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new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

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  • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

    Originally posted by levish View Post
    SE likes it's money, and it's playerbase is unhappy about the state of endgame, a few people like you come along and throw the "it's fine" wrench in. Endgame gear is a goal, it's a goal complicated by design problems.
    They're only problems because you have problems with them. This is where the gear comes from, and you can like it or not. They've made attempts in the past to fair it up a bit, but players insist on ruining it for everybody.

    I think this thread will eventually end with "If you don't like it play something else".


    • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

      Originally posted by Ziero View Post
      I've known lots of 30-50/60s who quit and not *once* did I hear it being caused by them thinking lvl 75 players quit. Most 30-50/60 don't care about your average 75 player or what they do. Those that do are usually babied to 75 themselves then start complaining that endgame is broring because all they do is dynamis/sky/camp an HNM.
      My mistake, I worded that incorrectly. I didn't mean to imply that the 30-50s are quitting because of the reasons 75s are quitting. I meant to say something along the lines of the reasons the 30-50s quit may not be so obvious as the reasons the 75s are quitting. It's surely not for lack of content, since 30-50 is probably as content rich as working on your job gets.

      Lakshmi - 75 WHM | BLM | NIN


      • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

        Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
        They're only problems because you have problems with them. This is where the gear comes from, and you can like it or not. They've made attempts in the past to fair it up a bit, but players insist on ruining it for everybody.

        I think this thread will eventually end with "If you don't like it play something else".

        it's so very easy to use that excuse

        it's broken because the audience of people that want that stuff cannot realistically get it

        1 nm with 100-150 people camping it assuming that everyone has a legitimate 1% chance to get a spawn

        .01 chance to claim * .05 chance to drop = .0005 chance at a item (.05%)

        this is assuming everyone has that fair 1% chance to claim, skew the chance for people hacking and in a nutshell your chances are pathetic.

        your chances of acrafting hauberk +1 or even a armada haub+1 (from the items you can't actually get) are better ... than actually getting results for your time and effort, that's the very definition of a broken game!

        why go play something else when FF is what we want to play,

        the Dev's from their meetings are at least going through the motions of listening to the playerbase


        I was in a shell that did Endgame and wanted to move into ground NM's.

        I chose never to do that part of endgame because it was broken, because the reward for the effort is by and large not existant.
        Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
        Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


        • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

          Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
          They're only problems because you have problems with them.
          What does this mean? They're still problems.

          Lakshmi - 75 WHM | BLM | NIN


          • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

            If these mobs didn't drop *the* best gear in game, there would be no problem. Sure people would camp/claim/bot these things if they only had halfway decent drops, but the complaints would be far fewer.

            The proof of that statement lies in the fact that the CoP wyrms spawn the same way, 21 hour random pop, but you very rarely hear complaints about them. Their gear isn't as amazing when compared to the three kings. It's not about the system, it's about the rewards. And people aren't camping them because they need anything from these mobs, it's all want. SE created some incredible gear and does not want to add things that would make them outdated. However they gave this gear to mobs who quickly became weak in comparison to newer monsters and put them in a fishbowl sized room on a timed spawn.

            It's not the system that's the problem, it's the details. Change the who, what, where and how and the problem could be solved. But it could also lead to much larger, more complicated problems. There is no super easy solution to this dilema, even the 'Flawless Kings' suggestion has it's flaws for players to gripe about.

            There is a problem, but there is no easy fix.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

              I'd love to have a porche, but I cannot afford a porche. Lots of people have porches, but I don't. All the people with more money seem to be able to get a porche, but I can't. This isn't fair, so I demand that the people who make porche find a make them more affordable! If possible, I'd like to be able to pay $99 a month toward my porche.


              • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I'd love to have a porche, but I cannot afford a porche. Lots of people have porches, but I don't. All the people with more money seem to be able to get a porche, but I can't. This isn't fair, so I demand that the people who make porche find a make them more affordable! If possible, I'd like to be able to pay $99 a month toward my porche.
                the production rate on the porsche isn't what's holding you back, neither is the job market (maybe for a area, but not in general).

                sure porsche could adjust their price down but at the cost of content

                esentially would you want a ridill -1
                Stats:D15 level 75 that occasionally attacks twice but breaks every other skillchain?

                People that HAVE the ability both in equipment and number and skill to get these items cannot due to too much competition, much of which is illegitimate.
                Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
                Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


                • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                  Well, since people were talking about how the ground kings drop abjurations for the best gear in the game, I went and started looking at what gear is available for the jobs from the three kings, and what gear is available elsewhere (AF+1, relic, assault, etc)

                  Since the endgame content is what is being discussed here, I am assuming everyone has access to ALL game content (finish CoP, RoZ, etc) and just want to get the best gear.

                  I don't want to go into details for each armor piece, but in general:

                  For mages, it looks like either AF+1, Relic+1, or assault armors are better than the cursed armors.

                  the cursed mage armor more or less just gives alot of +mp benefits, nice for Whm, but their AF+1/relic+1 gives regen bonuses, mp bonuses(not as much as cursed) and a bunch of other things. Smn gets blood pact delay -, mp boosts, and other things. Blm gets a ton of +magic burst damage, conserve mp+, mp bonuses, elemental damage +, and other things. Rdm gets a ton of stuff too. Bards get some nice bonuses too, but ones I don't really understand (attack +20 "military parade"?) I'm not too sure about bards.

                  So for mages, they really shouldn't want any of the cursed armors unless it's for bragging rights.

