Originally from Taj@ http://www.theorderls.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11148
Merit Point

[15:10:05] Taj: Astral Staff
[15:10:10] Taj: DMG:50 Delay:366
[15:10:13] Taj: MP recovered while healing +9
Fire Bomblet, Ammo Slot
[15:09:10] Taj: Acc+6 Atk+6
[15:11:12] Taj: Namikirimaru (great katana)
[15:11:16] Taj: DMG:60 Delay:420
[15:11:20] Taj: Additional effect: TP Drain
[15:08:48] Taj: Seadog gun +1
[15:08:55] Taj: DMG:26 Delay:582 Ranged Attack +10
[15:12:45] Taj: Throwing tomahawk
[15:12:53] Taj: A throwing axe, used with the ability "Tomahawk"
[15:12:55] Taj: Angon
[15:13:01] Taj: A throwing spear, used with the ability "Angon"
[15:13:35] Taj: Tournament Lance
[15:13:43] Taj: DMG:91 Delay:492 "Store TP"+3
Key items
NPC Dialogue
Undersea Scouting
Mission Orders:
You have been requested to enter
the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins from
Bhaflau Thickets and patrol the
Astral Waves
Mission Orders:
Ghatsad has entrusted you with a
device capable of detecting astral
waves. Return to Salaheem's
Sentinels and report your progress.
Imperial Schemes
Mission Orders:
The reward from the A.A.R.I. has
been confiscated by President Naja
to cover your "fines."
The mercenary life is no picnic...
Royal Puppeteer
Mission Orders:
Under the command of the court
puppetmaster, you are to uncover
the truth behind the ghost ship,
the Ashu Talif.
Investigate the Arrapago Islands
Lost Kingdom
Mission Orders:
Pyopyoroon of Nashmau has
advised you to head west to a
place with many "stooones" to find
a special "ghooost."
Perhaps it will lead you the
ghost ship...
The Dolphin Crest
Mission Orders:
In a cemetery on Azouph Isle, you
have found an ancient coin bearing
an unfamiliar crest. Report your
meeting with the ghost to President
The Black Coffin
Mission Orders:
A mercenary colleague has reported
feeling an ominous presence to the
west of Dvucca Isle...
Ghosts of the Past
Mission Orders:
You have uncovered the truth
behind the Ashu Talif and its
ghostly crew. Report your findings
to President Naja.
Guests of the Empire
Mission Orders: You have received
an invitation to the palace from
the Grand Vizier. President Naja
has offered to help you find
appropriate clothing for the
Passing Glory
Mission Orders:
Your reward from the Empress has
been confiscated by President Naja.
Earn the right to wear it by
becoming the best mercenary you
can be.
Chocobo on the Loose!
Client: Brutus (Chocobo Stables, Upper Jeuno)
A chocobo has run away from the
stables in Upper Jeuno, and Brutus
wants you to help bring it back.
Achieving True Power
Client: Shamarhaan (Firewater Circle, Bastok Markets)
If you desire even greater strength,
find a "puppetmaster's testimony"
and bring it to Shamarhaan.
Client: Raubahn (???, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
An unavoidable decision...
If you would seek even greater
power, meet with the Immortals
stationed at the Azouph Isle,
Dvucca Isle, Mamool Ja, Halvung,
and Ilrusi staging points.
Client: Raubahn (???, ???)
The only choice you have left is to
forge ahead in the quest for power,
or face your own destruction...
If ambition still fuels your soul,
head to the Navukgo Execution
Chamber and obliterate the
monstrous flan!
Client: Raubahn (???, Imperial Ward)
A juvenile soulflayer has been
discovered in the Alzadaal Undersea
Ruins. Make your way to the ruins
and eliminate this threat.
Equipped for All Occasions
Client: Qultada (Arrapago Reef)
In order to become an official
Seagull Phratrie crew member, you
need a proper weapon. According to
the crew, you may be able to find
one in an old cave...
Navigating the Unfriendly Seas
Client: Zweeha (Arrapago Reef)
The seas around Arrapago Reef
cannot be navigated without a
hydrogauge, and it is your job to
find one. Ships from the Kingdom
of Ephramad all had one, but that
was long ago...
Against All Odds
Client: Zweeha (Shararat Teahouse, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Qultada has been captured by the
Empire. Head to Arrapago with the
Seagull Phratrie crew and save
your captain!
The Wayward Automaton
Client: Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki's automaton has been
stolen! Go to Nashmau and see if
you can find some information on
its whereabouts.
Operation Teatime
Client: Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki wants you to
cooperate with his plan to take
back his automaton.
Puppetmaster Blues
Client: Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki has lost all faith in
himself. Meet with his teacher and
try to find a way to get Elisabeth
to come around.
The Beast Within
Client: Raubahn (???, ???)
No questions. No refusals.
Obtain a "blue mage's testimony"
and present yourself at the
Imperial Whitegate.
Breaking the Bonds of Fate
Client: Qultada (Arrapago Reef)
Qultada is waiting on Arrapago
Reef for you to bring him a
corsair's testimony. The reasons
for his request are shrouded in
Promotion: Lance Corporal
Client: Naja Salaheem (Salaheem's Sentinels, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Falzum, your fellow mercenary, has
been given the task of creating a
batch of mythralline liquid. As his
superior, it is your job to teach
him how a mercenary carries out
his duty.
Promotion: Corporal
Client: Naja Salaheem (Salaheem's Sentinels, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
To track the movements of the
Dark Rider, you have been given a
quartz transmitter to place in his
warhorse's hoofprints.
titlesBranded by the Five Serpents
Immortal Lion
Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence
Paragon of Corsair Excellence
Paragon of Puppetmaster Excellence
Lance Corporal
Master of Ambition
Master of Chance
Master of Manipulation
Ovjang's Errand Runner

