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High Prices for no reason!

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  • High Prices for no reason!

    Ok, Usually i dont post complaints or whinge.. But when people are constantly complaining about RMT and then put Tenshodo Invites up for 20k and wonder why people Buy Gill just makes me /sigh! .

    Not only Tenshodo invites ofcourse, but this particualr item made me finaly to the point of wanting post something. Things that used to be cheap are now outrageously expensive for no reason at all.

    If this turns into a RMT thread just close it.
    If somone wants to donate to the "Vandlea" Fund on Phoenix be my guest.

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: High Prices for no reason!

    Is there any reason to this thread, besides adding to the pre-existing "Prices are shooting up and it's all RMT's fault!" threads?


    • #3
      Re: High Prices for no reason!

      Umm... in my 3 years of playing Tenshodo invites have always been 20k, not only are they cheap, but you can sell it right back after you use it.


      • #4
        Re: High Prices for no reason!

        In when i played 3 years ago im pretty sure they were'nt 20k... What would be the point of that if you can sell them back anyway. And no its not a RMT thread , Its a 'People complain about RMT then put prices on worthless items too high and wonder why RMT thrive' thread Understood ?

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: High Prices for no reason!

          Apparently 20k is a lot of money for a level 64 THF according to the confusing profile.
          Soloed to 75

          [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

          all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
          .:|The Prototype BST|:.
          Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


          • #6
            Re: High Prices for no reason!

            I seem to recall them always being around that price too. It's not like you have to buy one, either, there are other ways into the tenshodo. And really, if 20k is a problem to you as a thf 64 I think you have more serious problems to consider.


            • #7
              Re: High Prices for no reason!

              Thats my old Character No longer Have him.

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #8
                Re: High Prices for no reason!

                So your new character has jobs FU.

                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                • #9
                  Re: High Prices for no reason!

                  Tenshodo invites were 1k each for about as long as I can remember. Regardless, you are immediately given another copy, so you can just sell your new on the AC to recoup your losses.


                  • #10
                    Re: High Prices for no reason!

                    Originally posted by Murphie
                    Tenshodo invites were 1k each for about as long as I can remember. Regardless, you are immediately given another copy, so you can just sell your new on the AC to recoup your losses.
                    I really don't see what's the big deal......everyone is given one via Delivery Box. Just use the one you get and sell it.
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #11
                      Re: High Prices for no reason!

                      There's always this option if you can't come up with 20k:

                      Tenshodo Membership

                      Have you hugged your Taru today =)


                      • #12
                        Re: High Prices for no reason!

                        20k isnt that hard to make sell crystals, farm tree cuttings or king truffle that sells for alot.


                        • #13
                          Re: High Prices for no reason!

                          Good to see that when people know that RMT is actually there own fault they ignore anyone who says so.
                          This has nothing to do with my Job or the fact that a 64 THF should be able to afford it easily.. But what about a Brand new character struggling to buy BLM spells and WHM spells and armour.. ?
                          And not just Tenshodo invite /sigh

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #14
                            Re: High Prices for no reason!

                            Originally posted by Mog
                            I really don't see what's the big deal......everyone is given one via Delivery Box. Just use the one you get and sell it.
                            I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. We get invites via the Delivery Box?


                            • #15
                              Re: High Prices for no reason!

                              Can't deal with high prices here in-game? Wait until you get into the real world. And I'm serious.
                              Soloed to 75

                              [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                              all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                              .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                              Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]

