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FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

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  • #16
    Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

    â– RNG
    【Job's Strength】
    Attacker capable of dealing massive damage via ranged attack

    Distance modifier on R.accuracy and attack will be adjusted
    ※Stay tuned for the update!
    Seriously? Please don't screw this up SE. The last update with sharpshot was pointless, please give us pre nerf accuracy again....pleeeeeease.

    Looks like some interesting things happening soon.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #17
      Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

      you know, they said mostly the same things at the Fan Festival.

      kinda sad about what they plan to do for BST

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #18
        Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        This is a real nice way of saying "You're getting nothing."
        Those are way overpowered as it is. They don't need anything.

        We will adjust weapon limitations imposed by subjobs and types of weapons limited to warrior.
        Someome please explain what that means. Giving warriors A+ in spears and GS will change nothing.


        • #19
          Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

          Originally posted by Maju
          Someome please explain what that means.
          Means their trying to open up other subjobs and weapon combination for warrior (other than everone going /nin with 2 axes)

          Meaning their most likely either doing something to /nin, or their going to make a way to make other subjobs more appealing.

          I will live, and die by the Sword


          • #20
            Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

            Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
            This really pisses me off, if they think that way why are Tier II debuffs lvl 75?
            They should be lvl 50 or 60+, going from lvl 13 (when you get Slow) to 75 with the same set of debuffs is just wrong (and don't give me the "Spells are supposed to become better as you lvl up" crap).
            Except they do get stronger as you level up, and how would giving Tier 2 spells of the same thing that RDM does all the time fit in as "emphasize the pleasure of utilizing rdm's flexibility." It's just the same thing as they do all the time. I fail to see why everyone thought that getting Tier II enfeebles was such a great idea in the first place. Blizzard has a damage cap so you have to get Blizzard II to keep up your damage output. Cap your Enfeebling skill and Paralyze works just as good at level 10 as it will at lvl 75.
            I like to be more of a Sword weilding RDM if possible during Missions and whatnot, I would like that they would change things slightly so that I can be a little more usefull in that regard.
            Originally posted by Maju
            Someome please explain what that means. Giving warriors A+ in spears and GS will change nothing.
            It means that /NIN isn't the only subjob in existance.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #21
              Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

              Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
              It means that /NIN isn't the only subjob in existance.
              Unless they start giving out clones of Berserks and Utsusemis to other jobs that's never going to change. A NIN sub gives a WAR the most additional damage as well as the most additional defense. I really fail to see how they could possibly get around that without nerfing NIN sub.


              • #22
                Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                Originally posted by Kazuki View Post
                Taken from BG Forums:
                â– BST
                【Job's Strength】
                Expert in taming and controlling various monsters.

                No change to its solo ability
                We'd like to improve its potential as a party member.
                Oh for the love of.... they don't know what the hell to do with bst. Here's a tip, GIVE US NEW JUGS FOR LVL 75!! Jesus, every level up to 65 we have a great deal of choices but they seriously dry up after that.

                36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                • #23
                  Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                  My thoughts for the pld would be more auto refreshes (1 at 25 2 at 50 and 3 at 75) or higher mp pool or something like that
                  Cheack out my RP blog updated every ... uhm ... whenever i feel like it


                  • #24
                    Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                    Originally posted by Kazuki View Post
                    â– SMN
                    【Job's Strength】
                    Job that uses mp to summon avators and fight with it

                    Changes made based on summoning skill
                    We will divide Blood pacts into two category: Damage Blood Pact and Healing/Buff Blood Pact. Blood Pact will affect summoning skill ups.
                    If they add seperate timers for offensive and healing blood pacts, that'd be so freaking sweet. SMN's could actually take a DD/support role if this happened.

                    Aside from that, it looks like they're nerfing NIN for subbing, trying to buff SAM for subbing(two new traits at 25 and 35 could do it...), and overall trying to get WAR's to sub something else. SAM tanking sounds...different <_<. It'd make the +Enmity AF pieces actually worth something, but I dunno how they expect to have it on par with PLD or NIN unless its Defensive Stance is uber somehow(like increased chance to Parry or something like that).

                    Certain other changes have me nervous(RNG, although thankfully I'm only taking it to 40 for SAM subbing and BCNM40 fights), but we'll just have to see how it plays out. Although this update has me wondering if I should bother taking my 22 NIN any further if they plan on destroying NIN sub >_>. Also, the DRG news seem lackluster. Doesn't sound anywhere as interesting as the THF one.
                    Cleverness - Hades
                    DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                    • #25
                      Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                      â– THF
                      【Job's Strength】
                      Attacker that deploys crafty attacks such as Sneak Attack and Trick Attack.

