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Things that make you cringe!

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  • #16
    Re: Things that make you cringe!

    Originally posted by Mog
    besides the fact that they cast reflect whenever you cast magic on them. or is that lesser colibri?
    It's only the higher Colibris that cast reflect. But this still makes them ample targets for a tp burn setup. As they are still very week to meleeing and as well as Physicle Blue Mage spells, and songs from a bard. Ninjitsu I think works as well.


    • #17
      Re: Things that make you cringe!

      What makes me cringe? Levelling THF to 15.

      *runs back out to Tahrongi Canyon to get level 14 ... again*


      • #18
        Re: Things that make you cringe!

        i had a cringe moment tonight...

        doing a supplies mission to yhoatar jungle, sneak right through the place no prob. get an invite along the way, explain i just need a few mins to finish this then i'll out post warp to meet them at QSC. get to the outpost, check the coast is clear, drop invis, deliver package, cast warp > boom, aggro from a tonberry. don't really want to two hour it, so try warp time and time again, interupted every time, he was a summoner too so mysleep wouldn't of helped too much (one more level til sleep 2, yey!). Die. ah well hopefully this party will make it back up and more without too much problem. OP warp to East Altep. right in front of a gobbo. sigh, try to make it accross the zone but don't get far enough. death 2. HP, OPwarp again. coast is clear this time. Sneak and invis up. off I set. This time it's all myown fault, i admit, but while typing a message explaing my two deaths to my party, invis drops, a gobbie and his pet aggro, chase me half way accros the zone until... "Kylestie is defeated."
        /sigh death 3.
        Anyway after that i made it to the camp and had a fun, productive party which was cut a bit short by bad luck, and disconnections. While had i not died three times i would of leveled, instead i pretty much finished the night back where i was a couple of days ago exp wise.
        Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


        • #19
          Re: Things that make you cringe!

          Yes, but it makes me cringe that i can't use red curry (unless i want to spend anywhere between 700k-2 mil a PT, and that's even too much for me).
          If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

          Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


          • #20
            Re: Things that make you cringe!

            Originally posted by Bitter Wisp
            Yes, but it makes me cringe that i can't use red curry (unless i want to spend anywhere between 700k-2 mil a PT, and that's even too much for me).
            Provided your profile information is correct, Bison Steak would serve you well and be much less expensive for the same 3 hours. I don't know for sure, but does a BLU64 have 500 or higher base Atk?
            PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
            RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

            Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
            SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


            • #21
              Re: Things that make you cringe!

              Red curry also gives +7 str, which really helps my death scissors.
              If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

              Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


              • #22
                Re: Things that make you cringe!

                Stupid ppl.

                Ones that have been playing for a while but haven't lvled the job that I am currently playing, telling me how to play it.
                Tanks that complain about BLMs pulling to much hate and don't try to voke it back.
                RDM that are lvl 60 that forgot which macro they put refresh in.

                And the best for last...

                LS members that don't show up for events planned for them, but will ridicule others for events they don't show up to.


                • #23
                  Re: Things that make you cringe!

                  Originally posted by Cutie
                  Stupid ppl.

                  Ones that have been playing for a while but haven't lvled the job that I am currently playing, telling me how to play it.
                  Also, when I see people playing jobs that I play often (drg and smn) wearing absolutely awful equipment, as in a lvl 60+ drg wearing lvl 30 equipment and lvl 14 rings.
                  I crush up my pills and snort them like dust. They are my sugar. They are the sweetness in the days that have none. They drip through me like tupelo honey. Then they are gone. Then I need more. I always need more.

                  Sig thanks to Aksannyi of Dreams In Vana'diel


                  • #24
                    Re: Things that make you cringe!

                    Only thing that makes me cringe are lv70+ players who still refuse to get their own silent oils and prism powders... though i guess that could be my biggest pet peeve... same difference
                    Rank 10 - Windurst
                    Zilart M15 - Completed
                    CoP M2 >.<
                    ToAU M8 - Completed
                    Assault LV1 2/5
                    Lv75 SMN, Lv75 WHM Lv66 BST
                    Lu Shang Acquired 28/08/04


                    • #25
                      Re: Things that make you cringe!

                      I asked a level 75 drg if they ever macroed in af helm for weaponskills. He said no, he just wore it the whole time from 60-75. Now that made me cringe.
                      Thanks Kazuki.
                      Dragoon Equipment


                      • #26
                        Re: Things that make you cringe!

                        A 27whm/13smn resting during the fight to get MP, and only used it to summon Carbuncle. While as a blm/whm, I had to cure others as the primary. Finally, we kicked him off the party.
                        Last edited by Bonus; 08-24-2006, 01:57 AM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Things that make you cringe!

                          Getting back to things you personally did that made you cringe...

                          1) Finding out that Justice Badge can be quested... cringe that I bought mine.
                          2) All the mats and crystals wasted on trying to craft too high above my skill level (not that many, but still sad that I could have used them productively).
                          3) Not in game, but wishing I had gone the extra couple of bucks to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse when I built my latest PC...
                          Character: Bricklayer
                          Server: Ramuh
                          31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM

