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Actually my friend and I came up with a little game when we couldn't be bothered to leave the city whilst lfp. We would run around finding someone crafting, spell casting or something similar, /point /shocked /panic and shout WITCH!!!!
If we got any responses such as "how do you know?" we'd go into the whole "turned me into a newt....... well I got better" bit from the Holy Grail.
If I'm LFP, I craft on my other account. Or watch a DVD. Lately, I solve the problem by just playing another game and hopefully will see some more people my level to party with.
Whoops, I answered wrong.. my desired hunting ground does not equal my favourite farming spot... I mainly farm, but also do quests, level my NPC, all that 'other stuff, not in town.' Town is just a warp away.
What I do in downtime, ie airships, raise sickness etc. is whip out the game boy for a little FFTA or I&II. No such thing as too much FF in one day ^^
Meh, farming while looking for party, at least while lfp on my thf was ending up wasting a warp crugdel charge -.-; And by farming i mean, hobgoblins + thf = gold coin >.>; So annoying getting invites saying to gather together then ended up where i was farming at -.-;;; Usually i'd do solo skill ups/npc lvling or run around in circles in Lower Jeuno or just go idle at the AH, grab a manga and listen to some music. Meh, even lvling rdm from 41-46 invites been slow consdiering no other refreshing job was lfp.... Anyways this forum = <|impossible to gauge|> for lfp idle time m=(^.^)=m
In 66 lvls of RDM I've never had any of this happening. Where are these servers that have 10 PT's in each lvl range always looking for RDM?
Where exactly did you get the figure of 10 parties from?
When usually I log in, the server population is probably at its lowest with the Americans still in bed or at work and the Japanese winding their gameplay up and heading off to bed, so jobs such as rdm, brd and now cor are in high demand. Its kind of sad that an awful lot of parties will sit around in Jeuno for hours waiting for one of these jobs to appear rather than just grabbing x job that is available and heading off for xp. Yes I know xp is faster with rdm/brd/cor but slow xp is better than none.
Yes I have had to lfp on my rdm since 41 but it normally didn't take very long to find a party. However the situations I described above are completely true, I do have a good reputation with a large number of players hence the invites as soon as they see I am online. Not to sound arrogant or anything but I have actually received /tells from a group of Japanese players I have partied with on several occasions saying "{impossible to gauge} {Red mage} {Party} {Please}" eventhough I am already in a party as a different job.
One thing I must point out is having quick invites does not mean I get invited to better parties. If I want a party I will accept the first invite rather than be picky. I have accepted invites by players I don't know then received /tells from good players I do know moments later, who I have to turn down because I made a promise to the first party. Even if it turns out the party is really bad, I will stick with it and try to make it work. It's so easy for certain jobs to jump ship when the party isn't going their way and grab another party very quickly, I'm just not one of those people. This is what it takes for me to drop a party.
People who go afk while seeking annoy the living crap out of me. In fact, they are why I don't lead parties anymore.
I mean, I can understand sending out a /tell and not getting a response for, say, 5 minutes.
15 is annoying.
But the people who come back TWO HOURS later...!
I suddenly get this >>tell {Yes Please!}
>>{Experience Points} {Yes Please}
/>> Lol that was two hours ago
>>So do you still have the slot open?
/>> The party disbanded 20 minutes ago.
>>So you still have the slot.
At that point I usually stab the nearest person...
I mean for christs sake. Do people really except to get parties like that?
/rant off
What I do when i'm lfp:
I solo. I level my skills (if I'm on summoner, I drill Summoning magic ALL THE TIME when I'm LFP. It's like a...thing). I dont'c raft, or I would craft while LFP. Back when I had a good social LS, I used to sit around and chat with them.
I do have differenty ways of announcing to the world that I'm lfp though.
On whitemage (back when I EXPed whm), I turned /anon off.
No comment, no flag, just turn anon off. That's all it takes. Sometimes it doesn't even take that. <.< Disturbing. Sometimes I put on a comment to say i'm NOT interested in EXP.
On summoner, I actually put up the flag (most of the time).
On BLM...I don't really lfp on BLM. My static BLU gets me parties. I just sit and grumble about how badly I miss Stoneskin.
So really, I would say it depends on job and level. At higher levels, I'd say a search comment is more important, when I'm leading parties on my WHM or BLM, I tend to /sea all XX-XX and peruse all the comments first before making any decisions about who to recruit. When I'm trying to build or replace for someone as a smn, I count myself lucky if I can find someone whose not AFK waiting for the cows to come home. Of those people people, if one of them wants to pt, that's who I get. I can't remember the last time I actually had a choice between two people, or....sigh...got to specify a subjob based on search comment data.
I miss my whm.
Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
*There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*
People who go afk while seeking annoy the living crap out of me. In fact, they are why I don't lead parties anymore.
I mean, I can understand sending out a /tell and not getting a response for, say, 5 minutes.
15 is annoying.
But the people who come back TWO HOURS later...!
I suddenly get this >>tell {Yes Please!}
>>{Experience Points} {Yes Please}
/>> Lol that was two hours ago
>>So do you still have the slot open?
/>> The party disbanded 20 minutes ago.
>>So you still have the slot.
At that point I usually stab the nearest person...
I mean for christs sake. Do people really except to get parties like that?
/rant off
On the other side of that, leaders who don't wait 5 minutes for a response and proceed to spam you with abusive /tells.
Do these people honestly think a {xx melee job} will be sat at their game waiting to respond instantly? I know that in an x hour session of lfp on my drk I'm going to have to visit the toilet at some point and probably have to get something to eat/drink aswell.
This will inevitably get the response of "Take your flag down if you're afk". Hmm lets see; spend 6 hours lfp then decide to make a buttie and drink. There is no way I'm taking my flag down for the whole 10 mins max I'll be afk.
On the other side of that, leaders who don't wait 5 minutes for a response and proceed to spam you with abusive /tells.
Do these people honestly think a {xx melee job} will be sat at their game waiting to respond instantly? I know that in an x hour session of lfp on my drk I'm going to have to visit the toilet at some point and probably have to get something to eat/drink aswell.
This will inevitably get the response of "Take your flag down if you're afk". Hmm lets see; spend 6 hours lfp then decide to make a buttie and drink. There is no way I'm taking my flag down for the whole 10 mins max I'll be afk.
I don't understand sending abusive tells either. I send out one tell, it says EXP do you need it (a bit nicer than that, though...) and forget about the matter. If I get a response, yay. If not...mabe he's afk, maybe he doesn't wanna be bugged, maybe I'm on his blacklist. The only way I can tell if someone WAS afk is if I get a response a half hour or so later. And I'm not gonna hold that the person was afk and say I don't have the slot anymore just to spite them, if I have it. On the other hand...if a person is gonna be afk for that long...they have to simply accept the chance that someone else WILL happen to respond and get the slot I just offered them. It does no good to badmouth ME for not waiting to see if you would happen to come back anytime before I died of old age.
I mean, I can understands not being at the computer all the time with seek flag up. I used to do laundry while seeking on my BLM ALL the time. I'd fold some shirts, look at the screen, fold some shirts...very easy for someone to send me a /tell, and me not see for for awhile, even though I was sitting right there.
Seeking is bloody BORING.
It's the people who can't tell the difference between the seek flag and the bazaar flag that tick me off. I've lost count of the number of times I've gotten responses to invites HOURS later. I mean, there is NO excuse for that.
Hence my my invite strategy is to spam out an invite to every person of appropriate job and level with the indication that they might be receptive to exp.
I'm not going to tell you you CANT go afk while lfp, but I will tell you, I don't understand how you can get parties seeking like that.
Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
*There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*
I'm not going to tell you you CANT go afk while lfp, but I will tell you, I don't understand how you can get parties seeking like that.
I'm not condoning going afk for long periods of time with your flag up. When I make parties, if someone doesn't respond I simply move on and ask the next person. I just don't understand how people can get so upset and abusive when they find out the person is afk. If your party success is dependent on one particular person, then I don't think it would be worthwhile to join anyway.
I say this regardless of whatever job the afk person is. If they are a whm and you need Erase (pre-64), if they don't respond pick another area to level where you won't need erase. If you have a party that is primarily melee DD getting that afk bard or corsair would be a bonus not a necessity.
XP I didn't mean "you" personally, Queen. Infact, I was about to mention I'd re-read your thread about drk with greatsword vs scythe and sympathised, but I thought it'd be too off-topic even for me.
I meant to say that I don't see how people can be afk for hours on end, then come back and expect that the invites they've gotten are still going to be valid.
Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
*There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*
I run around looking for crafting materials that I need to get some residual income.
Farm, by using smn/thf, usually can pull in quick income that way farming either Antican Pauldrons or Spider webs. Recently spiderwebs have been teh sux. But havn't been playing for over a month. Bring Warp Crudgel for return trips to Aht Urghan.
Craft, craft, craft. I'm so damn addicted to the shiny spinning crystals that shatter. shattering. fire crystals and lightning crystals.