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chocobo breeding

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  • chocobo breeding

    ok just had a thought about a few things chocobo (yes im addicted i admit it ) the first thing is does anybody know how many chocobos we will be able to hold in our stables? and when we breed with another charecters chocobos who keeps the child or will it have multipule children so that each person gets one?

    and finaly what happens if we dont get the chocobo we want can we trad it with others or do we give it to the chocobo stables in town or simply relise them??
    ideas anyone? discusse.

  • #2
    Re: chocobo breeding

    No one but SE knows the answers to these questions just yet. We'll know more in August when the Chocobo Breeding update goes live.


    • #3
      Re: chocobo breeding

      ah no fun we can at least guess i hope they put the stables in our MH so that we can decorate them as well maybe by putting chocobo bedding down will help the chcobo as it grows up u never know


      • #4
        Re: chocobo breeding

        I hope they don't go in our MH. It's a tiny little room, as is. I can just imagine a freaking Destrier warking his head off because he can't move around my furniture. It would be like the scene in E.T. when he's sitting in the toys with his face poking out.


        • #5
          Re: chocobo breeding

          lol i ment as an extra room or something im always saying the MH isnt big enough and they need to add a 2nd floor onto it or something


          • #6
            Re: chocobo breeding

            Just what I need. More space that I can't invite anyone else to visit.


            • #7
              Re: chocobo breeding

              they will probebly get round to that bout 2012 just found this in and i thought it would be good to put up:

              With the Treasures of Aht Urgahn expantion, Chocobo Racing and breeding will make its re-appearance in the form of a race track between the known nations of Vana'diel. Players will be able to own a Chocobo, feed it different foods and even taken them out on dates with other players chocobos which, if they are compatible will get them to breed a baby chocobo. The chocobo's stats will be directly related to this feeding and breeding prosses.

              chocbos on dates...hmmm...should be intresting still worryed that there will be only 1 choco-chick offspring per breeding session though


              • #8
                Re: chocobo breeding

                They said somewhere ( can't remember the link, I think it was on 1up somewhere ) that you would only be train up 1 chocobo at a time but when you were finished with it you would be able to send it off to be looked after by someone else (NPC) and you could go and visit it whenever you want.


                • #9
                  Re: chocobo breeding

                  Found this in the .dats last night hope that helps w/ any questions ~

                  Double Post Edited:

                  also here's some pics~
                  Last edited by Hiroshi; 07-25-2006, 08:21 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                  • #10
                    Re: chocobo breeding

                    OMG the baby choco is the cutest!


                    • #11
                      Re: chocobo breeding

                      Originally posted by Ritual
                      ok just had a thought about a few things chocobo (yes im addicted i admit it ) the first thing is does anybody know how many chocobos we will be able to hold in our stables? and when we breed with another charecters chocobos who keeps the child or will it have multipule children so that each person gets one?

                      and finaly what happens if we dont get the chocobo we want can we trad it with others or do we give it to the chocobo stables in town or simply relise them??
                      ideas anyone? discusse.
                      Haven't the details for this been released already?


                      • #12
                        Re: chocobo breeding

                        What a sweet little baby. Reminds me son.

                        /em let's one little tear roll down.


                        • #13
                          Re: chocobo breeding

                          my god that thing is addorable!! /hug chocochick ...must update...sig...


                          • #14
                            Re: chocobo breeding

                            if you want higher quality pics just hollar~


                            • #15
                              Re: chocobo breeding

                              You think that's cute?

                              THIS is cute! :D

