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Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

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  • #16
    Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

    Yeah the reward isnt making besieged worth the trouble anymore. sure i cant get 700 imp standing or conquest points that easy. but i can usually break 1k exp in 10-15mins without a ring an some luck.

    They need to drop the lvls of the monsters down. an they need to up the rewards, its gotten to the point half my server dont care about it anymore. We lose no biggie within 10 mins we rescue the lil taru.

    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


    • #17
      Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

      I'm sorry if I come off a bit Cynical but I am getting tired of the "It's not worth my time" bs going around.

      What are you playing this game for anyways?

      - Are you intending to try the sell your character at a profit to IGE? -If so please jump off the nearest bridge, leaving your non-rare/ex items behind for us casual players.

      - Are you trying to have the best items/gear etc. Or be the best player? - I'd ask what for? To look like every other endgame player of your class trying to do the exact same thing? No one besides you is really going to care, unless your Endgame LS is demanding a gear item of you. And how are you going to prove how good you are anyways? Ballista? Brenner? There is no use trying to prove yourself in a situation like this.

      So what are we really playing for? An enjoyable expirence, a sence of accomplsihment, an fun with friends is what I typically play for. I don't really need to gain massive points or gil to do that.

      Taking my lvl 63 rdm in Af1, playing medic, refesher, and trying to direct groups to attack or train off mobs with some sort of stragity behind it seems to be enough accomplishment to me. The 700 ISP is just a bonus.

      So what if the NMs make the entire process harder? All the more fun. Laimna #9? Medusa? Face away form them, reduce their charming abilites. Sleep the charmed, have 3 dedicated whms on a /tell list curing those uncharmed. Aspir pet the non' darkness elementals. White element the dark elementals. DoT kills the Lamina NMs.

      Trolls: Angon/Tomahawk/Frightful Roar/Choke/Absorb VIT/Dia III cracks the hard shell, combine it then have your ranger's go all out.

      Physical blue magic and Dots DO harm the Troll, normal nukes wont.

      Havent done Mamool yet.

      Art done by Fred Perry.


      • #18
        Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

        Apparently spells damage the troll NMs, but only if their magic stomp move is down. It's pretty hard to time it though. (Read as: near impossible and you probably shouldn't even try.) At least that's what I gathered from all the shouts happening during besieged.

        Your idea of fun and acomplishment may be to direct a bunch of people in beseiged, and who am I to say you're wrong? My idea of fun doesn't involve lagging to the point where I can't do more than an action a minute trying to save the town for two hours, just to have the beastmen forces be ready to begin marching at a moment's notice a minute after we defeat them.

        (Not that it's important, but my idea of fun in FFXI is exping, and my idea of relaxation and/or anger management in FFXI is farming. I'm strange like that. Oh, and Ulegafhqwghads range, up by xarabard. That zone is fun to me too.)

        I only end up fighting in besieged when the rest of the people I exp my MNK with are doing it. I don't think we'll miss one more lagged out mage, especially on trolls.
        Generic Info!


        • #19
          Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

          My idea of fun doesn't involve lagging to the point where I can't do more than an action a minute trying to save the town for two hours, just to have the beastmen forces be ready to begin marching at a moment's notice a minute after we defeat them.
          Ok, you got me on the lag issue. I run on PS2 and do fairly well. It's lagged, but I can generally still do a good deal of help just running around raising people, curing those low on HP, and doing suicide runs to get stray mobs away from groups. You're expirence may differ on that.

          As far as defeating them and them comming back. Thats why you have to focus on taking the NMs and much of their force down, otherwise its just a matter of time till the group is too worn out to help, and we end up losing the AC yet agian.

          Another factor in this is people need to be taking out those mirrors and NMs at the source, to help keep things easier in beseiged. Those Mirrors have great ISP bonuses so there is no reason not to farm them, and the mobs surrounding them wont be hard for a small group of lvl 75's, especially a melee burn with a rdm's sleepga.

          I'm not a fan of the EXP grind. (Three years no jobs past 63.) But I do like mining and farming, so I get you there. But most often I like those random events where you just end up doing somthing for the fun in it. I'll level when I want to be able to do more of that. But as far as being great or getting my 'money's worth' out of each month. I'm generally satasfied with my pace.

          It'd be nice if players in FFXI would learn to enjoy that more casual of a pace too for once, instead of thinking 'OMG I NEED EVERYTHINGORZ NOWZ oneoneone!!1112 '

          Art done by Fred Perry.


          • #20
            Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

            If you don't enjoy it, do something else.

