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Weddings and stuff

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  • Weddings and stuff


    The following things written have some talk about homosexual marriage and homosexuals in general. If your religous beliefs or own beliefs are against gays, please do not continue reading. Also, flames are not welcome, I put this warning here for a reason.

    My brother sometimes watches me play FFXI, and he saw me talking to my friend about a wedding in LS chat (I think she registered yesterday!^^). I asked him to look up wedding info on his laptop (of course I had to help him since he doesn't know anything about FFXI). He saw on a website, which I can provide if needed, that weddings can only be between "a person of another gender", it was said as if there's 4 differen't genders.

    My brother didn't care, but it got us wondering, how many players in FFXI are homosexual? And how many are offended they can't marry someone? I think it might have a slight affect on "manthras".

    And on a random side note so "My brother didn't care" quote, he's gay.


    Just so people know, this is also a thread to discuss why you think S-E avoided gay marriage on FFXI. In my opinion, it's because people who are strongly against homosexuality would complain, but then I question the amount of gay and lesbian players complain.

  • #2
    Re: Weddings and stuff

    Im going to guess that it may not of occurred to SE that this might be a issue when they were originally designing the social aspects of the game but this is still a good issue for discussion.

    Japan is not very accepting of homosexuality (however ironic it is). Japanese homosexuals are still forced into sham marriages to avoid the stigma society has placed on homosexuality. Plus remember a large % of there subscriber base is in Asia.

    I live in the United States a country with a 50% divorce rate that is going ballistic over this issue, even tho regular marriage is not exactly umm....... working very well. Im not a homosexual but I think people's social decisions should be there own choice.

    But then again any publicity is good publicity, a few politicians going ballistic over some virtual social issue could offer a lot of free adversing time for FFXI.
    Last edited by Thrasher; 07-24-2006, 12:47 AM. Reason: Rewrite for grammer (repeatedly)


    • #3
      Re: Weddings and stuff

      Originally posted by Thrasher
      Im going to guess that it may not of occurred to SE that this might be a issue when they were originally designing the social aspects of the game but this is still a good issue for discussion.
      I believe they just didn't care. A virtual wedding is only a gimmick anyway.

      Japan is not very accepting of homosexuality (however ironic it is). Japanese homosexuals are still forced into sham marriages to avoid the stigma society has placed on homosexuality. Plus remember a large % of there subscriber base is in Asia.
      This is true. It's funny that Japan produces a lot of fiction with serious homosexual characters while in American fiction they're always there to be made fun of. Anyway, I'd guess the US is in general more accepting (though very conservative compared to many other countries).

      I live in the United States a country with a 50% divorce rate that is going ballistic over this issue, even tho regular marriage is not exactly umm....... working very well. Im not a homosexual but I think people's social decisions should be there own choice.
      This is because the people in the big shoes believe marriage is a Christian thing and religion does not accept homosexual marriages. That is of course completely wrong since marriage has as much to do with Christianity as home ownership.

      I'd guess the ammount of homosexuals in FFXI would be the same as in real life, which I think is around 5% or so. At least I remember hearing that somewhere, but it could be completely wrong.
      Last edited by Maju; 07-24-2006, 03:50 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Weddings and stuff

        I think you will be surprised at the number of homosexuals who do play FFXI. It is a fairly tolerant community - of course you have the exceptions to that rule, but generally it is tolerant.

        My linkshell happens to have 3 homosexual leaders (plus several other homosexual members - it just kind of happened that way - possibly because it is a EU based ls, and the EU appears to be slightly more forward thinking etc) - and believe me they are fairly open about it. 2 of them are a rl couple, and tried to get a wedding date using their mules - but it takes forever to get a date, so eventually it was given up. We did have one somewhat narrow-minded member who objected, but he left the linkshell due to disputes recently.

        Originally posted by Aksannyi
        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


        • #5
          Re: Weddings and stuff

          Yeah theres loads like 75% mithras i know are male and 50% r homosexual

          i was talkin to this person to check if they had somthin on the AH and he said oo i like your name Tedz i like saying it over and over and where i stayed how old i was and im like k do they have Rusty G sowrd in or what and hes saying il tell u if u tell me where u stay lol


          • #6
            Re: Weddings and stuff

            I think same-sex marriage should be allowed in FFXI. There's no requirement that you must choose your character's gender according to your own RL gender, so why have requirements on marriage? There's no way to prove that your Mithra bride-to-be isn't actually a Manthra, so why should the character's gender matter at all? My husband and I both play female characters, so that means we can't apply for marriage, which irritates me.
            Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
            Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
            Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'

            Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
            PLD 60 RDM 54 BLM 48


            • #7
              Re: Weddings and stuff

              While I have no personal experience with in-game marriage - online dating is most certainly not for me, even in an RP form - I have some friends who tried to get married. One year later, they quit bothering the GMs and set up their own ceremony. As far as I'm concerned, you can craft armor that looks identical to female wedding gear for a reason (is there a male set?).

