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New to Final Fantasy

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  • New to Final Fantasy

    Well I've wanted to play the game without online and I was wondering how to do it. Since when I say cancel. It instantly goes back to my Xbox 360 profile.

  • #2
    Re: New to Final Fantasy

    This game is only online. So you can't play it without being online.


    • #3
      Re: New to Final Fantasy

      Umm the only thing i could think of would to play on the PC version and find a way of setting up your own server, which I don't think is allowed.
      FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix

      of the Diabolos server. Current residence:San d'Oria
      40 MNK 22 WAR 15 BLM 13 WHM


      • #4
        Re: New to Final Fantasy

        The title of the game is Final Fantasy XI Online. There is no offline version.

        If you'd like to play a Final Fantasy title that doesn't support online play, there's 11 other versions available for the PlayStation I/II plus miscellaneous spinoffs.



        • #5
          Re: New to Final Fantasy

          There is a 12 out too, and 13 coming out soon.
          Do what you like, like what you do, but don't hate.

          Which FF Character Are You?


          • #6
            Re: New to Final Fantasy

            ff 12 is Offline Game as will 13 be

            as for ff 11 i recon Soe Should Seriasly Consider Modafying Thare Stupid Pament Options Becose Not Everybody Has The Pleasure Of Haveing a Credit Card
            Hell i am 32 on a Penshion and i am not alageabel For a Credit Card WWare i Live

            I Recon Soe Shouled Make it That Payment Can be Assapected By Eather Bpay Or Paypal Or Derect Debit From SSaveings Accounts

            But than Agen This is Sony its not Like thare Going to Change Thare Payment Options To Suit Thare Clientall ie Clients/Consumers

            hack i Remember the Days whan MMORPG Was a Completly Free Service Look at GW and Nwwn And Some Other MMORPG Games Yes you Buy The Game No Thay Dont Charge FOr Playing THare Games Online Hack sony Charges For ffxi Beccose Thay Whant To Milk Every Singel Cent From yOu

            its Thare way Of Saying Buy Ower Gamee But You Must Pay Us For The Privlage Of Playing The Game

            now Dont get me Roung i know thay Need too Pay For Server Matance etc But Still I read Many Forums and Sites and i can tell you that 50% of the poopulaion Are Complaning About it And How Sony Are Treating Tham i Mean Think About it Relisticly

            if your going to Play ffxi Warexs Your Money Comeing From And Can You Keep Up With Payments Arfter Paying Your Isp And Bills And Creditcard Bills Yes Credit Cards Must Be Payd Ie Interst Rates
            I think i Gotten My Point of View Out

            i Would GHladly Pay To Play The Game But Becose i Dont Have a Credit Card irts Like Sony Saying Grate You Brot Ower Wonderfull Game But Wer Denying You The Joy Of Playing it Unless You Have a Credit Card


            • #7
              Re: New to Final Fantasy



              • #8
                Re: New to Final Fantasy

                Originally posted by Wayneperth
                ff 12 is Offline Game as will 13 be

                as for ff 11 i recon Soe Should Seriasly Consider Modafying Thare Stupid Pament Options Becose Not Everybody Has The Pleasure Of Haveing a Credit Card
                Hell i am 32 on a Penshion and i am not alageabel For a Credit Card WWare i Live

                I Recon Soe Shouled Make it That Payment Can be Assapected By Eather Bpay Or Paypal Or Derect Debit From SSaveings Accounts

                But than Agen This is Sony its not Like thare Going to Change Thare Payment Options To Suit Thare Clientall ie Clients/Consumers

                hack i Remember the Days whan MMORPG Was a Completly Free Service Look at GW and Nwwn And Some Other MMORPG Games Yes you Buy The Game No Thay Dont Charge FOr Playing THare Games Online Hack sony Charges For ffxi Beccose Thay Whant To Milk Every Singel Cent From yOu

                its Thare way Of Saying Buy Ower Gamee But You Must Pay Us For The Privlage Of Playing The Game

                now Dont get me Roung i know thay Need too Pay For Server Matance etc But Still I read Many Forums and Sites and i can tell you that 50% of the poopulaion Are Complaning About it And How Sony Are Treating Tham i Mean Think About it Relisticly

                if your going to Play ffxi Warexs Your Money Comeing From And Can You Keep Up With Payments Arfter Paying Your Isp And Bills And Creditcard Bills Yes Credit Cards Must Be Payd Ie Interst Rates
                I think i Gotten My Point of View Out

                i Would GHladly Pay To Play The Game But Becose i Dont Have a Credit Card irts Like Sony Saying Grate You Brot Ower Wonderfull Game But Wer Denying You The Joy Of Playing it Unless You Have a Credit Card



                • #9
                  Re: New to Final Fantasy

                  Umm... First of all, SoE only manages the GM service for this game, and SE handles the payment, so quit complaining about a company that has little to nothing to do with the game.

                  Second, learn to spell.

                  Third, it keeps lots of money to keep those servers up and running, especially with the load they handle. Also, the bandwidth costs of the servers, as well as of the official website. As far as I know, FFXI is the cheapest per month out of the most popular games (13/month, compared to 15/month that most other games charge)

                  Also, you can pay it using a debit card, which is what I pay my account with.

                  Here's a rough translation, I think:

                  FF12 is Offline, as well as 13 will be.

                  As for FF11 I reckon SE should seriously consider modifying their payment options because not everyone has the pleasure of having a credit card.
                  Hell I am 32 and on a pension and I am not eligable for a credit card where I live.

                  I reckon SE should make it that payment can be ...(!?) by either Bpay or Paypal or Direct Debit from savings(?) accounts.

