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9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

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  • #31
    Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

    Hay, guess what?! I recently put a bowl of Leech Saliva in my Bazaar for 99999999 gil just for you!


    • #32
      Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

      Originally posted by UndyingSwordsman
      I love how angry most people are getting over my post. The point of this was to point out that most people don't care what you have for sale in your bazaar for 99999999 gil. Honestly, if you aren't going to sell me something I want, then you are defeating the purpose of the bazaar. Now here comes a shocker, the meaning of the word Bazaar - a market consisting of rows of shops or stalls selling miscellaneous goods. That selling part must be why I am insane right? Because we can all sell rock salt for 999999999 gil and think "ROFL, this is great! Everyone will love seeing my thing given to me that I have in a SELLING bracket called a bazaar that I don't want to sell! LOL LOL LOL!" I personally have come across items in the past (I do crafting) that I needed and found them for sale in bazaars. I have also found the same items in bazaars that were so overpriced, it made me ignore these people for anything. Look, I have items that friends have given me, but you know what? I keep them at home. My friends know I appreciate them and I don't have to advertise my friendship.

      Double Post Edited:
      By the way, if you feel you must email me and not leave your name, please tell me why you disagree. I love hearing from 15 year olds that can't form a decent arguement that I am "a idiot" without providing a shred of evidence why. People have opinions, and just because I don't agree with yours, does not make me an idiot. An idiot is someone who cannot defend their position and must rely on their feelings instead. So please, if you want to debate my point, put it in a logical, well thought out form that I won't dismiss because you don't know how to argue. Thank you.
      Uhm because most people arent showing it off? By the sounds of it, your one of the people to lazy to famr so dont have one peice of gear over 1k and get mad that other people level multiple jobs and have decent gear, therefor put the items they cant hold into the bazaar so they dont drop it. Ok so someone has a rose in their bazaar...What if it was given to them by a friend who died? I sure in hell wouldnt wanna drop that.

      God Seals. Ok Imma go out on a limb and say you dont even have sky. They arent showing off they have a god seal, THEIR HOLDING IT SO THEY DONT DROP IT! Yeah the LS would fucking love you if you dropped a seal of Byakko the day before popping Kirin.

      Most people nowa days have like...3...4....5 lvl 75s. Incase ya didnt know, most jobs take 2-4 sets of equipment. Yeah I dont really thing their going to have alot of space.

      So there you have it. When you have something worth money, you wont wanna drop it. If you ever get into a HNM LS, ask if you can hold the seal of byakko one time. Then the kicker, drop it a day before your going for Kirin. Then you will learn why people put things in their bazaar and arent selling them.


      • #33
        Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

        Originally posted by UndyingSwordsman
        I love how angry most people are getting over my post. The point of this was to point out that most people don't care what you have for sale in your bazaar for 99999999 gil. Honestly, if you aren't going to sell me something I want, then you are defeating the purpose of the bazaar. Now here comes a shocker, the meaning of the word Bazaar - a market consisting of rows of shops or stalls selling miscellaneous goods. That selling part must be why I am insane right? Because we can all sell rock salt for 999999999 gil and think "ROFL, this is great! Everyone will love seeing my thing given to me that I have in a SELLING bracket called a bazaar that I don't want to sell! LOL LOL LOL!" I personally have come across items in the past (I do crafting) that I needed and found them for sale in bazaars. I have also found the same items in bazaars that were so overpriced, it made me ignore these people for anything. Look, I have items that friends have given me, but you know what? I keep them at home. My friends know I appreciate them and I don't have to advertise my friendship.

        Double Post Edited:
        By the way, if you feel you must email me and not leave your name, please tell me why you disagree. I love hearing from 15 year olds that can't form a decent arguement that I am "a idiot" without providing a shred of evidence why. People have opinions, and just because I don't agree with yours, does not make me an idiot. An idiot is someone who cannot defend their position and must rely on their feelings instead. So please, if you want to debate my point, put it in a logical, well thought out form that I won't dismiss because you don't know how to argue. Thank you.
        If you get this mad over such a trivial thing in a game, I would suggest you seek help.

        I could debate over this, but there's really no point.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #34
          Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

          Don't you just love it when people get into an arguement about the smallest things? Who cares if people put something for max gil in their bazaar, it's their character and they can do whatever the hell they want with it. If you check them and waste 4-5 seconds looking at the items in their bazaar, that's your own damn fault. Seriously, it's just a game, get over it. Even stores in the real world have cloths and tools and other things "for display only."