                      Adjusting thf so that they can improve the entire party's strength.
                      The end of lolthf for merit PTs?

                      75 BLU | THF | PLD


                      • #26
                        Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                        On the face of it, this update appears to be a significant update in many ways.

                        - This is the first time that S-E has openly commented that they believe RDM's primary role should be as an enfeebler. This is a major departure from the original red mage role as the midway point between white and black mage, and the "fencer" part of the job has been all but forgotten.

                        - Two different blood pact timers to juggle should make summoners VERY happy. No more complaints about "what do you do with the 30+ seconds between blood pact/summoning activities"...

                        - I agree that S-E continues to make the wrong decisions for BSTs. I think removing the level cap for at least NM jug pets makes a lot of sense, and I'm astounded that it hasn't happened yet - the way I see it, a BST should be able to choose his/her allies at level 75 with no restriction, instead of being limited to only CourierCarrie/Homunculus/AmigoSabotender.



                        • #27
                          Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          - I agree that S-E continues to make the wrong decisions for BSTs. I think removing the level cap for at least NM jug pets makes a lot of sense, and I'm astounded that it hasn't happened yet - the way I see it, a BST should be able to choose his/her allies at level 75 with no restriction, instead of being limited to only CourierCarrie/Homunculus/AmigoSabotender.

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #28
                            Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                            Psychic Herrisa in Predicting the Future

                            â– How to weaken Absolute VIrtue
                            If you defeat as much monsters (Ru'phuabo Qn'xzomit Qn'hpemde) as you can summoned by Jalier of Love, his regen will be reduced by half. Furthermore using elemental magic and skillchains based on certain vana day will remove the remaining regen.
                            Dead black mages everywhere in Sea.

                            â– Warrior
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Master of weapons and able to use a large variety of WS
                            We will adjust weapon limitations imposed by subjobs and types of weapons limited to warrior.
                            Screaming and whining. Lots and lots and lots of screaming and whining.

                            â– Monk
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Highly dextrous H2H fighter with high HP
                            We'd like to adjust monks to be able to adjust their moves based on various situations.
                            Lots of monks scratching their heads and saying "WTH was SE thinking?"

                            â– WHM
                            【Job's Strength】
                            An expert in white magery, excels in healing and support.
                            We will furthermore enhance whm's advantage as the main job and enhance its support ability to the party.
                            Lots of White Mages scratching their heads and saying "WTH was SE thinking?"

                            â– Blm
                            【Job's Strength】
                            A black magic expert that excels in dealing elemental magic damage.
                            Adjusting blm so that by partying with other jobs, blm will stand out more.
                            Party invites: one BLM onry.

                            â– RDM
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Enfeebling Magic expert
                            We'd like to emphasize the pleasure of utilizing rdm's flexibility to deal with various battle situations.
                            Red Mages in Lower Jeuno shouting, "Hey, baby, I'm flexible. Wanna see?"

                            â– THF
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Attacker that deploys crafty attacks such as Sneak Attack and Trick Attack.
                            Adjusting thf so that they can improve the entire party's strength.
                            Search comment: Dear God in Heaven, please, please, please invite me. I beg of you, show mercy to this lowly thief. I don't have a soul, but I still got my first born.

                            â– PLD
                            【Job's Strength】
                            The party's shield with high defence.
                            We'd like to improve PLD's ability to fight battles in succession.
                            "I gotz th3 auto-regen!"

                            â– DRK
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Attacker with key points in high attack and abs magic
                            Improving drk's strength when wielding scythe.
                            One weapon only: scythe: 50-75

                            â– BST
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Expert in taming and controlling various monsters.
                            No change to its solo ability
                            We'd like to improve its potential as a party member.
                            "Hey, friend, hows it going?"
                            "Been searching for a party for 5 days now."

                            â– RNG
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Attacker capable of dealing massive damage via ranged attack
                            Distance modifier on R.accuracy and attack will be adjusted
                            ※Stay tuned for the update!
                            Eagle Eye Shot misses.

                            â– BRD
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Job that truly shines in a party. MMO's ultimate support job
                            We'd like to pursue the pleasure of using a variety of songs based on situations.
                            "Sooo.. do you want that song or this one? This one or that one? Or perhaps you would rather have this one and this one or that one and that one? Or should I just sing this one to that one and have that one to this one..."
                            "Shut up and give me accuracy..."

