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Does race make any difference?

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  • #16
    Re: Does race make any difference?

    Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
    This is actually one of my pet peeves. Race. Matters. Willl it prevent you from playing Job X? No. Will it help determine HOW you play Job X? Absolutly. On WHM/NIN I have over 1k XP with a +Haste +Attack setup. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "OMG I want your MP" or "How do you have so much MP?". Answer? I'm a Tarutaru. Waat that much MP? Don't play a MIthra/galka/elvaan/w.e.
    More MP doesn't necessarily make you a better player, though. It's a bonus, most definitely. But it doesn't really matter in the long run.

    If you have two players of identical skill level, playing a galka and tarutaru WHM respectively, yes, the taru is going to have the advantage of numbers. But identical skill levels are pretty subjective so it's difficult to really test that in the real world.


    • #17
      Re: Does race make any difference?

      Ok, I went for:

      They have different stats, but an galka whm can be better than any taru whm with the right gear.
      I've seen some truely awful taru whm and no amount of gear/racial stats will help them.


      • #18
        Re: Does race make any difference?

        Interesting post. I always just try and help out the people with jobs a little less suited for the task. I am an elvann and i know some faults of my race. But try to joke about it and have fun. I always detest the pts that kick you for your race/job. Also people tend to say oh this is better then this. And you know what everyone knows everything in this game is situational. You use "x" gear in this situation. Or "x" sub in another. Ugh! e.g. "OMG! BRD/RDM, you know BRD/WHM is better. There is no reason you should ever play BRD/RDM." I laugh and think to myself wtf?" And either say or just leave and let them spend another hour finding a replacement.
        "It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice"
        MC Scooter.


        • #19
          Re: Does race make any difference?

          Absolutly agree. I have never said, nor will I ever say that "more MP makes you a better player." MP isn't about playing better, nor is playing better about MP. What it DOES do, however, is change HOW you play.

          I fully believe that you reach a certain point where more MP doesn't do anything for you (assuming you are a decent player) because you know how to manage MP. Once you reach the point where your MP manage means you always have enough MP (talking XP parties here, not HNM), then more MP is pointless. Tarutaru reach that point before Galka. And that means they can focus on other things. +HMP, for example. Or +MND. Or do what I am doing, and turn /NIN in an MP conservation subjob that out does /BLM and /SMN.

          Point is, race does affect your play play style.


          • #20
            Re: Does race make any difference?

            That's why I chose the most popular option up there. That they have different stats, but all can play adequately with different gear.


            • #21
              Re: Does race make any difference?

              Personally it does not matter to me what race they choose, heck ill commend people for playing a the harder race job combos. Player skill is the most important thing.


              • #22
                Re: Does race make any difference?

                Where's my cookie cutter at? I know I left it around here somewhere..Ah, here it is! RACE MEANS EVERYTHING, OMG YOU CAN'T BE A TARU PALADIN, THAT JOB IS RESERVED FOR THE BIG FUZZY GUY WITH THE SATAN HAIR! There is no such thing as player skill either, because everyone who plays this game is a newb until they solo Kirin. With an Onion sword.

                I tank in field gear. Oh shi-!


                • #23
                  Re: Does race make any difference?

                  How do u make a poll anyway? I'm confused on how to set it up lol ^^


                  • #24
                    Re: Does race make any difference?

                    It's probably for the best that not everyone knows that.


                    • #25
                      Re: Does race make any difference?

                      Oh yea...otherwise it'd be spam central.


                      • #26
                        Re: Does race make any difference?

                        Originally posted by Etra
                        Galka's really shouldn't be playing WHM. lol I partied with one when leveling Ranger out of dunes. He only had 74ish max MP. It wasn't much, and we often didn't live because he ran out of MP so fast.

                        But anyways, there's a large imbalance between the races. Galkas get the worst part of it, being socially banished from ever going near a caster job, and all.
                        Um, Excuse me? I'm a Galka that happends to be a level 50 White Mage, and I can assure you that we can play mage jobs just fine. The races in the game are far from unbalanced. Also, there is no way your Galka WHM in the dunes had 75 mp, even with no +mp gear, our magic isn't that horrible.

                        It's true, to play a Galka mage, you're going to have to work harder to make up for your weaknesses, but no harder than a Taru Paladin would have to. These race discussions are getting old, you'd think with this game being out for so long, people would know by now; race means nothing.


                        • #27
                          Re: Does race make any difference?

                          Eh, the correct answer is that any race can play any job adequately but some races play some jobs better than others, given good quality of gear.

                          Elvaan Monks? Sorry, but they're noticeably better. Not overwhelmingly, but still better once you pass the "adequate" stage.

                          Tarutaru White Mages? In most cases, better than the competition, and when geared and played correctly, better than all the competition.

                          Galka Bard? You'd better believe they're the best at this job at level 75. Takes a licking, keeps on ticking, and can wear -HP gears that would make a Tarutaru cringe in horror.

                          Does that mean Galka make bad WHMs? No.
                          Does that mean a Galka WHM will never exceed a Tarutaru WHM given perfect gear and perfect playstyle? Yes.



                          • #28
                            Re: Does race make any difference?

                            I have to say, this is just kind of a pet peeve of mine, but starting posts with Um, Eh, or Meh sounds really rude. Perhaps unintentionally rude, but still.

                            Not that you're not right - because you are. Just something I've noticed people doing a lot lately.


                            • #29
                              Re: Does race make any difference?

                              Jesus Christ, could you have made that poll any more complicated?


                              • #30
                                Re: Does race make any difference?

                                Originally posted by Icemage
                                Galka Bard? You'd better believe they're the best at this job at level 75. Takes a licking, keeps on ticking, and can wear -HP gears that would make a Tarutaru cringe in horror.
                                I am currently working on brd for my Galka and I must say I got from 1-7 within 2 hours in Gustaberg with war sub for soloing, using a bronze sword. Its learning how to play with what you have. Any race / job can be played to teh ebst as logn as the person lerns the job and learns it around teh duifferent weaknesses of each race. Once at 10 I will be working on WHM to sub to brd when I hit dunes, of which i will be using +mp earings and +mnd Rings to help with backup healing, Armys Paeon helps with its regen effect.

