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On my way through Ronfaure....

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  • #16
    Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

    What is it that gilsellers love so much about Taru. Every time I see gilsellers they are almost all Taru. It looks funny to see big herds of mindless Taru running around in Qufim casting provoke on every thing in range. Too bad I can't MPK them like I used to.


    • #17
      Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

      Originally posted by Kadenmire
      What is it that gilsellers love so much about Taru. Every time I see gilsellers they are almost all Taru. It looks funny to see big herds of mindless Taru running around in Qufim casting provoke on every thing in range. Too bad I can't MPK them like I used to.
      I assume it's because of the Manaburn parties.


      • #18
        Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

        Guessing the influx is happening on all servers, whether its related to the mass banning or not idk but hopefully it is.

        Had another wave of them on Seraph piling their way through the starter zones with PL's and no sense. From what i gather the partys are played by a single person, possibly 2 or 3, either on multiple machines or via illegal methods. Although i don't have anything to back that up.

        Editted to add to the race thing~

        They tend to pick the stereotypical race to suite whatever job that char is going to use, alot of the tank characters are Galka etc. The reason most are taru as most are due to become BLM's.

        Also~ The BLM update is gonna be a real kick in the head for the mindless BLM drone armies of RMT, gonna be a hell of alot harder for them to adapt and they have been prevented from taking on higher HNM's and possibly gods for now atleast. As their previous methods just involved their BLM armys ^^
        Last edited by Saerik; 07-23-2006, 02:14 PM.


        • #19
          Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

          I do wonder why all of them are from Bastok though.

          The ones in Seraph are all Rank 1 Bastok too.


          • #20
            Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

            This whole problem is a big turn off. I havn't actually reached end game in my three or so years of playing, but I don't like the idea of having to buy it from people. Eventually we'll be purchasing claims because their bots will be top of the line and SE will keep their blind eyes shut.

            I don't even think the economy matters anymore. Most ways of making money are dominated by gil farmers, and it seems there's some inverse ration of the value of gil compared to the value of a dollar. When the economy is good and the items are cheap, the dollar amount to purchase gil is high, and when the economy is poor and everything is expensive, the dollar amount to purchase gil is low. So even if I did have the means to waste my money like that, I'd still be screwed in the end.

            I really hope SE's next MMO will take advantage of limited secondary and tertiary markets, to take the stress off of open primary markets. I think it would make a world of difference.


            • #21
              Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

              I guess that explains the ten starter gear taru's I saw in Lower Jeuno yesterday with level 30 jobs without any subjob what so ever. I didn't think much of it, except they were all following a hume male as he headed towards Rolanberry Fields.
              You know what, you can kiss my...

              Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

              RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


              • #22
                Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                hummmm gilsellers how fun i went somewhere and i saw about 10 or 15 of them eating sirt near a nm and i ran up and just killed the nm and walked off stupid gilsellers!!! being so weak i miss being able to pk them!!!!and also on my sever there is one well known gilseller about 40-50% of the sever has him blacklisted bc he runs a casino in jueno almost every day his name service drops the thats why i switched to cingular wireless!!! but really his name was [B][U]rinste!!!
                i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!


                • #23
                  Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                  Yeah I've encountered some of the noob RMTs on the Titan server this week. Twice I EXPed in East Altepa in my Taru BST, once solo and once in PT. Solo I did the BST courtesy of stealing all their giant spiders to EXP on for myself. It was fun.

                  When I joined up with a PT the next day, one of the galkas in this new RMT group would try to MPK us thinking last year's MPK style was still intacked. He'd provoke a dhamel and zone it near our camp.


                  Tried a scorpion.




                  Another Dhamel.

                  Acutally linked on to my pet and killed it, after that it... despawned, lol.

                  As I've said before, SE will delete them and they'll just come back with new accounts.


                  • #24
                    Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                    I ran into the Midgard group of taru-armies in Dunes. It really freaked me out. They had a high-level RDM babysitting them all, though. I stared for awhile, then just kinda continued on.

                    And yeah, I think the gilsellers are getting very very arrogant about their activities, I mean come on, 30 of the same face, race, body size, and job all registering into the same country and getting the same linkshell on the same day? There isn't a world where that's not suspicious.

                    I wouldn't have beleived it a year ago, but now I'm going to grit my teeth and say that this is a slap in the face of SE, and something tells me they don't expect to get re-banned.

                    Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                    If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                    *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                    • #25
                      Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                      Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                      I wouldn't have beleived it a year ago, but now I'm going to grit my teeth and say that this is a slap in the face of SE, and something tells me they don't expect to get re-banned.
                      Yep...A year ago I would have reported every single RMT I found. Now, it's just like, "Oh, there goes a herd of RMTs.../walks off."

                      That's just sad. :s


                      • #26
                        Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                        I don't really pay attention to gil sellers, but I will now. I actually need to go to Bastok to raise Alchemy, so while I'm there I'll search Rank 1s.

                        It really does scare me though :| they're taking over FFXI, it's just going to get worse.


                        • #27
                          Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                          Don't the gilsellers know it is a self destructive cycle they have started? The more RL players they push out of the game the fewer profits Sqare is making which in the end will cause the total shut down of FFXI and the gilsellers market as well.


                          • #28
                            Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                            Whence they will move on to another MMORPG.


                            • #29
                              Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                              Like somebody mentioned above RMT is like a cockroach infestation. Once their source of food (money) is gone, they'll just move on to another MMORPG and start the cycle all over again.

                              It's very disheartening. :/
                              The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
                              Killing tanks since 2004

                              Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
                              "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
                              a world without hate.
                              And I can picture us attacking that world,
                              because they'd never expect it."


                              • #30
                                Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                                Well, it's not like we can just sit around and do nothing about it. That aside, I have been seeing PTs of these RMT people as well on Diabolos. Leveling RNG for my COR's SJ, I saw about 4-5 groups of these people :/ All without linkshells, very few with subjobs, and in starter gear or very poor gear. Recently I saw one of the groups had gotten a neon red linkshell...never checked to see the name, though. And yeah, most of the groups had a PL of some sort...
                                It's sort of funny. First you used to have to watch for the names, such as Diabolos used to have the Xables. Now they all just seem to group together, which personally, I think is a bigger red flag than the names.

                                I really hope SE develops some way to fix this, if not for the GMs to do, but for normal players as well. It'll be impossible to clear them out permanently, so there has to be some sort of system, like if they get a certain amount of calls against a person in a period of time, they're banned, but only if the calls are made by reliable and honest people....
                                Sort of like having server-selected moderators that works something like the mentor system.
                                I always thought it would be better to have GMs for specifically one server :/ Would help them understand things more, because each server varies in their HNM LSs, whatever else.
                                And besides. Let them get to 50, then delete their characters. Keeps them occupied for a while before they can actually do anything harmful, then they have the joy of starting all over again. And again. And again.

