Feel free to move this if you think it's in the wrong forum.
My friend is coming back to FFXI and I have some questions, mostly aimed at anyone who has been in this situation before.
One of his accounts is on my server, with his main 50-something DRK. On the account is the basic FFXI + Zilart package.
The other account is on a different server, registered with the Vana'diel Collection (a separate FFXI + Zilart, and CoP).
He wants to restore his DRK on his first account, but is wondering if he can get his only copy of CoP registered to his first account as well so he won't have to buy a new one. Is there a way to deactivate expansions or remove them from an account so that the keys can be used on a different account? If he phones SE, will they be able to switch over CoP's "ownership" if he can prove that he owns both accounts?
Alternatively, can he simply restore his DRK on his account with CoP? And no, I don't know why he has two accounts. :\
My friend is coming back to FFXI and I have some questions, mostly aimed at anyone who has been in this situation before.
One of his accounts is on my server, with his main 50-something DRK. On the account is the basic FFXI + Zilart package.
The other account is on a different server, registered with the Vana'diel Collection (a separate FFXI + Zilart, and CoP).
He wants to restore his DRK on his first account, but is wondering if he can get his only copy of CoP registered to his first account as well so he won't have to buy a new one. Is there a way to deactivate expansions or remove them from an account so that the keys can be used on a different account? If he phones SE, will they be able to switch over CoP's "ownership" if he can prove that he owns both accounts?
Alternatively, can he simply restore his DRK on his account with CoP? And no, I don't know why he has two accounts. :\