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Does anyone here own two accounts?

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  • Does anyone here own two accounts?

    Feel free to move this if you think it's in the wrong forum.

    My friend is coming back to FFXI and I have some questions, mostly aimed at anyone who has been in this situation before.

    One of his accounts is on my server, with his main 50-something DRK. On the account is the basic FFXI + Zilart package.

    The other account is on a different server, registered with the Vana'diel Collection (a separate FFXI + Zilart, and CoP).

    He wants to restore his DRK on his first account, but is wondering if he can get his only copy of CoP registered to his first account as well so he won't have to buy a new one. Is there a way to deactivate expansions or remove them from an account so that the keys can be used on a different account? If he phones SE, will they be able to switch over CoP's "ownership" if he can prove that he owns both accounts?

    Alternatively, can he simply restore his DRK on his account with CoP? And no, I don't know why he has two accounts. :\

  • #2
    Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

    Originally posted by Erased
    Feel free to move this if you think it's in the wrong forum.

    My friend is coming back to FFXI and I have some questions, mostly aimed at anyone who has been in this situation before.

    One of his accounts is on my server, with his main 50-something DRK. On the account is the basic FFXI + Zilart package.

    The other account is on a different server, registered with the Vana'diel Collection (a separate FFXI + Zilart, and CoP).

    He wants to restore his DRK on his first account, but is wondering if he can get his only copy of CoP registered to his first account as well so he won't have to buy a new one. Is there a way to deactivate expansions or remove them from an account so that the keys can be used on a different account? If he phones SE, will they be able to switch over CoP's "ownership" if he can prove that he owns both accounts?

    Alternatively, can he simply restore his DRK on his account with CoP? And no, I don't know why he has two accounts. :\
    No, once a Registration Code has been used, that's it. There is no deactivation. He will HAVE to buy a new copy for his other account.

    You know, I was just about to ask why he has 2 accounts, lol... but nevermind.


    • #3
      Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

      Ok, now that that idea's out, do you know anything about the second option? Restoring a character to a different account if he can prove that he owns both of them?


      • #4
        Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

        Not likely. You are pretty much SOL and have to buy the expansion for the other one to get the other character working.
        Signature was intentionally left blank.


        • #5
          Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

          nope, expansions are a onetime deal.

          And SE will never transfer characters between accounts, just because they don't do that. They might open up a service sometime, not now though.


          • #6
            Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

            Yea, you're gonna have to buy all the exapansions for the other account. I actually have 3 accounts, two have all expansions one is just RoZ. And no, you wont be able to transfer characters to other accounts.


            • #7
              Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

              Heh, I have 3 accounts... one has all the expantions, the other two have none. >.>

              Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

              Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

              80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


              • #8
                Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

                3 accounts? That's (almost) insane. Why so many?


                • #9
                  Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

                  Originally posted by silentsteel
                  Heh, I have 3 accounts... one has all the expantions, the other two have none. >.>
                  More power to you if you don't mind spending 39 dollars a month for a game.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

                    I own two accounts, have a copy of each expansion for each account (meaning a f*ckton of CDs/DVDs just for FFXI)


                    • #11
                      Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?

                      i have 2 accounts, both with all the expansions. i also have 4 mules on 1 account and 3 on the other. this comes in handy when i need help with something or want to transfer items or gil between characters. 1 account is my lvl 75 taru drk, 2nd acct. is lvl 74 hume war. im looking at making a bst duo party with them.


                      • #12
                        Re: Does anyone here own two accounts?


                        I still don't see the point in having 2+ accounts. I think one account has enough Content ID's for additional mules.

