st character and 1st job once
                    Last edited by Celeal; 09-28-2006, 06:14 AM.
                    Server: Quetzalcoatl
                    Race: Hume Rank 7
                    75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                    • #11
                      Re: experiences of a new player

                      Originally posted by Celeal View Post
                      For a new player who starting 1st character and 1st job, I would not recommend the exp ring. It is because new players may fight the wrong mobs and die often. Instead, stay in starting area long, fight mobs, get more drops and skill up
                      More exp = faster killing = more drops. If slowing down leveling were a good thing for your financial situation, people would be suiciding left and right. Also, I constantly die when I level low level jobs but that doesn't stop me from loving my exp ring.


                      • #12
                        Re: experiences of a new player

                        Yeah my linkshell buddy told me about this ring I should get. I have been fighting for what feels like ages, only for 309 CP's! The ring requires 1000!

                        Although 60% I didnt have signet cast on me so I wansnt earning points. Bummer.

                        One thing I will say is, this NPC I am suppsoed to trade with, when I click on her no trade option comes up. Who else could it be? Can I do other quests if I dont trade in the coupon?


                        • #13
                          Re: experiences of a new player

                          yes, you can do other quests even if you don't hand in the coupon.

                          To trade the coupon, go to your menu, click trade, select and click the NPC, select the coupon from your inventory and click confirm/ok.

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #14
                            Re: experiences of a new player

                            Hmm, I just read on Alla that Matildie (the marked NPC on my map) is the person to give it to, but I am 99.9% sure that when she was clicked on, the trade option wasnt there.

                            But I am probably wrong.


                            • #15
                              Re: experiences of a new player

                              click menu, trade first then click NPC

                              Thanks Yyg!