BRD songs:

again, all credit goes to Taj.
Shanarha Grass Conservation
Area: Leujaoam Sanctum
Objective: Protect the vegetation
Recruitment: Lv.50, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Rabbits are sending shanarha grass,
unique to the Leujaoam Sanctum,
to the verge of extinction. Drive
away the rabbits and protect the
Counting Sheep
Area: Leujaoam Sanctum
Objective: Buy black sheep
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
The Imperial Army on the eastern
front is being hit by a peculiar cold
wave, and warm uniforms are in
short supply. Buy as many sheep as
you can from the markets in
Leujaoam and save the troops.
Breaking Morale
Area: Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Objective: Steal the supplies
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Scouts report that the new Mamool
Ja soldiers have received supplies
from their families. Destroy Mamool
Ja morale by stealing these supplies
while being careful to remain
The Double Agent
Area: Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Objective: Apprehend the spy
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
There is a double agent among the
Imperial Qiqirn spies in the
Mamool Ja Training Grounds.
Find him before he puts the other
spies in danger.
Evade and Escape
Area: Lebros Cavern
Objective: Discover alternate route
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
The unit deployed within Lebros
Cavern is in danger of being
overwhelmed by the well-positioned
enemy. Discover an alternate route
so they can retreat in safety.
Siegemaster Assassination
Area: Lebros Cavern
Objective: Assassinate Borgerlur
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
The Trolls have recruited Borgerlur,
a siege specialist from central
Aradjiah. The Empire cannot allow
him to take control of the Troll
army. Find and eliminate Borgerlur
as he travels through Lebros Cavern.
Shooting Down the Baron
Area: Periqia
Objective: Eliminate the Black Baron
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
An imp known as the Black Baron
has hit Periqia like a meteor strike,
single-handedly defeating 79
Imperial soldiers. The Empire cannot
suffer any more losses. It is time
for the Baron to meet his end.
Building Bridges
Area: Periqia
Objective: Activate the bridge
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Thanks to the enemy destroying a
bridge along the path of their
attack, the unit assaulting Periqia
is at an impasse. Find and activate
the backup bridge mechanism
rumored to be hidden in the area.
Demolition Duty
Area: Ilrusi Atoll
Objective: Demolish the shipwrecks
Recruitment: Lv.50, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
A confidential report states that
corsairs are secretly collecting the
remains of shipwrecks on the Ilrusi
Atoll. Use the automaton issued to
you by the on-site engineer to
demolish these shipwrecks.
Searat Salvation
Area: Ilrusi Atoll
Objective: Save the Qiqirn divers
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Qiqirn divers assigned the duty of
demolishing wrecks on the Ilrusi
Atoll have run into a problem with
the local wildlife. Lead them back
to safety before they decide to
abandon their work.
Undersea Scouting
Mission Orders:
You have been requested to enter
the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins from
Bhaflau Thickets and patrol the
Astral Waves
Mission Orders:
Ghatsad has entrusted you with a
device capable of detecting astral
waves. Return to Salaheem's
Sentinels and report your progress.
Imperial Schemes
Mission Orders:
The reward from the A.A.R.I. has
been confiscated by President Naja
to cover your "fines."
The mercenary life is no picnic...
Royal Puppeteer
Mission Orders:
Under the command of the court
puppetmaster, you are to uncover
the truth behind the ghost ship,
the Ashu Talif.
Investigate the Arrapago Islands
Lost Kingdom
Mission Orders:
Pyopyoroon of Nashmau has
advised you to head west to a
place with many "stooones" to find
a special "ghooost."
Perhaps it will lead you the
ghost ship...
The Dolphin Crest
Mission Orders:
In a cemetery on Azouph Isle, you
have found an ancient coin bearing
an unfamiliar crest. Report your
meeting with the ghost to President
The Black Coffin
Mission Orders:
A mercenary colleague has reported
feeling an ominous presence to the
west of Dvucca Isle...
Ghosts of the Past
Mission Orders:
You have uncovered the truth
behind the Ashu Talif and its
ghostly crew. Report your findings
to President Naja.
Guests of the Empire
Mission Orders: You have received
an invitation to the palace from
the Grand Vizier. President Naja
has offered to help you find
appropriate clothing for the
Passing Glory
Mission Orders:
Your reward from the Empress has
been confiscated by President Naja.
Earn the right to wear it by
becoming the best mercenary you
can be.