                  But then again this is Square Enix it's not like they're going to change their payment options to suit their clients.

                  Heck, I remember the days when an MMORPG was a completely free service. Look at GW and Nwwn and some other MMORPG games. Yes you buy the game, no they don't charge for playing their games online. Heck, SE chargers for FFXI because they want to milk every single cent from you.

                  It's their way of saying "buy our game, but you must pay for the priviledge of playing the game."

                  Now don't get me wrong, I know I need to pay for server mantenaince, etc, but still, I read many forums and sites and I can tell you that 50% of the population are complaining about it and how SE is treating them. I mean, think about it realistically.

                  If you're going to play FFXI, where's(?) your money coming from and can you keep up with payments after paying your ISP and bills and credit card bills? Yes, credit cards must be payed, ie, interest rates.

                  I would gladly pay to play the game because i don't have a credit card. It's like SE saying "Great, you bought our wonderful game, but we're denying you the joy of playing it unless you have a credit card."
                  Last edited by Suteru; 08-10-2006, 09:48 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: New to Final Fantasy

                    {That's interesting.}

                    With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


                    • #11
                      Re: New to Final Fantasy

                      Originally posted by Vasilis
                      There is a 12 out too, and 13 coming out soon.
                      Note that I said 11 other versions. That would be FFI-FFX plus FFXII. Actually, there's FFX-2 as well, though that's ... er... kind of a sequel but not really.



                      • #12
                        Re: New to Final Fantasy

                        Originally posted by Suteru
                        Umm... First of all, SoE only manages the GM service for this game, and SE handles the payment, so quit complaining about a company that has little to nothing to do with the game.

                        Second, learn to spell.

                        Third, it keeps lots of money to keep those servers up and running, especially with the load they handle. Also, the bandwidth costs of the servers, as well as of the official website. As far as I know, FFXI is the cheapest per month out of the most popular games (13/month, compared to 15/month that most other games charge)

                        Also, you can pay it using a debit card, which is what I pay my account with.

                        Here's a rough translation, I think:
                        I Am Not Complaying About How Much thay Charge I Am Complaning aBout Thare Payment Options

                        Thares Only 2 i repet 2 Opeion With Thare Playonline Client and That Is Visa Or Mastercard ie thows are calld Credit Cards

                        Thares No Option For Derect Debit Hack I Have a Saveings Acount that Has Drect Dabit Enabeld

                        And if you Cannot Tell I AM Speeking On Beharf Of AUstralians

                        And On Beharf Of THows WHo Are UNabel To Aqier ie To Have a Credit Card


                        • #13
                          Re: New to Final Fantasy

                          Originally posted by Wayneperth
                          I Am Not Complaying About How Much thay Charge I Am Complaning aBout Thare Payment Options

                          Thares Only 2 i repet 2 Opeion With Thare Playonline Client and That Is Visa Or Mastercard ie thows are calld Credit Cards

                          Thares No Option For Derect Debit Hack I Have a Saveings Acount that Has Drect Dabit Enabeld

                          And if you Cannot Tell I AM Speeking On Beharf Of AUstralians

                          And On Beharf Of THows WHo Are UNabel To Aqier ie To Have a Credit Card
                          Your solution:

                          EDIT: P.S. Please learn to spell and write in your native language, or at least learn to use a spellchecker. It is painfully difficult to read your posts.



                          • #14
                            Re: New to Final Fantasy

                            Originally posted by Wayneperth
                            ff 12 is Offline Game as will 13 be

                            as for ff 11 i recon Soe Should Seriasly Consider Modafying Thare Stupid Pament Options Becose Not Everybody Has The Pleasure Of Haveing a Credit Card
                            Hell i am 32 on a Penshion and i am not alageabel For a Credit Card WWare i Live

                            I Recon Soe Shouled Make it That Payment Can be Assapected By Eather Bpay Or Paypal Or Derect Debit From SSaveings Accounts

                            But than Agen This is Sony its not Like thare Going to Change Thare Payment Options To Suit Thare Clientall ie Clients/Consumers

                            hack i Remember the Days whan MMORPG Was a Completly Free Service Look at GW and Nwwn And Some Other MMORPG Games Yes you Buy The Game No Thay Dont Charge FOr Playing THare Games Online Hack sony Charges For ffxi Beccose Thay Whant To Milk Every Singel Cent From yOu

                            its Thare way Of Saying Buy Ower Gamee But You Must Pay Us For The Privlage Of Playing The Game

                            now Dont get me Roung i know thay Need too Pay For Server Matance etc But Still I read Many Forums and Sites and i can tell you that 50% of the poopulaion Are Complaning About it And How Sony Are Treating Tham i Mean Think About it Relisticly

                            if your going to Play ffxi Warexs Your Money Comeing From And Can You Keep Up With Payments Arfter Paying Your Isp And Bills And Creditcard Bills Yes Credit Cards Must Be Payd Ie Interst Rates
                            I think i Gotten My Point of View Out

                            i Would GHladly Pay To Play The Game But Becose i Dont Have a Credit Card irts Like Sony Saying Grate You Brot Ower Wonderfull Game But Wer Denying You The Joy Of Playing it Unless You Have a Credit Card
                            FFXI servers aren't run by Sony Online Entertainment- they're not connected in any way. Sony's home to games like Starwars Galaxies and Everquest, but FFXI's a Square Enix product, and run on their PlayOnline (POL) servers.


                            • #15
                              Re: New to Final Fantasy

                              Please don't speak on behalf of us Australians if you can't spell properly. And you can get Visa and MasterCard recognised debit cards in Australia that will work around the world.

                              "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

