Ok, first off, I really don't get the whole 999999999 gil things in bazaars. Hooray for you, you have a red rose for sale that I can grow in my garden... Which brings me to another thing, who cares about getting a crappy item and then displaying it for the world to see. Even good items, if you are not going to part with them do not gain you respect, only annoyance. Great, you have the Seal of Genbu... I am proud of your accomplishment, but if you aren't going to do anything with it, move on. Instead of bragging constantly to the point of aggravation, just make a use out of the item. What's that? A Mithra gave you a red rose? WOW! Put that up for 999999999 gil and sit outside Jeuno. You ever hear this one? Sell things you have no use for! It's an original concept, I know. And that is my rant.
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9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
What's wrong with showing something that means a lot to them? Maybe their siginificant otehr gave them that rose, what's so wrong with showing it off?
Another possible reason why they put that amount is so they won't accidently drop that item. If it's in your bazaar, you can't drop it, so it's in a "safe" spot. Do you really want to accidently drop a 5 million gil item?
And save the "You should be more careful" stuff... accidents happen. :-P
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
Yeah, I "accidently" sold my 11 million gil item to the item shop thinking it was a popoto. ARen't there quests to give more storage space and such so you don't have to worry about carrying all your items at once?
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
Originally posted by UndyingSwordsmanYeah, I "accidently" sold my 11 million gil item to the item shop thinking it was a popoto. ARen't there quests to give more storage space and such so you don't have to worry about carrying all your items at once?
I imagine it's a useful tactic for Corsairs using Quick Draw too.
With that said, who cares if someone wants to bazaar a rose for 99 million gil? Don't want to accidentally buy it? Don't carry that much money with you.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
Originally posted by Eohmer/sigh
What's wrong with showing something that means a lot to them? Maybe their siginificant otehr gave them that rose, what's so wrong with showing it off?
Another possible reason why they put that amount is so they won't accidently drop that item. If it's in your bazaar, you can't drop it, so it's in a "safe" spot. Do you really want to accidently drop a 5 million gil item?
And save the "You should be more careful" stuff... accidents happen. :-P
And the Seal of Genbu thing is so that while they are clearing their inventory, they don't accidently drop it rather than another item.
Why does what other people do with their roses bother everyone so much? It's not your inventory, so it's not your problem. Yes, it's annoying to check 100 people's bazaar and 99 of them aren't really selling any items, but that's life. How often do you really buy from bazaars that you randomly check, whether or not they are trying to sell items?
Another explanation could be that they want you to check them so that you waste a whole 5 seconds of your life.
Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!
My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)
Susan>> Babies are just like people.
Susan>> Just smaller.
[GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
[GM]Dave>> I hate people.
Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
[GM]Dave>> ...
[GM]Dave>> I'm listening.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
Originally posted by LilaniAnother explanation could be that they want you to check them so that you waste a whole 5 seconds of your life.
But yeah, when I made a my gf a heart shaped box chocolate with my engraving on it, she placed it in her bazaar and has had it since.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
I still have my Elshimo frog for 9999999999 gil.
Bazaar coment:
Fred Frog guards my <Bazaar>!
Shoplift and he will kick your buttocks!
Usually there's something else for sale in my bazaar as well, but right now I think the only three items are my goblin die (it brings me luck, I am convinced, nobody will ever tell me otherwise) and my corsair die, which I am going to take out and put in storage next time I drop by Windurst
Oh and Fred's legs have been 'eaten' three times now...all three by elvaan.
I think the third elvaan might have been in the closet.
Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
*There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
hahaha if you think having 1 9999999999 gil item in a bazaar is annoying, you should see mine
windurst taco
white drop
red drop
heart chocolate
royal omelette (signed by a friend)
light bead
love chocolate (signed by a friend)
Beverage barrel (signed by me)
River Aquarium (signed by a friend)
Goldfish Bowl (signed by me)
its silly, or stupid, w/e, but these items were given to me by friends, or, i dont want to sell them. i keep them in my bazaar, so people can see them o_O not to collect dust in my moghouse
WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP
"The man all the ladies want."
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
I like people that get annoyed at little things like this, they always make an amusing rant about it.
I guess he would get annoyed at me as well. On Ramuh, I have a red rose and 12 chocolates in my bazaar for all 9s. They were an in game birthday gift from my RL hubby. On Lakshmi, I have a bottle of slime juice my brother gave me after one of his Dynamis runs. Before he went in, I asked him to bring me back a present and he did. Am I silly for keeping these items up for all 9s? Yes I am. Am I sentimental about them? Yes I am. Am I gonna care if someone gets mad at me for wasting a few seconds checking my all 9s bazaar? Not a chance.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
If you have multiple high level jobs and are trying to level a low one this is often the only solution. My wife does this a lot. She has to keep a full set of BLM and WHM gear on her as well as gear for leveling whatever low job she is leveling. Even with 60 ML, 80 MS, and 60 inv as well as quite a bit of storage it's difficult to keep the absurd amounts of endgame gear you need for 2 jobs on you. Sorry, but it's not just one piece of gear for every slot like it might be on low jobs.
As a BRD I deal with the inventory hassle as well. Beyond my instruments I have a ton of situational gear and Ra/Ex stuff for other jobs. Keeping the Ra/Ex stuff in some form of storage and keeping things like my instruments on me (listed at max gil) makes life a lot easier when I'm trying to level other low jobs.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
A friend of mine had something silly (think it was a Crayfish named Yoink) in her Bazaar for all 9s.
Reason? Pimping her website in the Bazaar comment...
Oh, Warp. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
I'm going to play devils advocate here.
Some people put items up for 9999999999 because they have to. Some of us have space issues and can't afford to drop anything, thus the high-priced bazaars.
But I'll agree with you that people shouldn't be sitting around in Rolanberry Fields flaunting their 9999999999 gil item. That's kinda rude. However, in any other situationl, I could give a damn what they put on their bazaar.
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
I keep my Tarut: The King card in my Bazaar at max gil because it relates to my bazaar comment. And I give out red roses to all people who join my linkshell, so if they decide to display it then that is fine with me.
Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09
RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra
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Re: 9999999999 gil items (lol) and other stupid things players do that I question.
I think it's funny how people say they keep items in their bazaars for max gil because they have to...
I have just as many inventory issues as anyone else, and you know what I do? I slow down when I'm dropping or NPCing items. Honestly, it takes maybe a whole 20sec longer total even when clearing a full inventory.
That's not to say that I dislike that people do it, I do however know that anyone who thinks that's the "only solution" to their inventory management problem needs to slow down. They're probably the same people who accidently buy one fire crystal for 5k, etc etc...sigpic
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