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Looking to start playing again... a few questions

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  • Looking to start playing again... a few questions

    I got the game the day it came out in the US and played it for a a few weeks and it drove me crazy so I canceled before my free month was up. Now I wanted to try it again and had a few questions...

    1. Will it be hard to start now that it has been around for so long and I'll just be starting out?
    2. Are there any good guides on this site or anywhere else that will help me get started and keep me from asking stupid questions to people either here or in the game?
    3. Any general advice for someone new to MMORPGs who was kind of disappointed in his first attempt at them years ago?



  • #2
    Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

    The gameplay will be the same, with more features added. You must ascess why it drove you crazy in the first place to make your final decision, but joining with a linkshell with a few experienced players who can help you gain levels and rank may increase your desire to continue playing.


    • #3
      Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

      Originally posted by Megiddo
      The gameplay will be the same, with more features added. You must ascess why it drove you crazy in the first place to make your final decision, but joining with a linkshell with a few experienced players who can help you gain levels and rank may increase your desire to continue playing.
      What drove me crazy last time was that I spent hours playing it and had noone to explain anything or help me out. I think in all that time I maybe got to level 5, and it was so slow and painstaking. I was used to the other FF games with a story to follow and quick leveling, ect. I think once I get past the initial stage of learning and getting my levels up, it should be more exciting. I just wish I gave it more of a chance last time because now that ive been deactivated for years, they are making me buy the game again!


      • #4
        Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

        Eh, I understand what you're saying. You shouldn't have to buy the game again, just log in with your playonline ID and make a new Content ID.
        If you're serious about starting up again, I can get a World Pass for you on Midgardsormr and help you out.


        • #5
          Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

          Originally posted by Megiddo
          Eh, I understand what you're saying. You shouldn't have to buy the game again, just log in with your playonline ID and make a new Content ID.
          If you're serious about starting up again, I can get a World Pass for you on Midgardsormr and help you out.
          my POL id expired, Ive heard its either 3 or 6 months of non use after signing up make it void.

          One of my good friends (who I sadly havnt seen in about 2 years) plays. I just found this out and it has sparked my interest, so I'll see what server he is on. But thanks for the WP offer.

          Double Post Edited:
          Anyone know if they are planning another welcome back event that lets expired ID's sign up again?
          Last edited by Briang86; 08-20-2006, 03:48 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • #6
            Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

            POL id's don't expire unless you cancel them. Content id's do however. It used to be 3 months, but now they don't expire for a year.


            • #7
              Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

              Originally posted by bikkebakke
              POL id's don't expire unless you cancel them. Content id's do however. It used to be 3 months, but now they don't expire for a year.
              I canceled it for some reason


              • #8
                Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

                This is definitely a game to play with friends, whether from real life, or ones that you make after you log on, but this is not a solitary game.

                That being said, most jobs solo their levels until about 10 (Because you have a good start on abilities and spells by then), or some even as high as 15 before they start to join parties, depending on your patience. Parties below level 10 are not very common, though not completely unheard of.

                The problem with getting people to help nowadays is the jadedness that has set in among the veterans. I would be a liar to say I haven't felt that way on many occasions. Because once you go through some particularly tough bottlenecks in game advancement (Missions, Level limit-breaking, tricky quests, and so on), you go "whew, man, that was tough, hope I never have to do that again." Inevitably however, the situation will probably arise where you're asked to do it again, probably multiple times. Add in the factor that sometimes, people aren't honorable about it (Forming a group, then as soon as they get their item, they leave the stragglers to fend for themselves,) , and helping people becomes old fast.

                I do not tell you this to discourage you. I do it to tell you that there are many reasons why people don't help. Perhaps an LS was burned by people who joined just long enough for an item or a mission, or perhaps they've helped people on this mission a number of times, and they're just tired of it. The missions are hard, and you need solid support from your friends to make it. Finding help might not come easy, but everyone has to trudge through these bottlenecks the same as everyone else. Keep trying, there are people who will help you. Even jaded gamers might realize it's not good to be jaded all the time, and agree. You just gotta keep trying.

                If you find people you get along well with, by all means, stick with them, for friends are the greatest reason to play an online RPG such as this.

                Sorry if I bogged you down with all this, and I hope your 2nd arrival in Vanadiel is much more enjoyable than your first ^^

                ***More concise answers to your questions!***

                1. Probably not. Prices have increased for most equipment, but so too have the prices for enemy drops that you sell to afford said equipment. All in all, I think it balances out. Just takes a little determination and gumption. Patience is key when starting out.