          • #35
            Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

            That melon is for display purposes only


            • #36
              Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

              lol, this thread... /sigh i think im just going to go back and play more ffxi...


              • #37
                Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                Originally posted by UndyingSwordsman
                The point of this was to point out that most people don't care what you have for sale in your bazaar for 99999999 gil.
                And most people don't care what you have to say about it, they'll do what they do regardless.

                Me, I carry a buncha junk in my bazaar. I got my Lucky Leaping Lizzy tail, my JSE rings for both my 'main' jobs, my repub sig staff, warp cudgel and I'm sure a few other things. And unless I'm going to use the item, it's gonna stay in my bazaar, for max gil, until my character is deleted.

                I don't care if you don't care, it has nothing to do with you.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #38
                  Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                  Well, personally, I put stuff in my bazaar for max gil for one reason: macros with equipment changes.

                  Take for instance my Elegy macro; I switch in my Terra staff inside my Elegy macro. However, if I go into an area where I'll be melee (i.e. farming, skill up, quest, etc.), I prefer to keep my dagger/sword out. In this situation, I put my staff in my bazaar so I don't lose TP on a weapon swap.

                  Originally posted by Aeni
                  I just think it's annoying as hell when it's done in an area primarily reserved for ACTUAL bazaaring of items to sell.
                  Sometimes I forget to take it out of my bazaar when I come back to town. Usually, when someone checks my bazaar, I remember to take it out ><.

                  Perhaps, if SE added an option where you could "lock" items in your inventory to prevent equipment swaps or accidental tosses, then I wouldn't bazaar them.

                  Have you hugged your Taru today =)


                  • #39
                    Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                    See my signature. A dark staff is the cheapest thing I've just thrown away. Yes, I could be much more careful about scrutinizing every thing I drop/npc (and I do try to be careful), but mistakes happen (thanks to lag or carelessness). I feel better knowing my expensive/rare stuff is tucked away safely in my bazaar. It's for that same reason that no matter what happens, if my tamas ring isn't on my finger, it's in my mog safe where even the strongest bout of idiocy can do it no harm.

                    In addition to protecting my stuff, I have a few personal items up in my bazaar. All of this is mixed in with stuff I'm actually selling, though, so take it as you will.


                    • #40
                      Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                      Originally posted by Jugil
                      Perhaps, if SE added an option where you could "lock" items in your inventory to prevent equipment swaps or accidental tosses, then I wouldn't bazaar them.
                      {Yes please} or to quote my friend's chat log recently when he wasn't paying much attention whilst clearing out event items.

                      You throw away a Joyuse

                      I know dropping items you want to keep is pretty dumb (especially rare/ex ones) but it happens when you're in a rush and need room for an important drop.


                      • #41
                        Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                        I've put things in my bazare so I wouldn't lose them while doing some quests. As for checking bazares I've learned to recognize whitch mules are reglers and what they usely have to sell. Just like stoping by Wally world I know what mule to go to get what I need.


                        • #42
                          Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                          I have dropped all kinds of things by accident, but if I was to drop part of the Kirin set I hold, or the inevitable Timeless Hourglass my ls would lynch me.

                          I store what I can, but I have a tendency to put things in storage in home city rather than anywhere else, which is useless if your ls is waiting to go to dynamis. Considering the icon is just like the perpetual hourglass which I sometimes I have forgotten to toss after last times Dynamis - now you see why I bazaar some of the stuff I do.

                          Each to their own. I used to bazaar things my ingame husband gave me, now he is quit they are tucked in storage. Yesterday you could have bought poison pots for 1g from me =)

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                          • #43
                            Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                            I keep stupid things in my bazzar for max gil, sometime i wonder if someone would have that much money and buy it^^


                            • #44
                              Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                              I also bazaar gear to prevent them from being macro'd in. I bazaar my staves when I'm soloing on my RDM.

                              My MNK macros equip my MND or VIT gear for Chi Blast or Chakra, then put my DD gear back on. But if I'm pulling too much hate and want to use Crow gear instead, I don't want my DD gear getting macro'd back in every 3 minutes. So I lock up any gear that I don't want on in my bazaar.

                              If you could lock gear to bar it from macros, I would definitely take advantage of it.
                              Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
                              Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
                              Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

                              Bismarck Crafting Services
                              My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"


                              • #45
                                Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.

                                IIRC someone in my linkshell dropped her Snipper's ring twice. TWICE. My advice, put it in your bazaar and it won't happen again.

