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FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

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  • #31
    Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

    he cancelled his subscription...

    ICR Chris M: Your currently unable to because we don't have access to restore deleted accounts
    Mike: i did not deleat my account.
    Mike: you did.
    Mike: well
    Mike: i mean your company did
    He cancelled it, in effect asking it to be deleted. Moral of the story - don't cancel your account if you want to come back.

    I have taken a couple of 3-4 month breaks from this game and came back both times perfectly. Of course, I never cancelled anything with them. Sorry that your friend can't use cancelled codes to register the game, but he cancelled them himself. I'm sure his character is still there if he buys the game again.
    why doesn't he just rebuy the game? the DVD collection is just $19.95 (or cheaper) and includes the game + zilart + cop. Considering you get 30 days free for signing up a new account, the actual cost comes out to about $7.
    Excellent advice, $7 is hardly something to complain about really. Just get it again, and this time don't cancel the codes!


    • #32
      Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

      Originally posted by xerres
      ICR Chris M: Ok, you don't need to buy the software again, just need unused codes. Easiest way to do this is purchase the game again
      The biggest oxymoron to date!!


      • #33
        Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

        Originally posted by Jarre
        The biggest oxymoron to date!!
        Agreed! I almost fell over when I read that sentence... If someone famous said that, the quote would immediately become fodder for The Daily Show.
        Character: Bricklayer
        Server: Ramuh
        31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


        • #34
          Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

          Originally posted by tdh
          Maybe I'm just a mutant, and I keep the case and everything that comes with each and every one of my games, (I have a 6 ft tall stack of bins filled with games and controllers and guide books, and a second one that's nearly 3 ft tall with more stuff.) but why'd you get rid of yours? Since it does have very important information printed inside.
          Nope your no mutant I have lots of piles myself. My content ID is in my instruction book for the game, guide book, on my comp and in my old fashioned address book. ( i have a terrible memory!) I still have flashback band megadrive all boxed and in good condition somewhere int eh house, every game i have bought etc!!

          Double Post Edited:
          Originally posted by Bricklayer
          Agreed! I almost fell over when I read that sentence... If someone famous said that, the quote would immediately become fodder for The Daily Show.
          sounds such a "Bushism"
          Last edited by Jarre; 08-17-2006, 08:00 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • #35
            Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

            Originally posted by Bricklayer
            I think it's a complete waste of money for SE to have employees spending time explaining why users can't get their deleted accounts back. Further, it seems ridiculous that SE allows users essentially to "delete" their license. If a user has proper registration codes, and has a deleted POL ID on record, it only makes sense that they could either reactivate or apply for a new ID without having to buy their license again.
            Security issues is the only reason why they wouldn't. I'm sure all the ability is there to restore it, but it makes tracking what happened to the License harder. If they loose the ability to accuratly track their licenses then it makes the whole POL ID setup moot.

            Which is why they do the return to vana'diel event, this way they have a set date and process that would make a definate huge blip to those licenses so it makes it's reactivation easier to track and maintaining the security integrity of the POL IDs.

            Example of loosing track of the Licenses being bad would be them accidentaly restoring an ID that was terminated due to ToS violations. You want those that they permanently banned for MPK, RMT, or other such actions being able to come back restored to their previous glory and causing havok all over again?

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #36
              Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

              I kinda have to agree with Macht and Illuen about the war bit in the fact that it's just a play on sympathy. But my lack of sympathy prolly isn't exactly for the same reason as thiers. Here's why.

              It has to do with the LES (Leave and Earnings Statement) that every military member gets to look at every 1st and 15th of the month. The base pay chart the the exact same pay scale that *every* military member, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, gets every month, no variations. E-1 (the lowest rank in the enlisted corps) currently gets roughly about $1000 a month in pay (I don't have a pay chart with me atm, but it's around $1050 or so, so I round off to 1k for simplicity's sake). This of course scales up as you attain higher rank, as well as gain more time in service.

              Add on top of that various things such as BAS, BAH, and COLA (if your overseas), and your base pay can shoot up depending on your situation. You get more if you're living off base, and more if your married.

              And this is at home station.

              Your friend just came back from Iraq, no? He made *BANK*!!!

              Combat Pay
              Hazardous Duty Pay
              Separation Allowance (if married)
              No taxes on his pay for the time there
              No sales tax whatsoever from AAFES (not that there's much to buy out there at all anyways)
              and more

              So I absolutely see *no* reason why he can't pony up the cash for one copy of the Vana collection (nor did he need to cancel anything at all, unless he expected to go to Iraq to die, which I don't care what your job is, that's a *shitty* attitude to go there with).

              (If you can't tell, I tend to get kinda salty when peeps use the military to try to gain sympathy for thier own stupidity.)


              • #37
                Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                Originally posted by LilithAngel
                I kinda have to agree with Macht and Illuen about the war bit in the fact that it's just a play on sympathy. But my lack of sympathy prolly isn't exactly for the same reason as thiers. Here's why.

                It has to do with the LES (Leave and Earnings Statement) that every military member gets to look at every 1st and 15th of the month. The base pay chart the the exact same pay scale that *every* military member, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, gets every month, no variations. E-1 (the lowest rank in the enlisted corps) currently gets roughly about $1000 a month in pay (I don't have a pay chart with me atm, but it's around $1050 or so, so I round off to 1k for simplicity's sake). This of course scales up as you attain higher rank, as well as gain more time in service.

                Add on top of that various things such as BAS, BAH, and COLA (if your overseas), and your base pay can shoot up depending on your situation. You get more if you're living off base, and more if your married.

                And this is at home station.

                Your friend just came back from Iraq, no? He made *BANK*!!!

                Combat Pay
                Hazardous Duty Pay
                Separation Allowance (if married)
                No taxes on his pay for the time there
                No sales tax whatsoever from AAFES (not that there's much to buy out there at all anyways)
                and more

                So I absolutely see *no* reason why he can't pony up the cash for one copy of the Vana collection (nor did he need to cancel anything at all, unless he expected to go to Iraq to die, which I don't care what your job is, that's a *shitty* attitude to go there with).

                (If you can't tell, I tend to get kinda salty when peeps use the military to try to gain sympathy for thier own stupidity.)
                I like this post alot... I went to the good ole sandbox and came back no problems because I wasn't silly enough to cancel my FREE POL account just my content id's.


                • #38
                  Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                  Originally posted by Novalight
                  Ever play iRO, you know Ragnarok online? Owned by Gravity, a korea based MMO comp.

                  They are the worest in everything... they hardly offer any support to NA, (or anyone outside korea really), they did/still do many things wrong.

                  1. they allowed the source for the WHOLE game to get out of their hands and it leaked.

                  2. because the source is easy to find, you get bots, LOADS OF BOTS, openKore is the most popular of them.

                  3. Gravity hasn't done nearly anything to even quell the number of botters, execpt maybe a few packet changes which the bots worked around in days.

                  4. GMs are non existant, there is no real GM calling system, they ask that you send an email to their CS.

                  5. Bugs are rarely fixed quickly.

                  However, iRO is freaking fun for some reason, its like even though gravity sucks, the soul of the game gets through.

                  However its a bit costly imo because of the lack of customer interaction, and the rampaging hordes of bots.
                  Ooooh boy. I can so relate to that.
                  My iRO account is still gone because it was hacked. They stole ALL of my items. T_T

                  Tried to get GM support. Couldn't. Had to email them, and wait.... and wait...
                  Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                  Get creative and pretend these happened.
                  Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



                  • #39
                    Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                    Originally posted by Macht
                    They are strick about the POL ID because it's what ties your identity to them. It's also designed with intent to be a central location for other Online games they release. It's free which adds more of why the hell would you cancel it?

                    See SE doesn't have to IP ban because they tear down all your work through that POL ID. It's why all your characters are strickly binded to it and why they are not transferrable from it.
                    I think the central difference between this and other MMORPGs is that fact that PlayOnline is a Square-Enix "portal" much like Microsoft with their XBox Live and Sony's own portal.

                    Other MMORPGs do not have this system. Basically, what you bought is essentially all that you have. The game and any other services that is directly tied to the game.

                    However, FFXI is only a service which ties directly to PlayOnline. If people can understand this part, then they'll realize how important it is to keep the POL account active if they want to have any more future dealings with SE and their products/services.

                    Unfortunately, because SE is one helluva suck ass company right now, we're not getting anything other than FFXI. I think this becomes more apparent or noticeable if you're a Japanese POL customer, with Fantasy Earth, Front Mission Online and any other games installed along with FFXI and that you're switching between games/services so that you can see just how important POL really is in order to play FFXI.


                    • #40
                      Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                      Speaking of Front Mission Online, I'm still kinda salty that they didn't bring it over.

                      Boo. And Hoo, as well.


                      • #41
                        Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                        was it (FMO) any good?

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #42
                          Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                          I set up a POL account and purchased a content ID and I kept the information in a notepad file, but unfortunately the computer crashed and I lost all my information. I purchased this computer and since I couldn't retrieve my info I purchased a new copy of FFXI Online and set up another POL account and purchased the content ID (which is what I have now). Unfortunately since the old POL account (and content ID) wasn't cancelled I still am charged that one. How do I get rid of it? Whom do I speak to?


                          • #43
                            Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                            call POL support.

                            Thanks Yyg!


                            • #44
                              Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                              Do they have an online chat option as well?


                              • #45
                                Re: FFXI the only place where if you go to war you have to buy the game twice.

                                Yes, its on their main site

