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Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

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  • #31
    Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

    Who exactly will be the rider? I'd like it to be my Fellowship NPC.


    • #32
      Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

      well, as rider they could put some automatons ^^ (rider frame ^^) and asking people to unlock PUP before it isn't that hard...specially that to get ISNM eggs you need some decent Lv...just make PUP Lv doesn't affect its performance so peolpe wouldn't need to actually Lv up PUP if they don't like the job ^^

      EDIT: Also, would be nice to add an rider animator so you could give instructions to automaton during's not "controlling" still, but would be better than just watch i think...having some commands like "speed up", "hold on", "defend", "attack"...and also make some "rally" like runs, on areas were you have great areas to run (like Bhaflau tickets) so you have to get a few flags before you can complete the run...this way the player would give some commands like "check compass" or even a "quit" command ^^
      Last edited by Lienn; 08-04-2006, 04:28 AM.


      • #33
        Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

        Easiest way to make it hax free is to have it automated. i think they should do a "friendly" circuit similar to dioramha ghelspa etc where you and friends can race against each other for whatever odds you want in conjunction with the CPU controlled chocobo races for public enjoyment.

        This way people can race against each other for thier own personal odds and the game wont be speed hacked to win the actual important point races. but thats just my opinion.

        Gotta remember people. If you control it. Its going to get botted, hacked, lagged. In the end

        IT FAILS.
        Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
        75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


        • #34
          Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

          I would LOVE to ride my chocobo during races... but it would be unfair. Why? Fleetool. Yes, you can run it while on a chocobo and during races, as long as you don't go to fast but are still faster than everyone, you'll win and simply "Have a very good chocobo." There would be no ay for SE to check out except a detailed chocobo de-section to find it's proper speed, and that would be to much of a hassle.
          Originally posted by Ellipses
          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
          Originally posted by MCLV
          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
          More Sig:


          • #35
            Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

            I have a couple suggestions.

            • Allow players to be seated in the stands to watch the races they are betting on, or simply for fun. Filling in the stands with a few NPCs would also help to make the area seem more active. Nothing would kill the fun more than not being able to go to the track and sit in the stands. I realize that currently theres no ability to acctually sit in chairs (sadly), however, perhaps make it possible to choose to sit down in the stands, and when one is sitting instead of viewing the race from the stands they can view the race choosing from chase cameras behind each chocobo. Perhaps a moogle camera crew as the reasoning?
            • Allow a betting system, that's what racing is all about. Some sort of point system for rewards is also a good idea, perhaps points rewarded when your chocobo comes in top ranking place I.E. Point rewards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. These points could perhaps be used to purchase chocobo related items.
            • Allow players to ride their own chocobos, however, not directly control their movement, simply have a control for them to speed up which would use up the chocobo's stamina, if the stamina reaches 0 the chocobo would slow considerably, similar to the racing system in Final Fantasy VII. This would introduce at least some strategy and skill into the mix without having lag cause a tremendous problem as direct control over the birds would.
            • Don't make the race track in a totally arbitrary other dimension type hoo hah like Ballista and Brenner. I already know that the stables appear to be accesible from every major nation, which is completely fine, but please put it on the map somewhere, perhaps make it manually accesible or at least recognize it's location. (Which appears to be somewhere in southern mindartia, looking at the map's resemblence to Sarutabaruta) I think it would really kill it if it was just another "It's a magical land in a tiny box" thing.
            "after a short time no one will care about racing, it will be a dead and empty arena much like CoP,"

            I don't really think this is true, considering according to the map you will be able to enter the race track from any major nation and this is something that you can just do when you have short periods of time to play, this is honestly nothing like CoP, and why tell them to stop working on something a lot of players want, you're already getting call chocobo, and sooner than the racing. Call chocobo is not a hard concept, nor would it take them a lot of work to introduce, so your statement is really ridiculous. Also, most of the CoP areas are intended to be used mostly as dungeons and boss areas for the missions, and they serve this purpose very well. They were never really intended to be the next hot leveling spots, if you're referring to the capped zones. And most of the uncapped zones are utilized quit often.

            "I hope they add multiple tracks"

            I don't think this is going to happen, reason being the chocobo track map has already been added, (you can check out all the chocobo related maps at Vanadiel Atlas) but perhaps in future updates, if chocobo racing is popular it would be nice to see.
            Last edited by Ramsey; 08-04-2006, 05:55 AM.


            • #36
              Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

              It would be quite weird to not be able to control your chocobo, why not relate it to the same system used in Final Fantasy VIIâ„¢? You can choose between having your chocobo manual controlled or automatic control. I really liked that system alot and would hope for the devolopement team to look at some of their old games and be able to think of what players would like. The command to sprint ahead ect. is really a good idea.

