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Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

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  • #16
    Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

    Wow, Looks like getting this ring is going to be very interesting. But hey, if it ain't a challange it really isn't worth it. XD
    "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
    "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
    "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

    Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P


    • #17
      Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

      A RDM/NIN at 74/75 equipped with a Ceremonial Dagger (forgot spelling) can solo it and not worry about it's TP attacks. Enfire will destory it gradually and it won't be able to build TP on you.
      Soloed to 75

      [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

      all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
      .:|The Prototype BST|:.
      Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


      • #18
        Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

        A Nin/whm could solo it to be fair using Elemental Ninjitsu but it would take a while. The point is, most people want this when they can equip it and a 60-65 level party is going to get hurt by this NM. Granted, you can wait till you're 75 and solo/duo it but I think the replies are made with the OP's level in mind and the challenge he'd face fighting the mob.


        • #19
          Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

          That's an extremely valid point, as I sometimes forget that high lvl help isn't always available so I apologize if my advice wasn't as useful as I was hoping it would be. Since I don't have any experience with it at a lower lvl than 73bst the only advice I can give is you'll likely want to clear the tunnels near the placeholders of slimes and bats completely so a lower lvl party can maneuver a little bit without fear of too much aggro. You may even want one or two people on aggro duty to make sure any repops are taken care of without injuring the main team that's fighting the jelly.

          Certainly don't try and fight him in the room where the two haunts spawn (or anywhere nearby) since the haunts will likely repop before you could finish killing Sewer Syrup and you will almost guaranteed be in low hp at some point. You don't need those two guys beating on you while you're taking on the nm ^.~ There's a cross tunnel just up the way from where you'll find him that you could pull him to, which I think only has a slime and a bat pop if I recall correctly. That might be a safe camp where you'll have a smaller chance of aggro from the other bats and slimes. Good luck and happy hunting!
          Windurst: Rank6
          Cook81.4 || WW62.7 || Alch60 || Cloth52 || Bone54.1 || GS31 || SM24 || Leather8 || Fishing18.3 || Cook94 (mule)


          • #20
            Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

            Originally posted by Kirsteena
            Those bats still aggro me at 75, so there will always be aggro, but they are EP and easy to deal with.
            I can promise you that they don't. Some of them are EP, but they don't aggro. I've fought right next to the bats right next to sewer syrup many many times (I've solo popped the NM 3 times for myself and friends, not to mention many many fights against it in small groups). Since offensive blood pacts remove sneak (and those are like 80% of my damage against jellies), it wasn't an issue of me just throwing an avatar at one and remaining snuck the whole time.

            However, the mousse that spawns at the nearest "camp" for sewer syrup can and will attack level 75's, and the two haunts in the room where the NM spawns can be annoying too.
            Generic Info!


            • #21
              Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

              Correct. The bats don't aggro at 75. The good thing is, they don't link either. Everything except the Dark Aspics, Funnel Bats, Werebats and Hecatomb Hounds will aggro at 75.
              Soloed to 75

              [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

              all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
              .:|The Prototype BST|:.
              Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


              • #22
                Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                I dread to think what I have been doing wrong, cause they have aggroed me...

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                • #23
                  Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                  Originally posted by Kirsteena
                  I dread to think what I have been doing wrong, cause they have aggroed me...
                  Did you rest near them?


                  • #24
                    Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                    Originally posted by LadyKiKi
                    Correct. The bats don't aggro at 75. The good thing is, they don't link either. Everything except the Dark Aspics, Funnel Bats, Werebats and Hecatomb Hounds will aggro at 75.
                    On the level with the Sewer Syrup very little aggros, however, drop through the hole in the floor and you'll last seconds without sneak.


                    • #25
                      Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                      Soloed Sewer as 75RDM/37NIN. Bats don't aggro. Haunts do, and SS will get you low, so they'll aggro from FAR.

                      Anyway, After Camping the hallway, I spawned him finally. I put up shadows, then I bound him, Gravitied, then Sneaked up. Then I ran my Taru ass off for the Zone. (It's this Zone that's deeper in the cave, past the Undead Hounds and stuff.)

                      After a long ass time, he finally got to me. (I guess Jellies run slower than most mobs....)

                      All of his TP moves can be blink tanked, and while my sword wasn't doing a lot, My Enspells were doing *gasp* an extra 5%. So I guess he has the stats of his Ring.

                      Anyway, fighting him over there by the zone line, with no aggro and with /NIN was a joke. 100% drop rate. Fight took like 14 minutes, but I didn't need to convert at all. Bring a Blink tank, or just get a good RDM. Have everyone sub NIN cause his AOE WILL hurt you.

                      For weak NMs like this, having more is worse. Melee's won't do jack against him except give him TP, and mages tend to just get in the way. A group of 3-5 (at most 6) will take him out easy.

                      I was embarassed that I thought I'd need to raise PLD and beg my LS for this thing.
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #26
                        Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                        I duo'd with an RDM and me as a NIN, both 75. The respawn timer is about 15 minutes on the PH inside the room. That is is the only place I have ever seen him spawn.

                        The bats should not even get close to aggro, if I remember correctly, since they are around the corner.

                        The haunts are easy to solo and should be cleared before taking him on.

                        [75NIN] | [75RNG] | [64NPC]
                        [W10] | [ZM Complete] | [PM Complete] | [TA25]
                        San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
                        Current: Apocolypse Nigh


                        • #27
                          Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                          This may come as a bit of a surprise, (to some) but Bostanieux Oubliette is a long-time hunting ground for BST, so if you want a ring, ask one or two BST to help with it and dispense with hunting for level 75s with overpriced equipment!

                          A friend of mine, Spoonysal (67BST at the time) took a level 60PLD from his LS down there to get the ring for him. He soloed it through the first few petswaps to prove to himself that he could do it, then Glaveus (75BST) and myself (65BST) joined him and we took it down in under 10 minutes. Without Glav's help, it would probably have taken closer to 20 mins, and a solo BST would probably take 45 mins to an hour.

                          On the conventional party route, I went as part of an alliance of 10 or 11, all level 58-65, with a fairly conventional party setup (I was WHM for that one). We wiped! Once we re-raised the whole team, we were joined by a level 64BST and things went a lot smoother.

                          Just an alternate method you might want to consider ^^
                          CatrinM WHM75/BST75/BRD45/BLM37/PLD37/WAR37
                          Bastok [10] Sandoria [10] Windurst [9]
                          Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                          Catrin BST75/WHM37/BLM31/SMN9/NIN7/MNK6
                          Bastok [6] Sandoria [1] Windurst [1]
                          Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                          Beastmasters never die, we just get do-overs!

