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Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

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  • Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

    I think SE's dropped the ball on this one.

    700+ people in Al Zhabi, 2 1/2 hours of nonstop fighting, mostly against one NM... that took over an hour and a half to kill...

    700 exp and ISP.

    That's the Medusa and Lamia 9 set. Stupid.

    Putting it into terms of exp... if I went exp'ing in a bog standard area.. with average people.. I'd make 3k exp an hour.. that's 7.5k exp and well over 1000 ISP or Conquest points.

    Not to mention time wasted. I love the idea of besieged.. but... this is right out of kilter with time/effort.

    Do the rest of you guys believe 300 exp/hour is worth doing beseiged for? Cos saving the warp taru isn't cutting it for me - I farm and make enough to buy silver pieces to use the other one. Auction House - can (and do) use Jeuno. 2 1/2 hours of time wasting doing Beseiged. Pointless in my book.

    I realise it would be all 700 people fighting at once, but the place was packed.. the radar was a sea of blue with 1 red dot in the middle. Rng's spamming shots, Blm's getting resisted nonstop, Thf's running in and out with SA Hide... 2 hours to kill it. AoE galore.. and for what.. 700 exp.

    Thanks for the offer SE, but I'll have to pass on this one.

  • #2
    Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

    I am not at a good level to really enjoy Beseiged as a THF. I go as my WHM now and again to throw some cures around. I think SE's original idea with Beseiged was not XP, but the comraderie(SP?) of defending Al Zahbi with your fellow adventurers - the XP just being an added bonus. That being said, I think camraderie only gets you so far. Good motivator for a 30 minute fight. Not really a good motivator for a 2 1/2 hour fight.


    • #3
      Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

      Originally posted by Spinnthrift
      Putting it into terms of exp... if I went exp'ing in a bog standard area.. with average people.. I'd make 3k exp an hour.. that's 7.5k exp and well over 1000 ISP or Conquest points.
      It took you 2 1/2 hours to kill Lamia No.9? With 700 people defending it took us maybe 45 mins to beat the Undead Swarm and that was with one general up when the enemy attacked. There is no way you can get 700 ISP in 45 mins by exping.


      • #4
        Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

        It took 1 1/2 hours to bring down the Medusa. Everything else was dead within 30 minutes or so, maybe an hour tops to clean up stragglers. However.. Elementals were 1 shotting people, charmga was wiping parties on mass, and the medusa's stupid AoE was well.. stupid.

        The thing was 1 shotting the 75 Galka Mnk/War with it's AoE in my party... as well as the 75 Nin... if it was facing the right way...

        And yeah - my last party in Wajaom made over 1.5k ISP in two hours of exp. But we made a lot lot more exp than 700 too.

        Sorry that I didn't make it clear enough regarding the Medusa.. Lamia 9 was relatively easy to mass hurt to. Medusa... Just no.


        • #5
          Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

          Blahblahblah the Menacing(Tolls) is a tough cookie to. Everything on Midgard was dead in 45 min except for the three troll brothers. I couldn't attest to the other two's difficulty, but they went down before Menace. Melee attacks hitting for 0-16 damage... he absorbs HP from any spell. AoE(huuge radies to, not directional) that Stun, Poision, Plague, Paralyze, Slow and 500-600 HP dmg and another AoE that 700-1200 damage. It was then, we finally killed him, everything was dead... "The trolls have retreated". How can you retreat when your all dead? >.>

          Btw, the japanese KNOW how to fight Besieged. Whenever I do one on NA time it's a free-for-all skillup party, they where pratically an army themselves. I'm impressed.

          EDIT: By the way, I think they are harder than AV. He can be beat by an allience of 18 people(though it takes a while) these guys take an army of 500+
          Originally posted by Ellipses
          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
          Originally posted by MCLV
          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
          More Sig:


          • #6
            Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

            Oh - I forgot to mention.. this 2 1/2 hour session besieged was in the middle of JP primetime. Today. Saturday.


            • #7
              Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

              You do know if they gte the AC that exp is down a bit.


              • #8
                Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                If you aren't there for the fun of it, then why bother going back? :p As it used to stand, SE made besieged as something 'extra' to do. I'm pretty sure it was never for mass exp and point gain, at any time...


                • #9
                  Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                  Hint: You don't have to defeat the NM to win Besieged. You can still defeat enough of the regular mobs that they retreat.

                  In the last Besieged I was in they sent Lamia #9 packing. She was charmga-spamming but by the time they retreated she was almost dead.


                  • #10
                    Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    Do the rest of you guys believe 300 exp/hour is worth doing beseiged for?
                    Besieged is not an EXP party. If exp is the only thing that you are ever interested in then most of the game is not worth doing.

                    Besieged is just fun. You don't have to worry about and penalty so why not just show up and go all out for the hell of it. As a bonus at the end you might get a little EXP and IS. The main reason to do it is to have fun and keep the AC in Aht Urgan so you can keep getting the most IS when you do exp or merit in the expansion areas.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                      Originally posted by Maju
                      It took you 2 1/2 hours to kill Lamia No.9? With 700 people defending it took us maybe 45 mins to beat the Undead Swarm and that was with one general up when the enemy attacked. There is no way you can get 700 ISP in 45 mins by exping.
                      700 ISP is around 7k xp, an xp party can get that easily, it might take an hour if you kill slowly. So I'd rather get 7000 exp and 700 ISP than 700xp and 700ISP

                      But if you aren't in a xp party and are just doing besieged while lfp then it's ok.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #12
                        Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                        Originally posted by Raydeus
                        700 ISP is around 7k xp, an xp party can get that easily, it might take an hour if you kill slowly. So I'd rather get 7000 exp and 700 ISP than 700xp and 700ISP
                        You gain 10% ISP from exp? If that's true then 700 is very doable in 45 mins. It's more about defending then AC than gaining you exp/ISP anyway, though.


                        • #13
                          Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                          Originally posted by S.SubZero
                          Hint: You don't have to defeat the NM to win Besieged. You can still defeat enough of the regular mobs that they retreat.
                          Originally posted by Onionsoilder
                          It was then, we finally killed him, everything was dead... "The trolls have retreated". How can you retreat when your all dead? >.>
                          Sounds like they were forced into killing the NM to win.

                          Originally posted by Onionsoilder
                          EDIT: By the way, I think they are harder than AV. He can be beat by an allience of 18 people(though it takes a while) these guys take an army of 500+
                          Even using the wall exploit to beat AV it takes more than 18 people to beat him. And it just takes one GM call to make that alliance wipe.

                          Anyway. I tried out one beseiged after the change. It sort of loses it's point when you defend al zahbi, taking about 2 hours to do so, just to have trolls and mamook attack you a few minutes later and the undead at 99 almost instantly.
                          Generic Info!


                          • #14
                            Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                            our server barely won against trolls. lvl 5 attack. the trolls did manage to get into the hall of binding, only at that time there were 600 peeps doing their best. somehow, small group of peeps were able to kite the mega boss to another part of al zahbi until the first NM was defeated. the lag was horrible.
                            Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                            Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                            • #15
                              Re: Beseiged...HNM's (Harder than AV)?

                              The thing about the new Besieged is that is heavely dependant now on people killing the random NMs up in the Zones. Some of them (like the 3 Troll Brothers) are worth killing since they drop nice items, but there are also others that seem to be playing their part in the "Lets feed players crystals" game.

                              I am wondering though if the new "Throne" rooms in the Beastman zones might be the pop place for the 2 headed Mamool-Ja, Medusa and the Troll boss. If they are, then that would probably be the way to rid them out of Besieged.

                              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