Updated Daggers
[15:14:14] Taj: Blau Dolch
[15:14:21] Taj: DMG:26 Delay:178
[15:14:25] Taj: Latent Effect:DMG:33
[b] AMII]
as above, all credit to taj.
Updating this as he posts it and tells us (on IRC)
Merit Point

[15:10:05] Taj: Astral Staff
[15:10:10] Taj: DMG:50 Delay:366
[15:10:13] Taj: MP recovered while healing +9
Fire Bomblet, Ammo Slot
[15:09:10] Taj: Acc+6 Atk+6
[15:11:12] Taj: Namikirimaru (great katana)
[15:11:16] Taj: DMG:60 Delay:420
[15:11:20] Taj: Additional effect: TP Drain
[15:08:48] Taj: Seadog gun +1
[15:08:55] Taj: DMG:26 Delay:582 Ranged Attack +10
[15:12:45] Taj: Throwing tomahawk
[15:12:53] Taj: A throwing axe, used with the ability "Tomahawk"
[15:12:55] Taj: Angon
[15:13:01] Taj: A throwing spear, used with the ability "Angon"
[15:13:35] Taj: Tournament Lance
[15:13:43] Taj: DMG:91 Delay:492 "Store TP"+3
Key items

NPC Dialogue
Undersea Scouting
Mission Orders:
You have been requested to enter
the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins from
Bhaflau Thickets and patrol the
Astral Waves
Mission Orders:
Ghatsad has entrusted you with a
device capable of detecting astral
waves. Return to Salaheem's
Sentinels and report your progress.
Imperial Schemes
Mission Orders:
The reward from the A.A.R.I. has
been confiscated by President Naja
to cover your "fines."
The mercenary life is no picnic...
Royal Puppeteer
Mission Orders:
Under the command of the court
puppetmaster, you are to uncover
the truth behind the ghost ship,
the Ashu Talif.
Investigate the Arrapago Islands
Lost Kingdom
Mission Orders:
Pyopyoroon of Nashmau has
advised you to head west to a
place with many "stooones" to find
a special "ghooost."
Perhaps it will lead you the
ghost ship...
The Dolphin Crest
Mission Orders:
In a cemetery on Azouph Isle, you
have found an ancient coin bearing
an unfamiliar crest. Report your
meeting with the ghost to President
The Black Coffin
Mission Orders:
A mercenary colleague has reported
feeling an ominous presence to the
west of Dvucca Isle...
Ghosts of the Past
Mission Orders:
You have uncovered the truth
behind the Ashu Talif and its
ghostly crew. Report your findings
to President Naja.
Guests of the Empire
Mission Orders: You have received
an invitation to the palace from
the Grand Vizier. President Naja
has offered to help you find
appropriate clothing for the
Passing Glory
Mission Orders:
Your reward from the Empress has
been confiscated by President Naja.
Earn the right to wear it by
becoming the best mercenary you
can be.
Chocobo on the Loose!
Client: Brutus (Chocobo Stables, Upper Jeuno)
A chocobo has run away from the
stables in Upper Jeuno, and Brutus
wants you to help bring it back.
Achieving True Power
Client: Shamarhaan (Firewater Circle, Bastok Markets)
If you desire even greater strength,
find a "puppetmaster's testimony"
and bring it to Shamarhaan.
Client: Raubahn (???, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
