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Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

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  • #61
    Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

    Well toss in my few cents here.

    What I find funny is people considering only themselves and immediate gratification. If that's what you want as said millions of times already then FFXI is not for you, go play WoW or something.

    Now for Besiege as it already has been stated before protecting that Astral Candesence is providing larger more long term benefit then just the immediate gratification.

    Person complaining that the AU mobs are not weaker then the older mobs, I could probably aggree with to a small extent. See thing not mentioned either is when the mobs get the AC they do get stronger. So I've noticed my damage when we don't have AC drop to 120's pretty normal for me from the 200's, so if you are on a server were they keep loosing the AC then yeah AU mobs may not seem that different.

    Other thing I got to add is seriously, SE seems to have a plan that the players just don't realize yet. Ever once consider why they would make something that currently seems for fun be so hard? On top of that add in to trying to drive people to use it. As I see it they are preparing to release more benefits you get for having the AC and possibly more that will do with those other spots that seem to be for something in the AC's chamber (Notice the design at bottom and how only 1 lights up when the AC is there and it doesn't light up when AC is taken).

    As I see it SE is first making sure the plumbing is there before realsing something really good and having everyone, their moms, and pets possessing to easily. Remember before the AU release they started releasing a lot of stuff and even altered the lv. 50+ EXP TNLs, they were trying to encourga more lv. 75s likely for something planned in AU.

    The added complexity to the fights and stratedy I find very ironic that people would complain and blame SE for it when it was other people (Players) who wanted this change. SE just simply complied and I bet was pleased to hear people wanted more stratedgy in the fight. I myself was one of them that even sent a request to SE to add more stratedgy to it because I thought the whole Zerg Rush thing was silly.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #62
      Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

      It also has to do with the fact of how easy it is to reach this new camp places.

      So SE also needs to work on making Conquest areas faster/easier to reach.

      (Outposts/chocobo just aren't cutting it anymore if you compare them with Stagging point camps)
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #63
        Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

        Originally posted by Raydeus
        It also has to do with the fact of how easy it is to reach this new camp places.

        So SE also needs to work on making Conquest areas faster/easier to reach.

        (Outposts/chocobo just aren't cutting it anymore if you compare them with Stagging point camps)
        Well still unclear on how the new raised chocobo's will be, but that chocobo wistle adds a tremendous amount of use that wasn't present before. Then to consider what the new chocobo's abilities might have that hasn't been released, there is a lot of possibilities. Really got to wait and see, so many changes and lot seem quite drastic as I see it SE is planning for something big. It's just a matter if the players have the patience or not.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #64
          Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

          Originally posted by Zamphire
          Then this may be why you have a beef with ToAU. ToAU from what I understand was made mainly to help high level parties find better mobs to exp off of. And they did an awsome job of this.
          LoL what happened to every Tom DICK, an Harry claiming the new areas where gonna be more solo friendly? thats what people were saying when they released the signal pearls. thats all i ever heard. now at 75 is all E.P D/c or tough, very tough. nothing to special for the bsts fo vana deil.

          as for macht, yeah i still fail to see any logic behind a strategy for besieged. i dont know. whne i have a party, half the time we get warped at the oppisite ends of the zones. other times i cant even register them on my system. let alone the mobs.

          In the beginning everyone aggreed, besieged mobs were way to easy, most the times you couldnt even draw out your weapon before ther mob was dead. but now it seems like they made the mobs a few lvls to high because you got pimped out 75's all bitching the only way they can hit a mob is the go +100 acc an eat food.

          Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


          • #65
            Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

            Here is a clue:

            If you took 700 people and put them up against AV, there will simply be 700 dead people by AV.

            AV has only be fairly defeated once. Three high-end Linkshells were involved, two japanese and one NA. They tested many theories. It was tanked by Four PLD/NINs, three with Aegis(Relic shield) and had at least 30 other players.
            Read my blog.
            Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
            Entry 32: Death to Castro


            • #66
              Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

              To the guy complaining about BST soloing not worth while in Aht Urhgan areas: the BST75 in my LS did 67-75 all in Halvung and Mt. Zhayolm, and it took him only a few weeks. I couldn't believe how quickly he flew through those levels. There's plenty of spots for BST to exp with sensational results, you just haven't looked properly.


              • #67
                Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                Starting from yesterdays patch, you no longer have to kill the new NMs in Besieged for them to retreat. Straight after the patch we had 3 Besieged in a row on Phoenix and at least 2 of them had the NMs (Medusa and the trolls ones), and we won by killing most (I don't think it was all) of the other mobs.

                So besieged is back to being a 30 min - 1hr slog instead of a 2hr+ one.

                While I'm here I'll list my reasons for regularly doing besieged (most of them before the NMs were introduced):

                1. Skill ups. Got some eva skillups last night without the risk of losing XP. My wife get divine skills and other magey skillups.

                2. IS points. 14k built up now, after spending a bunch on maps and coins/mog locker expansion to 60.

                3. Quick and easy bashing session. No need to LFP, just warp in to Whitegate whereever you are (could do with having a besieged alarm instead of having to manually check the region map).

                4. Keeping the Astral Candence. At lvl 68 I appreciate the Xp bonus given by lvling in the new regions. But why do I find so many people my lvl don't have the new expansion !!



                • #68
                  Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                  Originally posted by Feenicks
                  To the guy complaining about BST soloing not worth while in Aht Urhgan areas: the BST75 in my LS did 67-75 all in Halvung and Mt. Zhayolm, and it took him only a few weeks. I couldn't believe how quickly he flew through those levels. There's plenty of spots for BST to exp with sensational results, you just haven't looked properly.
                  I've only had one party at mt zhaylom, but here's how FREAKING AWESOME it was.

                  When I got the pt I put up buffs, then took a knee to rest MP (long run, been S/Iing myself and my wonderfully polite guide who let me know concealment was wearing BEFORE it was gone... )

                  Then, while resting, I put on my EXP ring so I could use it when I stood up again.

                  The puller comes in with a magmatic crawler, I stand up, and off the party goes. I'm getting like 300+ EXP a fight, chain 5 to 6 and holding steady, even better, I'm not burning through my MP trying to keep this insane chain going. I'm pretty much holding steady at around 500. i think wow, even with the ring bonus, these guys are geting awesome exp.

                  Well, four or five hours and almost two levels later, the party needs to disband.

                  This is when I noticed I never used my EXP ring.

                  I mean I thought we had great EXP WITH the ring...finding out I forgot to use it...just wow.

                  Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                  If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                  *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*

