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Expeditionary Forces

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  • Expeditionary Forces

    Does any one do these?

    I've read a bit about them and am interested in maybe trying to get one organised (i've been waiting to get my outpost warp for kolshushu for months but windy just will not take the place) but thought i'd try and get some idea of what i'm getting into.

    Basically i know how the mechanics of them work. Grab a bunch of people, go to location, find flag, spawn monsters, kill them find next flag, repeat. But am interested in what these are like to to do? Are they basically a big rumble (and potential lag fest) like Garrison? Or are they more tactical like a BCNM?

    How have you organised these in the past? I once saw some one shouting in sandy recruiting, is this the normal way? Any other ideas how i could get a group of Windurstians involved?

    Are they scaled up/down for larger/smaller groups (similar to garrison)?

    Any other advice also appreciated.
    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.

  • #2
    Re: Expeditionary Forces

    I organised an EF within my LS a long time ago - it was a lv 30 capped one.

    They aren't a potential lagfest like the Garrison. Only one group of mobs spawn from the Beastmen's Banner, but they are harder than the Garrison mobs. Each one uses two hours as well.

    A BRD would be very handy to sleep some of the mobs while the rest of the people in the party/alliance take them down one by one.

    This thread is a pretty good basic guide to Expeditionary Force


    • #3
      Re: Expeditionary Forces

      Midgard USED to have two huge EF linkshells, for Bastok and Windurst, that did EF's every weekend as long as there was an area controlled by the beastmen.

      However, the windurstian one broke up a short time before I joined the game (one of my RL acquantances was the olf shell holder), and I haven't seen the Bastok one out in a very long while. I suspect it might've broken up as well.

      So basically, I know people USED to do them, but I don't know if it still happens.

      Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
      If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
      *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*

