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new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

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  • #61
    Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

    Originally posted by Legal Fish
    lHow incredibly ignorant of you. First off AFv2 is an obsolete term given the existance of AF+1, just say Relic or AF2, not that this has anything to do with my point.

    17 Level 75s is something you can always try to obtain. There would be not cockblocks like another LS botting. A sensible comparison would be if you had to get an item from a HNM that popped once every 7 days and was camped by 150+ people, most of which were using bots, for each level 75. Comparing Relic to Kings is just funny. Once again, there are no direct preventions, with the exception of too many other Dynamis Linkshells existing.
    How incredibly ignorant of you, did you completly miss the little "/sarcasm off" at the bottom of my post? Seems you're the only one that did. It was completly sarcastic and in no way ment to be taken seriously .

    Correct me if I'm wrong here, doesn't AF2 stand for Artifact Armor, version 2 a.k.a. AFv2? If you say AF2 you're gonna have people thinking your talking about Artifact Armor quest 2, which has happened to me before.

    Double Post Edited:
    Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
    Maybe we will get lucky this year and RMT will "know the joy of a welfare christmas".
    I could be wrong, but I'm farily sure it wasnt the RMT that caused the price hike last christmas, then again no one knows for sure. But the same thing happens every summer, just it lasts longer so you don't notice it as much. The flood of all the kids and people whoe get christmas off rushing back into the game and selling off everything they have at once jacks prices through the roof. Expecially during christmas where people are willing to pay a little more to make the gift special and make the person happy.
    Last edited by Zamphire; 08-25-2006, 03:18 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


    • #62
      Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

      With AF+1 in place, the Artifact version 2 designation is obsolete; It could be referring to two things, as AF2 has come to mean Relic (the game's term for the 71-75 gear set) or the level 74 Artifact +1 set. Taken literally, the 74 set would be more likely... Not everyone uses the AF2/AFv2 designation, as it tends to be, again, confusing.


      Don't kid yourself, that amount of gil doesn't just pop out of nowhere. A glut of supply on the market doesn't drive prices up, it drives it down. If you intend to continue to use sarcasm, keep in mind that it's a bit harder to read someone's intent when it's only text on a screen.


      • #63
        Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

        Well on teamspeak and vent you tend to say AF2 not AF version 2, typing I tend to say and seen many other type relic as AFII(using roman numerials) just what i've noticed at Dynamis at least.


        • #64
          Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

's just another enm...

          It's fine, but nothing will change.

          The basics of the camped HNM has always been one thing, drama.

          You call me a bot, I call you a bot, you JPs get better ping times, you NAs are rude, Hey the new guys there are RMT, etc, etc etc.

          I am all for new better equipments, and stuff, but all this talk is more often then not a placebo for community squabbles.

          What happened to: too many people here, /random, winner takes it? Most of the LSs do it this way now a days.

          S-E's plan seems to have more forethought in simple expanding the field with more NMs, more areas, more options. Not: "Stop fighting, I'll buy you both iceream ok?"


          • #65
            Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

            Originally posted by Legal Fish
            Now pretend for a moment you are not a level 72 DRG or a 60 BLM(or with Ice Mage/Jei as an exception, a moderator of this forum lol), pretend you are a level 75 of whatever and have been for two-three years. Now imagine the best items in the game coming from one source since before you were level 75. Now this is the recipe of 150+ people in the same spot day after day causing a huge rift between the community(NA/NA, NA/JP, JP/JP), MPKing, and 3 hours of day of bots going off. Its come to the point players are can not commit to this and a lot of the ones that can simply don't want to or are in a Linkshell that can't. I myself don't have the schedule nor does my linkshell want to do these NMs, which means I won't be able to even fight them unless something changes in the future.
            Let's not pretend being level 75 for two or three years grants you exclusive access to knowing anything about end game. Everybody knows what's going on up there in Dragon's Aery, Behemoth's Dominion, and Sky. It's not like people havn't been complaining about it on the forums for the past year. It's drama because players make it that way, SE has nothing to do with that.

            And if the whole "Flawless Claim" system was your idea why was it originally named after BRP? Also, you might want to change 'dim aroma' to 'slight aroma' since dim is a word used to describe a magnituted of light, or in other cases intellegence. And second also, smelly balls?


            • #66
              Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

              Please leave the straw man alone, he's done nothing to you.