                            â– SAM
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Attacker that utilizes TP and WS.
                            Will revise Overwhelm for more damage bonus and provide a similar ability for lower levels. We're considering in providing new job abilities for level 25 and 35. The keyword is 2-Handed weapons, being able to select Offensive and Defensive. Furthermore if it is possible to pick 「SAM」 as a Subjob.........
                            ※Stay tuned for the update!
                            Search Comment: Tank? Hell no. DD onry.

                            â– NIN
                            【Job's Strength】
                            A job class with dual role of tank and attacker that utilizes Dual Wield and Ninjustu.
                            Instead of enhancing the job, we're planning to expand its role in party.
                            RDM? We don't need no stinking rdm.

                            â– DRG
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Attacker that utilizes various jump and attacks with wyvern
                            Adjusting Super Jump's recast into 3 minutes.
                            Empathy will allow drg to share stoneskin with wyvern.
                            Spirit surge (2HR) will clear all Jump Recast back to 0
                            ※Stay tuned for the update!
                            Better soloing!

                            â– SMN
                            【Job's Strength】
                            Job that uses mp to summon avators and fight with it
                            Changes made based on summoning skill
                            We will divide Blood pacts into two category: Damage Blood Pact and Healing/Buff Blood Pact. Blood Pact will affect summoning skill ups.
                            Party invites: Main healer pls.

                            â– BLU, COR, PUP
                            There are still many factors to add and adjust. Please wait till X'mas.
                            Christmas gifts for only BLU, COR, and PUP.

                            â– Goblin Drink Recipe, Hint part2
                            Frost Turnip and Wild Onion
                            Sounds yummy already.
                            The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
                            Killing tanks since 2004

                            Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
                            "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
                            a world without hate.
                            And I can picture us attacking that world,
                            because they'd never expect it."


                            • #29
                              Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                              On the face of it, this update appears to be a significant update in many ways.
                              - This is the first time that S-E has openly commented that they believe RDM's primary role should be as an enfeebler. This is a major departure from the original red mage role as the midway point between white and black mage, and the "fencer" part of the job has been all but forgotten.
                              Then give me a staff skill if I'm not supposed to be a fighting mage anymore. I don't believe that SE is not admitting they believe that RDM is supposed to be just another mage, but more simply stating what the playerbase has most obvously decided RDM is in a party.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • #30
                                Re: FFXI information from TGS '06 by Destiny

                                Originally posted by Mhurron
                                Except they do get stronger as you level up, and how would giving Tier 2 spells of the same thing that RDM does all the time fit in as "emphasize the pleasure of utilizing rdm's flexibility." It's just the same thing as they do all the time.
                                Nah, they might have a slightly better effect with skill and gear, but after lvl 50+ the effect (or lack of it) is very noticible, even with all the +stat gear you can use. Adding more types of bebuffs might be part of what they have in mind, but who knows.

                                Originally posted by Mhurron
                                I fail to see why everyone thought that getting Tier II enfeebles was such a great idea in the first place. Blizzard has a damage cap so you have to get Blizzard II to keep up your damage output. Cap your Enfeebling skill and Paralyze works just as good at level 10 as it will at lvl 75.
                                You kinda answered it yourself, Tier II Enfs would have a greater effect and last longer which is really needed after lvl 50, specially if our job is that of debuff/support.

                                Originally posted by Mhurron
                                I like to be more of a Sword weilding RDM if possible during Missions and whatnot, I would like that they would change things slightly so that I can be a little more usefull in that regard.
                                With DD gear RDM has good dmg output for a mage, /DRK is really nice for that. But RDM will never have the damage capabilities a PLD or a BLU has. Our strength comes from weakening the mob while making ourselves stronger with magic, and that's never going to change. Which is why many RDMs want Tier II debuffs and others like Poison III (or Phalanx II that wasn't just a Warp II kinda thing), because that's the RDM way, at least in my opinion.

                                If SE added debuffs that lowered TP or Evasion (in a greater amount than Gravity does) then we could have more chances of being in the front lines and actually hit consistently, but RDM's way of fighting is much more defensive than other jobs like BLU so you can't expect much.

                                Originally posted by Herrisa
                                Red Mages in Lower Jeuno shouting, "Hey, baby, I'm flexible. Wanna see?"
                                Guess I'll be saying something like "Hey Baby, I have many subs leveled "

                                Seriously though, I wonder what they are planning, but I can already hear the "<insert job> are too overpowered, nerf them" screams, followed by the "we <insert job> are too weak and that makes me feel inferior, make everyone as weak as me!".
                                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