              Personally, I think it's pretty tame of the game not to offer same-sex marriage, but consider - most people still don't really think highly of online dating, so in-game marriage is already a risky step. I can see why SE might think homosexual in-game marriage is a bridge too far - I don't agree with that thinking, but I can understand it. Imagine the tabloid headlines - game allows gay weddings to underage teens!

              I've no idea how many homosexuals play FFXI. I couldn't really care, the same as I'm not interested in people's sexual preferences IRL. To me, as a guy, unwanted sexual attention from a guy is the same as unwanted sexual attention from a girl - it's unwanted attention, regardless of source.

              This is because the people in the big shoes believe marriage is a Christian thing and religion does not accept homosexual marriages. That is of course completely wrong since marriage has as much to do with Christianity as home ownership.
              I like you


              • #8
                Re: Weddings and stuff

                I agree with Dooom, actually everyone here seems to agree. Which is why I love ffxionline^^ I'm pretty sure if I posted this on another forum, people would flame even though I put a warning.

                I don't think I'll ever get "married" on FFXI, but I love going to weddings.


                • #9
                  Re: Weddings and stuff

                  im going to a wedding in september its Roadkillwoady and Lilredd


                  • #10
                    Re: Weddings and stuff

                    It should be allowed, but I don't think it is a big deal. Not enough people get married for this to be a big problem.
                    FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix

                    of the Diabolos server. Current residence:San d'Oria
                    40 MNK 22 WAR 15 BLM 13 WHM


                    • #11
                      Re: Weddings and stuff

                      yep true its rare weddings happend and it gets narrowed down even more because it cant me male and male or female and female

                      lol this update is taking a long time lol


                      • #12
                        Re: Weddings and stuff

                        Originally posted by Tedz
                        yep true its rare weddings happend and it gets narrowed down even more because it cant me male and male or female and female

                        lol this update is taking a long time lol
                        Not really. I doubt there is more than a few dozen homosexual players who have met ingame and want to get married.

                        Weddings are rare because ingame relationships are pathetic, to be blunt.
                        FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix

                        of the Diabolos server. Current residence:San d'Oria
                        40 MNK 22 WAR 15 BLM 13 WHM


                        • #13
                          Re: Weddings and stuff

                          Originally posted by Jekk

                          The following things written have some talk about homosexual marriage and homosexuals in general. If your religous beliefs or own beliefs are against gays, please do not continue reading. Also, flames are not welcome, I put this warning here for a reason.

                          I'm sorry, but you have no right to exclude people based on their religious beliefs (or other beliefs), and to be blunt, this is intolerant behavior. They have as much right to opine and read your post as anyone else. In a public forum, please do not attempt to disclude dissenting opinion, it just makes you appear rude, condescending, or not ready to deal with the fact that people disagree.


                          Anyone who gets upset over the fact that characters of the same gender may not marry has issues and is likely insecure in who they are and feels neurotically inclined to make sure others acknowledge them, even in a fictional reality.

                          If they want to implement it though, I couldn't care less.
                          Last edited by Shopee; 07-24-2006, 05:24 PM.
                          The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                          Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                          • #14
                            Re: Weddings and stuff

                            Here's my opinion: Their game, their rules.

                            I'm all for gay rights in real life. Real life is real life. Why two people who love each other are forcibly stopped from wedding one another does not stir outrage in every single person is beyond me. In a world where loving relationships have been replaced with random hook-ups, the church should be screaming for gay marriage.

                            But this is not real life. It's a game. Be fortunate they permit interracial weddings! Personally, I don't see the big deal why two female characters can't get wedding gear made, and sign low-level rings for one another, and find someone to pastor the wedding. Hell, you'll get faster service, a time you want, and you can even rent out the Kokba hostel for the reception! Plus, it's that much more special because the rings were made for one another by their own hands.


                            • #15
                              Re: Weddings and stuff

                              Originally posted by Pawkeshup
                              Here's my opinion: Their game, their rules.

                              I'm all for gay rights in real life. Real life is real life. Why two people who love each other are forcibly stopped from wedding one another does not stir outrage in every single person is beyond me. In a world where loving relationships have been replaced with random hook-ups, the church should be screaming for gay marriage.

                              But this is not real life. It's a game. Be fortunate they permit interracial weddings! Personally, I don't see the big deal why two female characters can't get wedding gear made, and sign low-level rings for one another, and find someone to pastor the wedding. Hell, you'll get faster service, a time you want, and you can even rent out the Kokba hostel for the reception! Plus, it's that much more special because the rings were made for one another by their own hands.