              • #67
                Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                Dak, in case you haven't figured out by now, LegalFish = BRP

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #68
                  Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                  Originally posted by neighbortaru
                  Dak, in case you haven't figured out by now, LegalFish = BRP
                  I may be crazzzzzy in saying this, but why is it that the same asshole who was banned before can freely post here again? Have you mods gone mad?

                  neighbortaru>> he has yet to do something ban worthy
                  Last edited by neighbortaru; 08-25-2006, 07:56 AM.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #69
                    Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                    The concept is good, as stated before it would turn Kings into just another ENM fight. The chart makes it seem a bit more complex then it needs to be though, but it's a solid concept that has been proven to work. I wouldn't exactly call it an original idea because people have been suggesting that these, if not all, NMs should be forced spawn/BCNM/ENM ect only for a long time. But SE doesn't seem to want that, my guess is because they like having these things just appear and would prefer to keep them limited in number. Think about it, if everyone could do these fights every X amount of days, everyone*would* do these fights every X amount of days until things like Adaburk and ridill stop being 'leet' gear and start becoming the 'norm'.

                    I think the most interesting way to do it would be to create a comprimise of sorts. Keep the NQ version of the mobs as a random pop. BUT instead of having them spawn in the same small room day after day, they should spawn in a different, slightly random zone each day. If you don't know what zone they'll be in, you can't exactly bot them. Anyone dumb enough to use a packet sniffer > warp hack would get banned within days. And it would still allow that feeling of excitement when you see a massive monster just appear out of no where, even more so as you'll have very little chance to be ready for them. The people who would be able to beat them would be the ones that would be able to orginize and move out the fastest. Even if each of them only spawned in 3 different zones each it would still be able to completely remove bot claiming from the equation. Throw in a shorter pop time, say 12-18 hours or such, and far more people will get their fair chance to claim them.

                    Now the HQs however would be different. If you could claim and kill the NQs you would get a chance, about 60% or so, of getting a special item used to pop the HQ versions in their respective home zones. Making it a BCNM type zone could still be a useful idea as long as it contained similar smaller mobs as they do now.

                    Using this method the three kings will still have their random, 'own your face' attributes they used to have while at the same time preventing bots. It will also allow more people to get a fair shot at these HNMs.

                    The way I see it:

                    Faf should get Tahrongi Canyon, Yhoat and the Aery
                    Adam should get Kon highlands, Altep and VoS
                    Behe should get La theine, Xarca and the Dominion

                    All those places can hold the mobs size wise, most of those places(aside from the lairs) are easy to get too and they're all places that aren't exactly crowded as is. Doing it this way would make running through these zones far more interesting and would keep a balance as to who is able to claim and who isn't. And on top of all that, it would make these monsters even more unique then they already are.
                    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                    • #70
                      Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                      Originally posted by Mog
                      I may be crazzzzzy in saying this, but why is it that the same asshole who was banned before can freely post here again? Have you mods gone mad?

                      neighbortaru>> he has yet to do something ban worthy
                      Meh, if that's the case, he'll be able to come back as many times as he wants, regardless of the fact he'll get banned for saying certain things, but w/e. You're the mod, not me.
                      Last edited by Mog; 08-25-2006, 08:15 AM.
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #71
                        Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        Let's not pretend being level 75 for two or three years grants you exclusive access to knowing anything about end game. Everybody knows what's going on up there in Dragon's Aery, Behemoth's Dominion, and Sky. It's not like people havn't been complaining about it on the forums for the past year. It's drama because players make it that way, SE has nothing to do with that.
                        don't be so quick to blame the players, it's drama because the problem is allowed to exist in the first place

                        if I ran a town like a cesspool is it the people's fault for living there or is it my fault for not running it better?

                        It's both, primarily the first to be honest.

                        Providing good schooling, good law enforcement, good jobs and so on. It's part of running a town, it's not enough for me to setup a school and then forget about it all.

                        A game can be designed to not even make this a issue, but SE likes to stand fast in it's "working as intended" stance in which case I'd think there are more than a few people that would like to tell them exactly what they think of SE for MAKING them spend 3-6 hours spamming a macro in a spot for the off chance that MAYBE they'd get a chance to claim for MAYBE a chance at a drop.

                        in a world with BC nm's only what use are claim bots?

                        So is the player population to fault for making Dragon's Aery what it is?

                        Or is it SE's fault for leaving that place alone all this time while seeing that everyday as more people reach the levels that can use those things, there are more people that want them?

                        Just as they are worried about people quitting because they'd get stuff too easily, they are ignoring the people that leave because somethings are completely retarded to try and get.

