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'Favorite' NMs

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  • #46
    Re: 'Favorite' NMs

    Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
    Update on Mysticmaker Profblix... 0/100...
    Are you taking help? Maybe they're bad luck.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #47
      Re: 'Favorite' NMs

      I was 1/2 on Mysticmaker Profblix, it sucks that you're having so much bad luck :/


      • #48
        Re: 'Favorite' NMs

        I was with a nin "friend" of mine camping SR while he helped me get a test. He had taken some damage and was /healing when Sozu popped and I voked it. 1/1 on that bitch.

        I got kicked from the party.

        fk yes


        • #49
          Re: 'Favorite' NMs

          I got my first NM yesterday that I actually made an effort to find (I normally run around for 5 mins and get bored)

          It was the bird in West Sara that drops the Pilgrims Wand. 100% drop so Im 1/1 on that :p

          I actually went to the effort of doing the RNG quest so I could sub it to use Widescan (its so cool!)


          • #50
            Re: 'Favorite' NMs

            Nice, I've tried goin after that a few times, but he's never been around and I wasn't interested enough to stick around =(


            • #51
              Re: 'Favorite' NMs

              Update on Orctrap, there is only 1 placeholder for him..when you use widescan in the middle of his spawn area, scroll all the way to the bottom, it should look something like this --

              Sabertooth Tiger
              Diving Beetle
              Diving Beetle
              Bird Trap
              Bird Trap
              Bird Trap
              Sabertooth Tiger
              Bird Trap <------------- PH!
              Thunder Elemental
              Diving Beetle (This can also be a Bird Trap)
              Bird Trap
              Spinous Pugil
              Spinous Pugil
              Water Elemental
              Spinous Pugil
              Spinous Pugil
              Water Elemental
              Chuaie <----- NPC
              Anguenet <----- NPC
              Lourdaude <----- NPC
              Cofisephe <----- NPC

              That 1 birdtrap is the only ph for orctrap.

              besides that, hoo mjuu, VE 6/6, mysticmaker, archeoligist(sp), and aquarius..


              • #52
                Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                Goblin Gruel...

                waited 5 hrs for the pop, in the meantime killed 5 Crypt Ghosts for 2/5.

                I thought he was a 2-4 hr pop. My friend i was camping with killed the last Gruel (1/1) so we knew the EXACT time of its last death.

                It was quite good setup as it goes, I was camping the Gruel whilst my friend did the Ghost, occasionally we swapped round.


                • #53
                  Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                  Originally posted by hongman View Post
                  Goblin Gruel...
                  waited 5 hrs for the pop, in the meantime killed 5 Crypt Ghosts for 2/5.
                  I thought he was a 2-4 hr pop. My friend i was camping with killed the last Gruel (1/1) so we knew the EXACT time of its last death.
                  It was quite good setup as it goes, I was camping the Gruel whilst my friend did the Ghost, occasionally we swapped round.

                  I'm pretty sure GG can take over 6 hours to pop. There's two of them as well, but I don't think they share the same pop cycle. Not many people hit the tomb anymore so its common to see both of them just sitting there. They have a very very low drop rate though, so I wouldn't suggest spending too much time on them.

                  Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                  • #54
                    Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                    Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                    I'm pretty sure GG can take over 6 hours to pop. There's two of them as well, but I don't think they share the same pop cycle. Not many people hit the tomb anymore so its common to see both of them just sitting there. They have a very very low drop rate though, so I wouldn't suggest spending too much time on them.
                    Yeah, I used to screw around in KRT when bored. In between Spook pops, I'd always swing by GG's area to see if he was up, omw to pop Crypt Ghost. Don't waste time on him, though.

                    i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                    I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                    • #55
                      Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                      My friend went to Crypt Ghost solo b4 she introduced me to them. She went 1/1 on Crypt, 1/1 on GG and then 1/1 On BMB on the way back

                      Luck I guess.


                      • #56
                        Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                        My new obsession has become cactaur cantantaour (sp?)
                        The nm in western altep that drops kung fu shoes. 0/7 on him.
                        From what everyone tells me, the shoes are pretty dang rare ><
                        but seeing as he is being stubborn with me, i cant leave him alone now.
                        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                        • #57
                          Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                          I'm not able to camp that many NMs that I know of, being a whm. But when I have some downtime I go after the rams and all the NMs in Ghelsba. Could someone give me a list of NM's I could camp as a 49 whm. I'm not able to check the web for them at work and my home comp is screwed.

                          Created by Eohmer


                          • #58
                            Re: 'Favorite' NMs

                            0/3 for Crypt Ghost and 0/1 Spinny Spipi, 1/2 LL and forgot what else I tried to camp that wasn't able to get anything. My luck is really bad when it comes to nm. Tried to camp spook too but always get claimed before I can.

