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Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

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  • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

    Originally posted by Sanura~
    I agree with the not having direct control over the chocobos, but I don't understand why his means we need a substitute jocky. I still want to see myself on my chocobo, I don't want to hand it over to some random NPC and 'hope for the best'.
    Totally agree. I don't see the fun in not racing my own chocobo.

    Actually, I think chocobo stats should be displayed to people who are betting; however, there should be a bit of a 'luck' element to the race. If you bet on the underdog(the one who recieves the fewest bets), you could get more valuable items/more money from being correct than if you bet on the obvious winner(the one who receives the most bets).
    Actually, I think it would be more fair if no stats or wins of said chocobo were shown. It's more mysterious (and based on luck). If everyone saw the stats, then no one would bet on the underdog. Unless they watched every chocobo race and know who usually wins. But would that be a bad thing? If they spend the time watching, then I don't see why they can't have the upper hand.


    • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

      heh, imo, i think you should be able to choose to hide wins and stats if you want to, and be able to go /anon-like with them
      WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

      "The man all the ladies want."


      • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

        Originally posted by Akai
        ehhh that would suck...i mean thats like saying your weapon skill should degrade over time if you dont use it
        Does a weapon need constant care and attention? No.

        It's different with a chocobo though. If you don't properly raise it, it will do poorly in the upcoming race and it will be negatively effected due to negligence.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

          >_> well...people just wouldn't go for it :x also, maybe every chocobo should have a special trait when theyre born i.e, increased speed, increased stamina, and there should be golden/silver chocobos :x
          WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

          "The man all the ladies want."


          • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

            It's just a way to ensure longevity. There would be a base two or three sessions in which your chocobo would obtain optimal training stature, then from there they can increase their skills. If they've neglected their training sessions they would have to redo their base sessions depending on how long it's been. If they've neglected their chocobos long enough to need to redo all three base sessions then they'd start losing stats.

            I'd like to see MR1 style training sequences.


            • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

              hmmm well, i think the training degrade should only happen if its left untrained for a long period of time, not like, 1-5 days :x, so people who dont play every day wont be suddenly gimped in 1 day :x
              WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

              "The man all the ladies want."


              • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                *hasn't read the entire thread so some ideas may or may not be repeated*

                I love the idea of nonsteerable Chocobos in races.. it provides way more stat/training based strategy, and no pos/speed hacking, glitches, or bots could ruin it.

                If gambling was involved in classic horse racing style and Chocobos were steerable, it would be incredibly easy for people to allow their Chocobos to take a dive so they could profit with multiboxed accounts and RMT.

                You should not be allowed to bet on your own Chocobo if you enter any in a race (if anyone played Chocobo Stallion, they'll know how cheap this is), and I agree that they need trophy furnishings and special eventlike equipment (that anyone can wear and they have no "uber" use aside from a fun little thing)

                Ranked races along with a free non-rank influencing class (to help show friends how to race well and just for playing around without a huge disadvantage).

                A Qiqirn announcer.. You all know you want to see one announce a race >.>


                • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                  i liked choco racing in FFVII if it is similar to that and made so players cant cheat to win, it will be great fun. You should be able to bet on a chocobo even if you didnt raise it, and make gil or prizes if the chocobo you bet on wins or not. that would be cool!


                  • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                    i haven't read much of this topic due to being at work and not having much time, so i dont know if this was stated yet. maybe they could they be controlled somewhat like they were in FF X. they do what they want, but you do have some type of control, just not too much.

                    Originally Posted by Sanura~
                    I agree with the not having direct control over the chocobos, but I don't understand why his means we need a substitute jocky. I still want to see myself on my chocobo, I don't want to hand it over to some random NPC and 'hope for the best'.

                    I wouldnt want to be a galka and enter a race. I would like to see 'Balmor' on his own Choco during a race unless there is some type of class that allows players to be trainers only.
                    Last edited by Shep; 08-06-2006, 09:51 PM.

                    Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
                    BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

                    Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
                    BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


                    • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                      Didn't bother to read much of the thread :p

                      But one thing I would like to see is things like laying qiqirn bombs in the middle of the track, and when someone runs over the bomb, their chocobo wabbles to the side, and the jockey falls to the side, and quickly jumps back on, and continues racing, or perhaps if a chocobo gets close to another choco, an option to kick the opponent's choco, thus slowing it down a little, but both of these have a limited number of times they can be used. Stamina would perhaps give the chocobo a chance to not be effected by the bomb or kick. And maybe there can be half-resists of these offensive moves, so like, bombs will cause the chocobo to stumble a little, but not throw off the jockey, and kicks can only slow down the chocobo a little.



                      • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)



                        • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                          it would be cool if each job had an AF chocobo. one that had a specific look and stats. that or AF chocobo armor.
                          God helps men because they are great.
                          Men are great because God helps them.
                          Hana ha Sodatsu|| FFXI Haiku


                          • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                            Multiple Tracks!


                            • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                              Originally posted by Anheuser
                              it would be cool if each job had an AF chocobo. one that had a specific look and stats. that or AF chocobo armor.
                              Hehe, that'd be pretty cool! An armor designed around each stat/purpose~ Perhaps the quest would be unlockable by raising a certain number of chocobos, each chocobo having a lot of training in one field. For example, you have raised 3 chocobos, each for digging. You talk to Brutus, and he gives you a quest for digging armor. You do a lot of speed training, talk to a different NPC, maybe the choco lady in Al Zahbi, you get a quest there. Etc etc. The armor might be given straight to the chocobo society, or whatever they're called, and you talk to a representative who will then give you the option of giving the chocobo the armor, changing the current armor, and removing the armor all together. And maybe there could be champion chocobo armor, available only by winning a certain number of races, and other chocobo armor prizes! Oh~ That would be fun!

                              edit: Yeah! Multiple race tracks! I want one that goes through a really weird area, like in FF7!

                              IS DOUKUTSU MONOGATARI NOT AWESOME?


                              • Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                                Acctual stats should never be displayed. If they were displayed gambling would be completely unbalanced. If you want to be a good gambler at any kind of races you need to keep track of the various possible contestants, I'm sure some people will race often and you'll recognize their bird and/or jockey. Of course you can always communicate with the riders to learn the birds stats, but It is entirely up to the rider whether or not to give them. As for having an /anon thing for wins losses. Again that totally breaks it as well, there is not really any reason why a person would care who bets on them or against them, considering the betting and racing asepcts will most likely be seperate. The only reason /anon would be desirable is if you had an insanely embarassing track record, and that wouldnt really help you other than save you some imaginary embrassament, because no one would raelly care.

                                As for having jobs etc affect the racing. This is not Mario Kart, this is not Chocobo Racing (PS1) this is more like Chocobo Stallion (Which was for all who did not play the import pretty much a Horse Racing Sim reworked with chocobos) The engine is not built for twitch gaming, you wont be dodging land mines and shooting missles, ( no lightning bolts here! >_>) It's just not going to happen.

                                I think a good suggestion was made a while back about the jockey's. I wouldnt minda jockey if there was a wide selection of jockey's each with their own individual back stories that could be investigated and played out between quests or simple cutscenes, and if you had some conversation/relations with the jockey. Don't make it so involved that you have your own personal jockey that you have to train or anything, but make it involved enough that you have a bond with your jockey and I think that the whole not racing part would go over fairly well, as long as we get a chase cam!

