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Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

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  • Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

    Well, currently I'm a level 60 PLD (Finally) taking a short break from leveling and trying to get all my Promys out of the way. I'm also trying to build up enough money to go ahead and buy some items before leveling once again, but I kind of hit a snag on the Jelly Ring.

    Thing is, I'm not exactly sure what to do in any aspect.

    Question 1.) What party formation and levels would be good enough to get the ring?

    Question 2.) Is it really worth it? It's only about -5% Physical damage and if I take, for example, 1k worth of damage that's only going to be 50 HP off.

    Question 3.) Is there a quest involved? I took my level 1 BLM and got some sneaks and went exploring down there. All I found was a "???" and it left me thinking.

    I normally wouldn't ask questions about items, but I did some research and nothing really turned up. Just told me which NM drops it.
    "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
    "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
    "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

    Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P

  • #2
    Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

    1.) I think you can duo or trio this if you've got a couple of 75 friends. If not, you might just need a standard party.

    2.) It's pretty worth it, yes.

    3.) No quest. It's just an NM drop. Sewer Syrup is a lottery pop (I think) from the other slimes down there. Don't take my word for that though.


    • #3
      Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

      Originally posted by Murphie
      1.) I think you can duo or trio this if you've got a couple of 75 friends. If not, you might just need a standard party.

      2.) It's pretty worth it, yes.

      3.) No quest. It's just an NM drop. Sewer Syrup is a lottery pop (I think) from the other slimes down there. Don't take my word for that though.
      Alright, thanks for the info.
      "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
      "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
      "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

      Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P


      • #4
        Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

        It's not that hard if you have a good PT together. I got mine with 2 lvl 70+ PLD and 75 NIN (tank). The Fluid Spread one shoot me as 64 WHM. If you go to get it at lvl 60 everything will aggro. Just keep sneak up and you will be fine.


        • #5
          Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

          I've camped this one a few times. It is a lottery pop from the Mousse close to that section (there is one pops in the room, along with a couple of haunts, and one in the corridor).

          Sewer Syrup has always popped in that room for me. He is lottery, but as he isn't really heavily camped, the chances are you will get him to pop within a couple of hours. I have soloed him, duoed him, whatever. If you have a couple of 75 friends, ask them to help out. If someone is there - come back another time - you won't have to wait that long.

          5% isn't that much, but when you can stack it with other -physical damage gear, it all adds up. Earth Staff gives -20%, so even those two together - you get hit for 1k normally, it will only hurt for 750. That adds up over time.

          One other thing - everyone gets aggro going down there, so sneak up

          Originally posted by Aksannyi
          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


          • #6
            Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

            I never found the need to use or even bother getting this ring. Most NMs/HNMs that you fight will have magic too, so that +5% magic damage will just negate the -5% damage. You're better off getting a Sattva ring, Herc ring, and Bomb Queen ring.

            Be like a Paladin.
            Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


            • #7
              Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

              I didn't realize that all PLDs did was tank NM/HNMs. You learn something new every day. :O


              • #8
                Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                Originally posted by csBahamut
                I never found the need to use or even bother getting this ring. Most NMs/HNMs that you fight will have magic too, so that +5% magic damage will just negate the -5% damage. You're better off getting a Sattva ring, Herc ring, and Bomb Queen ring.
                A good pld will have the balance of all of them, including Jelly Ring. BQ Ring against Suzaku will serve you even less well than Jelly Ring (go go - 75 Fire Resist). However, if you are xping against, for instance, Dhalmel, with their stomp can tank very happily against it with -25% physical damage.

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                • #9
                  Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                  Jelly Ring is very useful for XP parties for PLDs, since the majority of the damage you take is physical in most cases (and thus making the +5% magic damage less important).

                  Against hNMs, it's usually not so great, but even there sometimes it's worth using (it's not smart to use Bomb Queen Ring against Tiamat, for instance. ). That and I don't know anyone who actually chose the Sattva Ring. It's great... if you only ever plan to level PLD or NIN.



                  • #10
                    Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                    Avoid meleeing the Sewer Syrup if at all possible. Have one tank on it, preferably Ninja, and have everyone else stay back and use magic or ranged attacks. Less TP means less fluid spead/toss attacks which is always a good thing.


                    • #11
                      Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                      It takes extra damage from magic, I didn't see anybody mention that. He takes 50% extra, I believe. Any job able to do some decent magic damage is best. NIN RDM BLM SMN and maybe BLU (if you clear out the area around where you're fighting so hitting extra monsters with a BLU spell isn't an issue).

                      I'm not sure what level the bats next to where Sewer Syrup stops aggroing at. If you're down there with some 75's, you can just hang back out of AoE range and toss cures while keeping sneak up and the level 75's can fight without worrying about bats aggroing.
                      Generic Info!


                      • #12
                        Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                        Those bats still aggro me at 75, so there will always be aggro, but they are EP and easy to deal with.

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi
                        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                        • #13
                          Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                          Originally posted by csBahamut
                          I never found the need to use or even bother getting this ring. Most NMs/HNMs that you fight will have magic too, so that +5% magic damage will just negate the -5% damage. You're better off getting a Sattva ring, Herc ring, and Bomb Queen ring.
                          I would agree with some of this. I never wear my Jelly Ring anymore, but
                          while leveling to 75, I think Jelly Ring > Vit Ring as long as you are not fighting
                          mobs that cast magic. Of the other rings you mentioned, he could buy Herc
                          ring, but I would think it would be pretty tough for a level 60 Paladin to get
                          a Sattva Ring or a BQ Ring.

                          Sewer Syrup is not that hard to camp or defeat. (Bring several high level mages
                          and they can really blast it)

                          Originally posted by Icemage
                          That and I don't know anyone who actually chose the Sattva Ring. It's great... if you only ever plan to level PLD or NIN.
                          I took the Sattva Ring, (right now I only plan on leveling Paladin and Ninja) and I
                          don't regret the choice at all.


                          • #14
                            Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                            Yes, throw as many mages at it as you can.

                            Seriously, Fluid Toss ins't that big of a deal. It wasn't nearly as powerful as a lot of you are making it out to be.


                            • #15
                              Re: Obtaining the Jelly Ring.

                              The pld in my static needed it so a friend and I went down as our bsts (lvl75 and 73) to try and duo it for him since no high lvl mages could be found to help out. Once we got it to spawn, we used the local pets (Mousse and bats) against it... a long and very arduous process. He tears through the bats, but the slimes do fairly well against him. It took nearly 2 hrs of throwing slimes at him to bring him down because of his obvious physical dmg resistance, but the fight was extremely fun to do and nice to see that other options exist besides magic to get the jelly ring if necessary.

                              As already stated, even at 75 you can get aggro in that area, which made the fight all the more exciting with links and two {Connection Lost}s by the other bst I was with while we were fighting the nm!
                              Windurst: Rank6
                              Cook81.4 || WW62.7 || Alch60 || Cloth52 || Bone54.1 || GS31 || SM24 || Leather8 || Fishing18.3 || Cook94 (mule)