                        "Don't forget your family and friends"

                        Ask what some people would tell their own mothers if they came in while they were waiting for or fighting Nidhogg ...

                        It's one thing to have Zilart Kings work the way they do when 5-10% of the population could even have a chance at them and competition for them wasn't much to speak of (that didn't even last long) ... but now Supply vs. Demand is completely out of hand, the problem compounded further by droprates.

                        Yea, it'd be nice to have a world of no MPK, no Botting, no competing with RMT for stuff
                        "imagine all the people ..."
                        - some newb called John Lennon
                        Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
                        Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


                        • #72
                          Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                          The concept is good, as stated before it would turn Kings into just another ENM fight. The chart makes it seem a bit more complex then it needs to be though, but it's a solid concept that has been proven to work. I wouldn't exactly call it an original idea because people have been suggesting that these, if not all, NMs should be forced spawn/BCNM/ENM ect only for a long time. But SE doesn't seem to want that, my guess is because they like having these things just appear and would prefer to keep them limited in number. Think about it, if everyone could do these fights every X amount of days, everyone*would* do these fights every X amount of days until things like Adaburk and ridill stop being 'leet' gear and start becoming the 'norm'.
                          You low level guys just love speaking of your league. If people hate elitism so much, then don't provoke it.

                          Have you ever farmed ENMs for a Cloud Envoker, the item that allows you fight Ouryu? It not something that can be horded too quickly. With the exception of KS99(mind you, 99 Kindred Seals), the drop rate on ENMs and KSNMs will allow people to farm it, but not make hundred of copies. The main source comes from 4 HNMs, two 100%, two 50% for each 3 Kings. Then there is also quests like Uninvited Guest and Garrison with an even smaller chance of getting it. Finally there is Metal Chip Limbus, I can't even count how many groups have cleared Apollyon with a full hand, and I've never met anyone who has cleared Temenos, mind you only on forums, not in person. That isn't easy... will lead into more Fafnirs/Behemoths/Adamantoise in a week than normal, but not easy. Of course when Sage Sundi says they 'don't want it to be easy', they don't know what easy is in this game, because they have no fucking clue about their own game. "What? People still camp kings?"

                          Anyway, your idea only makes botters/pos.haxers even better claimers. They can see when and what mobs are in the zone and can instant warp to them.

                          neighbortaru>> he has never done something ban worthy
                          Fixed for truth. I'm not even banned, the site just won't load for me. It is an indirect ban. This "punishment" was given to my account during a period of time where I wasn't even logged on for about a week. Previously, I had been suspended which was attoned for. There was no warnings or reason involved in my fake ban. When I heard that the loading problem was intentional, I figured out a few mods agreed to 'put an end to my rudeness', this would include the obvious suspects that had been using a lot of their power to attempt to harass me(hello, posts of mine being deleted unprovoked prior to the fake ban or getting warned for taking place in an offtopic conversation with and started by Feba, now a mod). Of course moderators not in my fanclub didn't even know I had been banned. So in the end, I've never really been banned, just 'lagged out'. I've been around when this site was a mecca for importers(though only in a viewing role) and when this site was only getting 4-5 posts a day though out the whole forum. I don't expect to leave until I'm completely unable to post, which I'm expected to be at any moment. btw, where is PiNG?
                          Read my blog.
                          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                          Entry 32: Death to Castro


                          • #73
                            Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                            Feba isn't a mod.


                            • #74
                              Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                              Originally posted by Legal Fish
                              Previously, I had been suspended which was attoned for.
                              No you didn't.
                              There was no warnings or reason involved in my fake ban.
                              actually, this had every reason to do with you NOT attoning for your past sins and pulling the same crap all over again.

                              And cut the "oh woe is me, i'm being victimized crap." No one is buying it.

                              Thanks Yyg!


                              • #75
                                Re: new SE interview by Bercus over on BG

                                Feba isn't eh? I could of sworn he posted some frontpage news.

                                I do believe if you are suspended and you see the end of the suspension, then the punishmen has been attoned for. What did I do? haxor my suspension to be shorter? After the suspension, I pretty left for a week or two, the next time I tried to log on, I couldn't load the page. Like I give a damn I've been banned. Oh mister Neighboorhoodtaru, please don't bully me around. You are going to embarrass me infront of the level 72 DRGs. The only reason I post here is because its something to do. In between the mass of amounts of noobs and ignorant retired lvl75brds, there is something nice about this place. PS, way to not let me complete my newbie guide. That shit took forever to write.
                                Read my blog.
                                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                                Entry 32: Death to Castro

