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Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

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  • #16
    Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

    Originally posted by PiNG
    While posting your comments onto the forum, we would appreciate any ideas related to “gambling” for example, as well as any other opinions or concerns regarding Chocobo Racing.

    Obviously the answer to this is "no". Please no gambling on chocobo races, it's too easy to have a group of friends all enter the race and then fix the outcome for the winner. No thanks.

    Now if there were periodic "offical" races by the nations across Vana'diel, with prize purses for these "official" races, then that's different.

    About direct control of the chocobo, I completely understand. The owner will have limited control by what was said, which is okay. But it still puts more pressure on the skill of raising the bird as to how it will perform on the racetrack. Good idea.


    • #17
      Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

      I would love gambling in chocobo racing..
      it would make it so much more fun...

      there should be know, 1st place wins so much, second place wins so much..etc..etc..
      Also, there should be some form of training for your chocobo so it can get better as you progress in races..

      also, perhaps a meter of some sort that shows the chocobos affection for you....which might affect orders which are given.


      • #18
        Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

        I would like to see a prize system, based around "Chocobo Racing Points," where, depending on how well your chocobo does in a race, you gain a certain amount of these points.

        These points would then be traded to the prize center for rare items.

        Suggestions for items:

        =A stylish set or sets of chocobo riding clothing (similar to the chocobo jack coat) which would give Chocobo-related bonuses.

        =A Chocobo Champion's Plaque, or Trophy, Moghouse furnishing, with Chocobo-enhancing Mog-Hancement effects.

        =Rare Food for your chocobo


        Gambling could take place using the suggested "Chocobo Racing Points," instead of actual gil. Gambling however, should be kept to a minimum, so that it doesn't become the main focus of the racing.
        Wevrain - Shiva


        • #19
          Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

          I want to be able to name my chocobo >.> or can you do that? I haven't been following this a lot <.> but it'de be nice to name them.... not just choose from a list either

          It's not the great that are strong.
          It's the strong that are great.


          • #20
            Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

            Originally posted by yuna544
            I want to be able to name my chocobo >.> or can you do that? I haven't been following this a lot <.> but it'de be nice to name them.... not just choose from a list either
            Sorries, it's "Choose from a list," like Puppets and Wyverns and NPC friends.
            Wevrain - Shiva


            • #21
              Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

              You should be able to gamble gil and if you win you get points similar to imperial standing and conquest points.

              These "Racing points" would be used to BUY Abjurations, God pop items, and basically any NM that RMT monopolises. I know SE tries to deny that there are such players half the time. But its time that SE stopped giving us BS and came up with a solution.

              Strider Boots.
              Comet Tail


              This would help get money out of the market and make people actually fall in love with the game again for the simple fact that they will feel they have a chance to actually get the gear they want.

              I know there will be many players saying "no" to this idea. But i think it would be a big kick in the balls to RMT. As EVERYONE would get a chance. So nobody is actually losing out. Granted you have to think about the stability of the market. so why not have Cursed items there etc.

              Different leagues could get you different prizes. etc. and have different point systems. For example. League 1 points could not be used to buy league 3 items. Similar to assault points. The higher the league the more expensive the items point cost. For example. Martial Abjuration body could be 1million points and each bet could cost 2000 gil with a maximum point return of the same value.

              I think this would be GREAT addition to the game. NMs would still be there and drop the items they do so they would be avaliable to players and i hate to say it RMT. The chocobo racing im thinking about would be frikin sweet!
              Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
              75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


              • #22
                Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                I don't understand how chocobo racing can be fun if we aren't controlling our chocobos.

                It's not much of a race, but then again, if we were able to controll our chocobos then there would be something in the game that actually takes skill and isn't randomized depending on stats. That just isn't FFXI style.

                /sigh, I was actually getting excited about chocobo racing.
                Last edited by Kaneda; 08-04-2006, 05:06 AM.


                • #23
                  Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                  I think that by the end of this we will be in control of chocobos, the player base is not going to stand for this! Me included! If its controlled by riders this is money in the pockets of RMT! Make an awesome chocobo, breed them and sell the good eggs, hell sell crap eggs as rares!

                  Without some skill in the racing and it all being system based its going to be badly abused.


                  • #24
                    Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                    So if you go to the horse races, car races, boat races its only fun if you can go and drive the vehicles? pulease...

                    Its like betting on football. or like in FF7. Look at the game world and how it works. Its glitchable. Lag would play a part in the races, hacking.