              I speak in behalf of the players who've enjoyed Final Fantasy and Square-Enix's regarding the prospective of Chocobo Racing.
              Lv75 Warrior Lv75 Dark Knight


              • #37
                Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                This could be a GREAT idea for downtime when looking for a party or group.

                My only suggestions are system related;

                Allow players to look for party and be ABLE to accept party invites before/after the race. I'm not saying you should be able to accept invites during a race (It will likley be unavalible like when you are KO'd) but to be able to accept /tells would be a great ability.

                Make it so the races are small, quick, and easy to get into. Don't make 10 races/ real life day. There should almost always be a race going. Individual races should give prizes that are marginal, however coming in top place overall should always give you a great prize. There should be categories, sub-categories, etc for rankings.

                Make it worthwhile to seriously invest some time into breeding/racing. So that if you decide to make this a full time job, like levelling a craft, there should be resonable prizes for such dedicated raisers/racers.

                Also perhaps instead of including an NPC to read out text to you (Upcoming race,bidding odds, current standings of last race, overall standings, etc) Make it a targetable NPC that gives you a list to choose from.

                (To the likes of brenner LS ranking list for example, which I'm surprised no one has used yet.)

                That's all for now, but most importanlty If this feautre recives good reception at the start, I excpect you guys to make it a top priority since it's so damn fun!



                • #38
                  Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                  A few things I liked in other posts:

                  - Selecting a jockey based on race of jockey and breed of chocobo.

                  My suggestion for developing affinity - training would increase affinity and racing would decrease it afterward (doesn't make sense but I'm thinking of balance). Our chocobos are only available for a limited time so we'd have to decide how much training vs. how much racing. This could prevent the same 1 or 2 chocobos from winning all the time.

                  - Different race tracks or weather and day affecting the way the chocobos run.

                  Each chocobo could have an element affinity and be affected by the element day. I liked the idea of fire weather tiring out the chocos faster because it was hot, but maybe there would be a few "fire" chocobos that actually like that weather!

                  - Special races.

                  Event races were mentioned. You could win special prizes (EX of course) that are event related and get rare items like the Moogle Wands. Since the races would be limited, the rare items are also given out in limited number.

                  - Personal races where you actually control the chocobo.

                  After earning points through regular racing (like Ballista), you could use them to sign up for a race with invited friends (like Diorama). While regular racing allow no input after the race starts, the personal races give you control from start to finish! You could even set up the weather conditions for the track. Jockey-chocobo affinity would be unchanged since the jockey's not here!

                  - Gambling prizes are EX.

                  I really like this idea since it locks out RMT. And I wouldn't mind whether you had to build up points to get them (like you build up goldscooping points for prizes) or whether the prizes are won outright. I'm leaning more toward points so there could be some really nice prizes to earn in addition to chocobo foods and EX medicines.
                  They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                  • #39
                    Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                    This is how I think the racing will work out.
                    Since it is automated you are given certain commands to Queue up to your chocobo pre-match.

                    For the sake of this arguement, 10 commands will be used in the entire race. Using 3 racers this is what it may possibly look like.

                    1. Dash
                    2. Pace
                    3. Get behind lead (causes less wind resistance and allows you to pass up the lead chocobo)
                    4. Cut Inside
                    5. Cut Outside

                    1st rider
                    1. Dash
                    2. Pace
                    3. Pace
                    4. Get Behind lead
                    5. Cut inside
                    6. Dash
                    7. Dash
                    8. Pace
                    9. Pace
                    10. Dash
                    2nd rider
                    1. Pace
                    2. Pace
                    3. Get behind lead
                    4. Dash
                    5. Pace
                    6. Pace
                    7. Get behind lead
                    8. Cut inside
                    9. Dash
                    10. Dash
                    3rd Rider
                    1. Dash
                    2. Dash
                    3. Dash
                    4. Pace
                    5. Get behind lead
                    6. Cut outside
                    7. Dash
                    8. Pace
                    9. Dash
                    10. Dash
                    Well as you can see from this, player 1 and player 2 look like they have the best chance of winning, with player 3 abusing his/her chocobo too much with all the dashing unless he/she was very certain that their chocobo has a lot of stamina to keep doing this.
                    Get behind lead will most likely work if only there is a leader in front, however to not make this command useless, if your chocobo is already in the lead, and the get behind lead command is in effect, it will turn into a dash command.

