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  • Disengage!

    I have never seen this mentioned in any helpful pty guides yet so i thaught i might say somthing.
    Many'a'times i been in a a party that may have been a tad overzealous and gone for mobs slightly to strong for us. Now i dont know about you but when i start to get in the reds and particularly 20 hp and below i disengage for just a few moments or until im healed and then join back in.....but my problem is that in those party's no matter how many times i tell a pty member to disengage when at red hp it always ends in them dead and the party running for the nearest zone.
    Is there a problem with disengaging or do i just happen to be in the not so smart party's?
    I like seriously.. i do.

    Das Oldskoolen
    It's not a pizza. It's a bomb.
    We didn't order a bomb either.

    My Fav

    THF:43 RNG:24 BLU:13 WHM:14 BLM:13 PUP:7 COR:9
    Windy Rank: 4 <-----Humar ( retired )

    THF:51 RNG:27 BLU:9 WHM:21 BLM:18 NIN:27 WAR:15
    Windy Rank: 5 <-----Hucast
    Clothcraft: 6.8(?) Skills to come: Leathercraft, cooking, goldsmithing.

  • #2
    Re: Disengage!

    Its a problem you'll see alllll the way through endgame, where people still won't disengage when they're told to, and whipe not just a party, but a whole alliance (Dynamis mnk 2hr anyone) if not two alliances.


    • #3
      Re: Disengage!

      MNK 2hr is better Gravity and kited ;o.
      Read my blog.
      Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
      Entry 32: Death to Castro


      • #4
        Re: Disengage!

        Ohh...hmmm well i think some people need to be educated on disengaging.
        but ok thanks for the reply ill just have to deal with it then...
        (and dang might i say that was one speedy reply sevenpoint)
        I like seriously.. i do.

        Das Oldskoolen
        It's not a pizza. It's a bomb.
        We didn't order a bomb either.

        My Fav

        THF:43 RNG:24 BLU:13 WHM:14 BLM:13 PUP:7 COR:9
        Windy Rank: 4 <-----Humar ( retired )

        THF:51 RNG:27 BLU:9 WHM:21 BLM:18 NIN:27 WAR:15
        Windy Rank: 5 <-----Hucast
        Clothcraft: 6.8(?) Skills to come: Leathercraft, cooking, goldsmithing.


        • #5
          Re: Disengage!

          Like they said, its just partys that are either not paying attention, miss the chat telling them to disengage, or think "two more hits and we'll win". Happens a lot when a mage or brd is trying to sleep a mob and everyone keeps hitting it. Its really not difficult, but some people just don't pay attention or refuse to anything intelligent.
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: Disengage!

            When you have people that are to lazy to disengage just tell them to take off auto-target and run to the zone. I like it better when you can escape. >.>