                    If the computer played our characters riding the chocobos based on a chocobo AI system that they should have upon being born combined with stats and "racing experience" meaning the more they race the smarter they get... that would be a good thing to have imo.


                    If people are able to control thier characters its gonna end up getting hacked. Simple as that.

                    in reply to post above:
                    RMT have skill eneough to kill certain NMs on shiva. they would get the skill needed to race chocobos just as easy i asume.

                    Would i like to be able to control my chocobo? HELL YEAH!
                    Do i believe that its gonna make more problems? Sadly yes.
                    Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
                    75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


                    • #25
                      Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                      In responce to gambling.

                      Originally posted by klvino
                      Obviously the answer to this is "no". Please no gambling on chocobo races, it's too easy to have a group of friends all enter the race and then fix the outcome for the winner. No thanks.
                      I'd hope that SE wouldn't allow this to happen by making it a random selection for each race, based on class/lvl of each chocobo.

                      So even if a group of ppl try to fix a race by entering 5 weak choco's Vs 1 great, there is no guarantee they will end up in the same race or even the same league.

                      Edit: also having the races Non-player controlled it will be impossible to fix a race.


                      • #26
                        Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                        Originally posted by Xellith
                        So if you go to the horse races, car races, boat races its only fun if you can go and drive the vehicles? pulease...
                        Because this is a video game, not a TV program. Why the hell would I get on to FFXI to watch chocobos running around?

                        I have a feeling chocobo racing will be like auto-attack in the way that you'll just watch and not really be able to do anything to change the outcome except improve your stats. You wont be able to decide where you run just like you can't do anything to be more accurate auto-attacking.


                        • #27
                          Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                          please dont waste your time on useless choco racing.

                          all we want is "call chocobo" what ever is required to do so ie raising we are happy to do, but we really dont care,

                          after a short time no one will care about racing, it will be a dead and empty arena much like CoP,


                          • #28
                            Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                            Even if there is gambling like there was in FF7, it should be as FF7 was where you won ITEMS not gil, and if a certain combination of chocobo's win, place, show's then there is a specific prize. Some prizes being more rare than others, New items or chocobo related r/e items could be obtained this way, Thus encouraging the racing and gambling system without hurting the economy. What is a RMT going to want with a R/E chocobo say armor (just an example) nothing, it serves no purpose for them. Regular players however would go ape for this usually, and since it is a win, place, show type of method that is preset before the race begins it would be warrented to race alot to try and get the item you want through pure luck. considering the prizes like 7 would be hidden untill after the race is over. A symbol would have to be implemented into the game for prizes. As for not being able to race my own chocobo, at first I was against this, then after reading the posts before mine, I came to the conclusion that yes it is a very good idea. People would ruin it fast with speed hacks. The idea of jockeys is also a great idea.


                            • #29
                              Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                              I guess they should make not only several cups (trophies yes please ^^), but also several courses, allowing all kinds of weather affect chocobos performance. Like a course in Altepa, double heat...all chocobos would get exausted faster...IMO, every city should get its own course...Windurst, San d'Oria, Bastok, Rabao, Kazham, Jeuno, Mhaura, Selbina (OMG! stables in Selbina *x*), Norg, Al Zabih, Nashmau...and every coursehaving affected by local weather like Altepa's heat, Kazham's dowpour, Nashmau's fog...

                              Also, the day would be good to affect chocobos too...afterall, harder to know who gonna win = better. So more things affecting them would make things better (and funnier ^^).

                              About gambling...i see no problem about it, but in a inverse way as said here...this would be great to remove gil from game...make people buy tickets, if they win, they get points that will be stored and later on exchanged for items (Rare/EX please).

                              Imagine gambling allowing people to get decent stuff like weapons with exclusive WS on it, or armors that bring exclusive spells...that's not needed to only having reward as gil or chocobo related items...

                              Also, some souvenir vendor would be very nice ^^ (Chocobo hat!) making armors just to show off, like event ones...and some furnishing like chocobo dolls, local notorious characters dolls...(Ajido-Marujido doll, Prince Trion doll, Mihli Aliapoh doll ) ^^


                              • #30
                                Re: Feedback, Chocobo Raising (From SquareEnix)

                                Sorry. I double posted and I don't know how to delete my post.
                                Last edited by Kaneda; 08-04-2006, 05:24 AM.