                    I would really like to see some play time with my chocobo before the match. Tarutaru wedgie? (Chocobo picking up Tarutaru from the back and tarutaru doing /panic in mid air. )Whatever makes chobi happy. Just don't eat my Relic gear.
                    The play time with chobi can act like a moral boost for your chocobo instead of using food to power up your chocobo. Anyone can play with their chocobo.
                    Hacked on 9/9/09
                    FFXIAH - Omniblast


                    • #40
                      Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                      I dont mind not being able to race, it actually sounded way too complicated, with lag issues, hacks, stuff. I'm somewhat glad. It'd be fun.. but only if no such thing as lag existed.
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #41
                        Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                        Some people get a thrill from gambling. And if you have ever watched X-Play on G4 you might have seen the episode where they reviewed Horse Racing Sims, which seem to only really sell in Japan. In case you did not know this is originally a Japanese game. So I am sure the JP player base is excited with the Race system whether it be AI controlled or not.

                        But, watching a race and betting on it could be fun depending on the rewards and the back story. If NPCs will be riding the chocobo's then Profiles of their characters would need to be available in order for use to feel a sort of bond with them.

                        Being able to walk through the stables and meet the NPC Jokeys, talk to them maybe get cut scenes as to their backgrounds, telling us their reasons for racing and such, would be required.

                        These Jockeys would have to be larger than life characters worthy of being celebrities for us to bet on them and follow their careers.

                        I imagine eventually you will be able to reserve a track where you can invite friends for a couple hours of racing, like the private ballista area.
                        Sergeant Major
                        75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                        22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                        Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                        • #42
                          Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                          Unless of course its like dog racing, that is, no riders... Just chocobos...?


                          • #43
                            Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                            Well, the riderless chocobo doesn't seem likely to me, I recall pics of characters on the chocobos going through the race coarse. Let me see if I can find them.

                            I'll look for more
                            Last edited by Rai; 08-04-2006, 07:22 AM.
                            Sergeant Major
                            75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                            22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                            Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                            • #44
                              Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                              Most of the main ideas have been posted already, gil as a prize should be a no but at least give back enrty fee, I like the idea of CRP(Chocobo Racing Points) and the items you get should be worth while. Also some older item that RMT camp should be available of course at a high point cost.

                              The jockey idea is good too, you can hire a jockey to rid for you each jockey is different and depending on your own chocobo the jocky could be good or bad with it, this would rule out the possiblity of one "Perfect" jockey.

                              I would like to see a training area where you could raise the affection of you and your chocobo. Here you could maybe ride around or what not.

                              Tournaments would be a great feature where maybe Gil is a prize and I would love to see a trophy given out as a Furnishing even a little one for those who enter(I love furnishing).

                              Speical event races should be held too, like X-mas and easter, these could just be for fun.

                              Thats all I could think about, I hope S-E uses most of these ideas.


                              • #45
                                Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                                There have been many good ideas posted here and I’m going to reiterate those that I liked while tossing in my own suggestions.

                                I would like to see multiple tracks just as there was in VII, as well as different circuits or cups to win. (As someone else suggested have different restrictions on the different circuits.)

                                For each of these I would also suggest having different types of races (for different entry fees).

                                a) Just you and your chocobo trying out the course. It could be another way to build bonds with your chocobo and get them more comfortable with racing around a track (hidden chocobo racing skill?).
                                b) You and your friends race in a friendly match. Sort of like the above but just for those entrants that you allow. (Sort of like giving people pages for a private Ballista/Brenner.)
                                c) You enter your chocobo for a competitive race. In this race you control your chocobo against others in the same class. This is where you could earn rider trophies as furniture items, and maybe chocobo points or something like that to spend on breeder items.
                                d) You enter your chocobo for a Breeders Cup race. In this race you don’t control your chocobo and can just give suggestions to the jocky (Chocky) before hand. Big prizes from this could be chocobo points to spend on breeding items, and the breeder cup trophies. These would also be the only matches that could be bet on though the game itself.

                                I do want to see the traits of the breed chocobo play out in the raceway; which would make some chocobos more suited to different tracks. Such as a fast chocobo could clean up on the short track, while a chocobo with high stamina would do a lot better on a long track. A track that has shortcuts or a hidden path might be one with a high discernment score would do best on. And one with high receptivity might just have all of its other stats boosted based on how good the jocky (Chocky) is.
                                SMN 75 / COR 63 / THF 60 / WHM 53 / NIN 53 / RNG 40 / WAR 30 / BLM 28 / BRD 20 / MNK 16 / DRG 14 / SAM 13 / PAL 1 / DRK 1 / BST 1 / RDM 1 / BLU 1 / PUP 1