                2. There is no such thing as a stupid question, because if it was stupid, you probably wouldn't be asking it in order to learn. Though the questions might have been asked a million times before, someone will probably answer it, so feel free to ask away here, if you like.

                For guides on character jobs, check out the forums for the different jobs for fan-guides on equipment and playstyles. FFXIonline also has craft boards you can check out if you're into crafting, and Mission and Quest boards if you're stuck on a quest. Just click forums on the upper left near the title graphic, and it should list them all.

                Other sites you can check out for guides, item listings, and similar forums



                You could also try Allakhazam's FFXI forums, but in all honesty, you're going to receive more intelligent replies from FFXIonline, and a lot less needless flaming.

                3. Nothing comes easily, so be patient. Form friendships with friendly people, and try to do things with them as much as possible. Experiment with the jobs, and find a role you enjoy playing. Treat the other players with respect. If someone treats you harshly, try not to deal with that person as much as possible. Try to join or create a Linkshell (group of people with their own chat channel) with people you get along with. Play at your own pace. Listen to players' advice and constructive criticism, but don't feel pigeonholed into doing something 'because that's how you do it.' Feel free to experiment and prove people wrong. Have fun - the level-grinding and questing doesn't have to be a serious drag if you don't let it become so.

                And ALWAYS wear sunscreen.
                Last edited by PTT; 08-20-2006, 04:43 PM.
                Wevrain - Shiva


                • #9
                  Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

                  Originally posted by Briang86
                  What drove me crazy last time was that I spent hours playing it and had noone to explain anything or help me out. I think in all that time I maybe got to level 5, and it was so slow and painstaking. I was used to the other FF games with a story to follow and quick leveling, ect. I think once I get past the initial stage of learning and getting my levels up, it should be more exciting. I just wish I gave it more of a chance last time because now that ive been deactivated for years, they are making me buy the game again!
                  I would say that the first 10 levels are some of the worst, and you'll have to go through them a number of times equal to the number of jobs you decide to level! That being said, the partying aspect of FFXI is great, and you should be able to find a party easily after you reach lvl 10. As I've seen others suggest on this site, you may want to try lvling WHM first, because they are usually in demand in lower level parties. In the first 10 levels, I would stick to "easy prey" and "decent challenge," though I've heard "even match" and "tough" are soloable at lower levels (I never found them to be so).

                  Finally, I want to add that FFXI is a game with a broad range of activities. Leveling up is one, missions and quests are another, but you've also got farming, crafting, exploring, gardening.... Sometimes, if I get really sick of leveling, or don't have a lot of time to play, I'll just farm for seeds and quest items. Or, I might just put a few things on the AH and logout for the day. Having goals in FFXI is good, but reaching them without burning out requires some flexibility. Basically, FFXI has a lot more to offer than just leveling and going through the story (though those are very fun things to do). Take time to smell the roses.
                  Character: Bricklayer
                  Server: Ramuh
                  31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


                  • #10
                    Re: Looking to start playing again... a few questions

                    Originally posted by Briang86
                    my POL id expired, Ive heard its either 3 or 6 months of non use after signing up make it void.

                    One of my good friends (who I sadly havnt seen in about 2 years) plays. I just found this out and it has sparked my interest, so I'll see what server he is on. But thanks for the WP offer.

                    Double Post Edited:
                    Anyone know if they are planning another welcome back event that lets expired ID's sign up again?
                    The American Return to Vanadiel campaign has started in May for the past two years they have done it, since they introduced it two years ago. It stands to reason that they'll start it again in May. The European one is either a month earlier or a month later, I can't remember exactly. Japan has no such campaign.

                    I've observed that POL accounts can be deleted without you yourself deleting them. I have three real-life friends that I've watched deactivate their FFXI IDs but still leave their PlayOnline accounts intact. They haven't logged into those accounts at all since then, until trying to return 6-12 months later, and their POL accounts were considered deleted. It seems to be that they are treated the same as if you had deleted the POL ID yourself if you don't have any Content IDs active that have a monthly fee, and don't log into your account at all for at least three months. Since they don't necessarily actually delete eligible accounts and characters after three months have passed, your account isn't always gone.

                    I've also got more friends who have stopped billing on their accounts the same way and have been able to come back a year or more later, either with just logging in, or logging in and having to do account reactivation, depending on the person. It just seems to be luck of the draw as to whether or not your specific account is deleted if it isn't maintained for so much time.

                    Thus, play it safe and keep your PlayOnline account, and log into it at least once every three months.
           (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                    My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.