An unavoidable decision...
If you would seek even greater
power, meet with the Immortals
stationed at the Azouph Isle,
Dvucca Isle, Mamool Ja, Halvung,
and Ilrusi staging points.
Client: Raubahn (???, ???)
The only choice you have left is to
forge ahead in the quest for power,
or face your own destruction...
If ambition still fuels your soul,
head to the Navukgo Execution
Chamber and obliterate the
monstrous flan!
Client: Raubahn (???, Imperial Ward)
A juvenile soulflayer has been
discovered in the Alzadaal Undersea
Ruins. Make your way to the ruins
and eliminate this threat.
Equipped for All Occasions
Client: Qultada (Arrapago Reef)
In order to become an official
Seagull Phratrie crew member, you
need a proper weapon. According to
the crew, you may be able to find
one in an old cave...
Navigating the Unfriendly Seas
Client: Zweeha (Arrapago Reef)
The seas around Arrapago Reef
cannot be navigated without a
hydrogauge, and it is your job to
find one. Ships from the Kingdom
of Ephramad all had one, but that
was long ago...
Against All Odds
Client: Zweeha (Shararat Teahouse, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Qultada has been captured by the
Empire. Head to Arrapago with the
Seagull Phratrie crew and save
your captain!
The Wayward Automaton
Client: Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki's automaton has been
stolen! Go to Nashmau and see if
you can find some information on
its whereabouts.
Operation Teatime
Client: Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki wants you to
cooperate with his plan to take
back his automaton.
Puppetmaster Blues
Client: Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki has lost all faith in
himself. Meet with his teacher and
try to find a way to get Elisabeth
to come around.
The Beast Within
Client: Raubahn (???, ???)
No questions. No refusals.
Obtain a "blue mage's testimony"
and present yourself at the
Imperial Whitegate.
Breaking the Bonds of Fate
Client: Qultada (Arrapago Reef)
Qultada is waiting on Arrapago
Reef for you to bring him a
corsair's testimony. The reasons
for his request are shrouded in
Promotion: Lance Corporal
Client: Naja Salaheem (Salaheem's Sentinels, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Falzum, your fellow mercenary, has
been given the task of creating a
batch of mythralline liquid. As his
superior, it is your job to teach
him how a mercenary carries out
his duty.
Promotion: Corporal
Client: Naja Salaheem (Salaheem's Sentinels, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
To track the movements of the
Dark Rider, you have been given a
quartz transmitter to place in his
warhorse's hoofprints.
titlesBranded by the Five Serpents
Immortal Lion
Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence
Paragon of Corsair Excellence
Paragon of Puppetmaster Excellence
Lance Corporal
Master of Ambition
Master of Chance
Master of Manipulation
Ovjang's Errand Runner