            People forget the reason why they play this game sometimes.

            But yeah, SE did go overboard with the new NMs.


            • #21
              Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

              One question, do you lose exp when you die in Beseiged? I'm guessing you don't.


              • #22
                Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                OMG Besieged HNMs use hax!

                No really, besieged last night on midgard. Apparently Mr. Menacing got bored of moron BLMs curing him, so he decided he would have a little fun and started walking up and over and through walls, teleporting around Al Zhabi, all that fun stuff. I don't have any pictures(Computer crashed right before it ended) but the whole server that was there saw him running around all over the place, just ask anyone else and they'll verify it.
                Originally posted by Ellipses
                Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                Originally posted by MCLV
                A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                More Sig:


                • #23
                  Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                  Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                  One question, do you lose exp when you die in Beseiged? I'm guessing you don't.
                  That is correct. No exp loss for death in Besieged.


                  • #24
                    Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                    You know. I did start a thread in the Tactics and Edicate section to discuss stragities against these new monsters, to make a record of their activlites, and TRY to figure out how we could get 500+ people organized enough to use them.

                    However it is sitting by its lonesome with only the OP.

                    Guess no one wants to try to make this fun, and would rather just complain about it and hope SE 'changes it'.

                    Art done by Fred Perry.


                    • #25
                      Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                      Originally posted by Onionsoilder
                      Blahblahblah the Menacing(Tolls) is a tough cookie to. Everything on Midgard was dead in 45 min except for the three troll brothers. I couldn't attest to the other two's difficulty, but they went down before Menace. Melee attacks hitting for 0-16 damage... he absorbs HP from any spell. AoE(huuge radies to, not directional) that Stun, Poision, Plague, Paralyze, Slow and 500-600 HP dmg and another AoE that 700-1200 damage. It was then, we finally killed him, everything was dead... "The trolls have retreated". How can you retreat when your all dead? >.>

                      Btw, the japanese KNOW how to fight Besieged. Whenever I do one on NA time it's a free-for-all skillup party, they where pratically an army themselves. I'm impressed.

                      EDIT: By the way, I think they are harder than AV. He can be beat by an allience of 18 people(though it takes a while) these guys take an army of 500+
                      ._. can I be JP then>
                      O.O Its Jesus Gundamn!!!!
                      People Should Not be afraid of their LS, it is Their LS that should be afraid of its People.

                      Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
                      Final Fantasy


                      • #26
                        Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                        Originally posted by Hyrist
                        and TRY to figure out how we could get 500+ people organized enough to use them.
                        Good luck with that. Considering the moron quotiant and the language gap between players I think you'll be highly challenged to produce anything other than a zergfest.


                        • #27
                          Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                          Good luck with that. Considering the moron quotiant and the language gap between players I think you'll be highly challenged to produce anything other than a zergfest.
                          Lol indeed quoted for truth...there is only one way to do it...Zerg Rush!

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #28
                            Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                            Zerg Rush gets the complaints we have already now that you cant just Zerg these monsters easially anymore.

                            Personally, I am smiling cause of this. You Zerg, you die more, or get charmed and get zerged back.

                            Seriously though, a HNMLS alone could use a stragity like this and take down the mobs, or even just linkshells in general looking at it and deciding "Hey thats cool lets try it" All it takes is about 18 people doing it right to have an impact in any certain area of Beseiged.

                            I've seen Midgardsormr loose all its Generals save one during a level 5 match with limited people (under 200) and then turn it around at the last general, because of a handfull of people taking charge and directing people. It can be done.

                            Art done by Fred Perry.


                            • #29
                              Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                              Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                              Good luck with that. Considering the moron quotiant and the language gap between players I think you'll be highly challenged to produce anything other than a zergfest.
                              QFT, I second this.

                              To the OP. When was the last exp outing where you died multiple times but never lost exp? Have you tried to calculate your exp rate if you included loss in death and eating tons of R1? That's something to ponder about (Wasting time, indeed!)

                              Seriously, I thought it was for the fun of it, and viewed the IS/exp at the end as a bonus. If you're trying to do besieged for exp, then that's just sad. You can get way more from doing those chocobo time races and escort quests every week.


                              • #30
                                Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                                Originally posted by Onionsoilder
                                I don't have any pictures(Computer crashed right before it ended) but the whole server that was there saw him running around all over the place, just ask anyone else and they'll verify it.
                                This is true. I DCed right before the NM got killed too so I was pissed that I couldn't get back in to get my IS. 2+ hrs in Besieged with nothing to show for it.
                                FFXIclopedia page