                  For melees, it's a bit different. Just skimming over the list, drg and thf, I would say have better NM drops, relic+1, or AF+1s. Mnk, Sam, and ninja, I'd say depends on the player. The Cursed armor for mnk/sam/nin looks good, but so does their AF+1/Relic+1 The Hachiman armor set looks nice for samurais (str+, store TP+, weapon skill accuracy+)

                  The Plastron set looks as good or better than the Cursed Adaman set for drk. The Homam armor set also looks good for dark knights.

                  The only good armor for warriors IS the Cursed Adaman set. Their AF+1/Relic+1 has too much +enmity to make up for the bonuses it provides. Even then you could get something like the Alky bracelets, stick with a hauby, or something else.

                  As for paladins.... I can't tell if their AF+1/relic+1 is better or not than the Koenig set.

                  So, from what I can see, out of all of the jobs, the best gear for TWO of the jobs comes from the three kings.


                  All of this fuss is over NMs, you want the fancy NM gear, without the competition. While on the one hand that is fine and dandy, I can understand that, on the other hand, there is NO reason to come here talking about how broken the system is, and how SE never fixes things.

                  The fixes are there, the gear is there for the taking, you're at endgame, you've got time to get it.

                  Don't believe me? Go and actually look at all the gear I just talked about, go and compare it to the AF+1/Relic+1


                  Edited for typos

                  You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                  I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                  • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                    While "largely" true, it's not entirely true, though.

                    - Ridill is the best weapon in its class, bar none for jobs that can use it.
                    - Defending Ring is irreplaceable - it's hands down the best tanking ring, period.
                    - Dalmatica is pretty good for Bards and Summoners, and non-Taru Red Mages can make good use of the other Zenith pieces for Convert purposes.
                    - Koenig gear is awesome for tanking. Huge HP bonuses makes for harder to kill tanks. While it isn't always the "best" armor at end-game, it's awfully good.
                    - Adaman Hauberk is hands down the best melee body armor in the game for the jobs that can use it (BST, DRK, WAR).

                    I agree that the rest of the cursed armors and various miscellaneous items dropped by the ground HNMs aren't really impressive (I've got aquarian abjurations just moldering in storage because I can't be bothered to turn them into zenith gear, and does anyone really care if they get a Pixie Earring?).

                    The sad fact is, though, that a lot of players don't really realize this (which may be just as well, since it'd be a lot harder to gather enough people to fight them if everyone was just there to get specific items and bolt.



                    • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                      Actually, yeah. Google ftw.
                      Did you read the story behind it? It was killed once through stat hacking. Notice there are less than 40 people in that picture? (in a beta server)

                      And I agree with Kings dropping certain good drops. You can even call it job specific. RNG, for example, doesn't get nearly as much out of them as WAR and MNK do. Giving them a Ridil-spear for DRG called Longinus would be nice.

                      Also Relic+1 blows hard. I would be nice if they made it better than the stuff kings drop since you put more work into it, but is the biggest waste of 30+ currency, 90% of the time.

                      And um...

                      Wyrms pop 3-7 days
                      Last edited by Legal Fish; 08-29-2006, 01:48 PM.
                      Read my blog.
                      Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                      Entry 32: Death to Castro


                      • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                        I will freely admit to knowing nothing about WoW. You asked a specific question and I dug up an answer.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                          I'm not blaming you. But I hope people understand WoW end-game content doesn't get fully explored within a small time, despite not being based on time blocks like Limbus or poor drop rates(spawn rates for AV) like sea like FFXI. SE needs to make stuff hard and new, otherwise people will conquer all of the end-game content within a short time.
                          Read my blog.
                          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                          Entry 32: Death to Castro


                          • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                            Lol, that reminds me of, I think it was May of last year. Right when Garden of Ruhmet came out. Withing 3 hours of the update people had already made their way through the entirety of what was available.

                            As for king drops, I know the cursed togi abjuration (that is the body piece, right?) is considered very, very nice in certain situations.
                            Also agreeing with fish about job specificity for the ground kings. As a RNG, I have virtually no reason (probably no reason at all) to camp these things, other than to help friends. Some jobs, if they want to end up in the best HNMLS's are nearly required to already have the majority of their gear. Other jobs can get their endgame gear much easier.
                            Just thought, if they don't want to make all of them instanced, why couldn't they make the abjurations have a very small chance of dropping in the KS99's, sort of like how they've done with the black belt items? Not a huge improvement, I know, but it would be atleast a small introduction of more abjurations.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                              No matter how hard and how new content is, it will be old soon enough. Even AV, which is a complete nightmare of an HNM to fight, mostly because it's probably broken and SE doesn't want to admit it (loltestgroup) is old news. No one cares, really. ToAU content? New, but already old. Could probably be harder, I guess (although the stuff I enjoy about the ToAU expansion is just right IMO), but it's still not new anymore.

                              It has been my experience that endgame MMO players (regardless of game) have unrealistic expectations in regard to what and at what frequency new content should be provided for them. This isn't going to change any time soon, no matter what MMO you play.


                              • Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                                No matter how hard and how new content is, it will be old soon enough. Even AV, which is a complete nightmare of an HNM to fight, mostly because it's probably broken and SE doesn't want to admit it (loltestgroup) is old news. No one cares, really. ToAU content? New, but already old. Could probably be harder, I guess (although the stuff I enjoy about the ToAU expansion is just right IMO), but it's still not new anymore.

                                It has been my experience that endgame MMO players (regardless of game) have unrealistic expectations in regard to what and at what frequency new content should be provided for them. This isn't going to change any time soon, no matter what MMO you play.
                                That's the most likely case, generally people always want stuff, once they get it, they want something better.

                                Never content with what they have, but you see... that's the beauty of online games, they can be changed and added to. But of course, with more content, there's more content to complain about.