BRD songs:


again, all credit goes to Taj.
Shanarha Grass Conservation
Area: Leujaoam Sanctum
Objective: Protect the vegetation
Recruitment: Lv.50, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Rabbits are sending shanarha grass,
unique to the Leujaoam Sanctum,
to the verge of extinction. Drive
away the rabbits and protect the
Counting Sheep
Area: Leujaoam Sanctum
Objective: Buy black sheep
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
The Imperial Army on the eastern
front is being hit by a peculiar cold
wave, and warm uniforms are in
short supply. Buy as many sheep as
you can from the markets in
Leujaoam and save the troops.
Breaking Morale
Area: Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Objective: Steal the supplies
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Scouts report that the new Mamool
Ja soldiers have received supplies
from their families. Destroy Mamool
Ja morale by stealing these supplies
while being careful to remain
The Double Agent
Area: Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Objective: Apprehend the spy
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
There is a double agent among the
Imperial Qiqirn spies in the
Mamool Ja Training Grounds.
Find him before he puts the other
spies in danger.
Evade and Escape
Area: Lebros Cavern
Objective: Discover alternate route
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
The unit deployed within Lebros
Cavern is in danger of being
overwhelmed by the well-positioned
enemy. Discover an alternate route
so they can retreat in safety.
Siegemaster Assassination
Area: Lebros Cavern
Objective: Assassinate Borgerlur
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
The Trolls have recruited Borgerlur,
a siege specialist from central
Aradjiah. The Empire cannot allow
him to take control of the Troll
army. Find and eliminate Borgerlur
as he travels through Lebros Cavern.
Shooting Down the Baron
Area: Periqia
Objective: Eliminate the Black Baron
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
An imp known as the Black Baron
has hit Periqia like a meteor strike,
single-handedly defeating 79
Imperial soldiers. The Empire cannot
suffer any more losses. It is time
for the Baron to meet his end.
Building Bridges
Area: Periqia
Objective: Activate the bridge
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Thanks to the enemy destroying a
bridge along the path of their
attack, the unit assaulting Periqia
is at an impasse. Find and activate
the backup bridge mechanism
rumored to be hidden in the area.
Demolition Duty
Area: Ilrusi Atoll
Objective: Demolish the shipwrecks
Recruitment: Lv.50, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
A confidential report states that
corsairs are secretly collecting the
remains of shipwrecks on the Ilrusi
Atoll. Use the automaton issued to
you by the on-site engineer to
demolish these shipwrecks.
Searat Salvation
Area: Ilrusi Atoll
Objective: Save the Qiqirn divers
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders:
Qiqirn divers assigned the duty of
demolishing wrecks on the Ilrusi
Atoll have run into a problem with
the local wildlife. Lead them back
to safety before they decide to
abandon their work.
Undersea Scouting
Mission Orders:
You have been requested to enter
the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins from
Bhaflau Thickets and patrol the
Astral Waves
Mission Orders:
Ghatsad has entrusted you with a
device capable of detecting astral
waves. Return to Salaheem's
Sentinels and report your progress.
Imperial Schemes
Mission Orders:
The reward from the A.A.R.I. has
been confiscated by President Naja
to cover your "fines."
The mercenary life is no picnic...
Royal Puppeteer
Mission Orders:
Under the command of the court
puppetmaster, you are to uncover
the truth behind the ghost ship,
the Ashu Talif.
Investigate the Arrapago Islands
Lost Kingdom
Mission Orders:
Pyopyoroon of Nashmau has
advised you to head west to a
place with many "stooones" to find
a special "ghooost."
Perhaps it will lead you the
ghost ship...
The Dolphin Crest
Mission Orders:
In a cemetery on Azouph Isle, you
have found an ancient coin bearing
an unfamiliar crest. Report your
meeting with the ghost to President
The Black Coffin
Mission Orders:
A mercenary colleague has reported
feeling an ominous presence to the
west of Dvucca Isle...
Ghosts of the Past
Mission Orders:
You have uncovered the truth
behind the Ashu Talif and its
ghostly crew. Report your findings
to President Naja.
Guests of the Empire
Mission Orders: You have received
an invitation to the palace from
the Grand Vizier. President Naja
has offered to help you find
appropriate clothing for the
Passing Glory
Mission Orders:
Your reward from the Empress has
been confiscated by President Naja.
Earn the right to wear it by
becoming the best mercenary you
can be.

Updated Daggers
[15:14:14] Taj: Blau Dolch
[15:14:21] Taj: DMG:26 Delay:178
[15:14:25] Taj: Latent Effect:DMG:33
Originally posted by ½pint of BG
Originally posted by also 1/2pint
Updating this as he posts it and tells us (on IRC)