Maybe some people saw this Thread at the Allakhazam forum, but I didn't get as much replies as I hoped I would
So I'm posting this Survey on other FF-Forums as well
I'm a student from Germany and I'm writing an essay for school next year.
The Topic is "influences of FF (and other games) on your life and society". Therefore it would be nice if you could answer the following questions and post them here.
I know some questions can't be answered exactly but please try to nevertheless.
Thank you very much!
1) Country / State
2) Gender
3) Age
4) Occupation
5) Single/ Relationship/ Married etc
6) If you have a partner, does she/he play FF ( or other games) as well?
7) How old were you when you started playing games in general?
8) What Final Fantasy game did you first play?
9) When did you start playing FFXI?
10) What is your current Playtime? (I do NOT mean the time when you play, but the time you played FF altogether)
11) How many Characters do you have? And what's the highest level?
12) With how many do you "really" play? (not just use for Bazaar etc)
13) On how many days a week do you play?
14) Are there any days you're always playing? (like always playing on your day-off, weekends etc)
15) What's the average time you play? (time you leave character on for bazaar not included)
16) How often do you go online to check the Auction House or Plants (for example)? Or check ffxiah?
17) What was the longest time you ever played without a break? (Reason?)
18) What was the longest time you didn't play? (Reason?)
19) How often/long do you leave your Character on? (bazaar for example)
20) Were there any positive Incidents because of FFXI? (like making friends or got to know ppl in your city etc...)
21) Were there any negative Incidents because of FFXI? (like break-up/divorce, moved out etc...)
22) Do you have more reallife-friends or online-friends? With whom do you spend more time with?
23) How often do you go out with friends?
24) How many of your friends also play games?
25) And how many of them play FF?
Maybe some people saw this Thread at the Allakhazam forum, but I didn't get as much replies as I hoped I would
So I'm posting this Survey on other FF-Forums as well
I'm a student from Germany and I'm writing an essay for school next year.
The Topic is "influences of FF (and other games) on your life and society". Therefore it would be nice if you could answer the following questions and post them here.
I know some questions can't be answered exactly but please try to nevertheless.
Thank you very much!
1) Country / State
2) Gender
3) Age
4) Occupation
5) Single/ Relationship/ Married etc
6) If you have a partner, does she/he play FF ( or other games) as well?
7) How old were you when you started playing games in general?
8) What Final Fantasy game did you first play?
9) When did you start playing FFXI?
10) What is your current Playtime? (I do NOT mean the time when you play, but the time you played FF altogether)
11) How many Characters do you have? And what's the highest level?
12) With how many do you "really" play? (not just use for Bazaar etc)
13) On how many days a week do you play?
14) Are there any days you're always playing? (like always playing on your day-off, weekends etc)
15) What's the average time you play? (time you leave character on for bazaar not included)
16) How often do you go online to check the Auction House or Plants (for example)? Or check ffxiah?
17) What was the longest time you ever played without a break? (Reason?)
18) What was the longest time you didn't play? (Reason?)
19) How often/long do you leave your Character on? (bazaar for example)
20) Were there any positive Incidents because of FFXI? (like making friends or got to know ppl in your city etc...)
21) Were there any negative Incidents because of FFXI? (like break-up/divorce, moved out etc...)
22) Do you have more reallife-friends or online-friends? With whom do you spend more time with?
23) How often do you go out with friends?
24) How many of your friends also play games?
25) And how many of them play FF?