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On my way through Ronfaure....

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  • #31
    Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

    There are ways to grief them, the other day I found a group of 5 people being power leveled by a notoriously known gilseller, it was 3 BLM and 2 NIN in yuhtunga wearing gear just barely above starting armor... I went into Kazham changed to RDM/PLD, ran outside, cast Blaze Spikes and started healing the NINs, when the mandies hit me spikes would do damage and they would say hello to 0 exp. The PL and one of the NINs tried to talk to me in broken english, they tried to turn blockaid on, but they couldn't actually manage battles by themselves without the PL so when one would be close to death they'd turn it off and I'd hit Cure 4, then Sentinel and take hate. Eventually all but one of the NINs and PL logged off and they called a GM on me, GM didn't send me to jail all he said was, "I know they're probably RMT, but what you're doing is griefing and against the ToS." So I was forced to stop >.>

    Most aren't brave enough to call GM like that, I know in sky There's an all BLM LS that camped Despot 24/7 (They stopped recently, I think all of them had west gems, they had 15 last i counted) They'd pull all the groundskeepers from the walls sleep then -ga nuke until dead... After the first -ga goes off we would cast diaga. They never talk or anything to us, it became a game of who could kill the most gilsellers each pull, 10 points a BLM, 30 points for one of the 2 PLDs(the pullers).


    • #32
      Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

      Originally posted by Jinjo
      There are ways to grief them, the other day I found a group of 5 people being power leveled by a notoriously known gilseller, it was 3 BLM and 2 NIN in yuhtunga wearing gear just barely above starting armor... I went into Kazham changed to RDM/PLD, ran outside, cast Blaze Spikes and started healing the NINs, when the mandies hit me spikes would do damage and they would say hello to 0 exp. The PL and one of the NINs tried to talk to me in broken english, they tried to turn blockaid on, but they couldn't actually manage battles by themselves without the PL so when one would be close to death they'd turn it off and I'd hit Cure 4, then Sentinel and take hate. Eventually all but one of the NINs and PL logged off and they called a GM on me, GM didn't send me to jail all he said was, "I know they're probably RMT, but what you're doing is griefing and against the ToS." So I was forced to stop >.>

      Hahaha...that's quite brilliant. I'll have to try that myself sometime....


      • #33
        Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

        Originally posted by Kamui
        I really hope SE develops some way to fix this, if not for the GMs to do, but for normal players as well. It'll be impossible to clear them out permanently, so there has to be some sort of system, like if they get a certain amount of calls against a person in a period of time, they're banned, but only if the calls are made by reliable and honest people....
        We'ld have no HNM shells inside of a week with how much fighting goes on over some of the gods :+D and differing groups complaing about holding, stealing, exc

        Originally posted by Kamui
        Sort of like having server-selected moderators that works something like the mentor system.
        I always thought it would be better to have GMs for specifically one server :/ Would help them understand things more, because each server varies in their HNM LSs, whatever else.
        And besides. Let them get to 50, then delete their characters. Keeps them occupied for a while before they can actually do anything harmful, then they have the joy of starting all over again. And again. And again.
        This I do agree with I don't know what their staffing is otherwise I'ld put a rough idea of where I think the breakdown would be good. Taking what they have and setting senior GM's and all normal GM's not attached to a specific server as roaming. Have a set # devoted to each server, but not enough to take the normal volume of that server by themselves this way you have the majority of your force available to hop servers avoiding waisted workforce on days that certain servers are busy while others are slow.
        (example if you had 10 servers and 17 GM's you'ld dedicate one GM to each server and have the remaining 7 roam where needed)
        I love the idea of nailing them after enough work is put in to get to 50. Not to mention the company has to get another registration key for each gillseller shot down which does add up if you run into mass bannings and keeping tabs on which names are in the same pt with them.


        • #34
          Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

          this is happening on shiva too, i reported it to a GM. but they wont do anything about it.

          try this on you're server to count all the new RMT: /sea all level 20-75 rank 1
          all the ones without a sub are almost garenteed to be a gil seller.


          • #35
            Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

            Originally posted by Jinjo
            Most aren't brave enough to call GM like that, I know in sky There's an all BLM LS that camped Despot 24/7 (They stopped recently, I think all of them had west gems, they had 15 last i counted) They'd pull all the groundskeepers from the walls sleep then -ga nuke until dead... After the first -ga goes off we would cast diaga. They never talk or anything to us, it became a game of who could kill the most gilsellers each pull, 10 points a BLM, 30 points for one of the 2 PLDs(the pullers).
            Thank god for the new Blm patch.

            A group of similarily named, identically equiped Tarus was camping Despot Wednesday against my LS. We puta couple of people at the spawn to help us claim, but they got it anyways. They nuked it, and dropped one by one, then when 4 were left, our thief used Steal to claim.


            • #36
              Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

              Everyone seems to be so hot on the problem for gilsellers, but there's a peculiar silence onht e other side of the coin.

              We can all recognize a RMT solo or in a group, they have so many dog-ears and markers. Did you ever stop to think about the REASON they let themselves be so obvious?

              Myself, I think it's a way to draw in customers. I KNOW most gil is bought through 3rd party sites, the banner links on most FFXI forums, ebay, other similar sites...but I think by letting themselves be seen, so blatantly and in such numbers, is a more insidious form of advertising.

              "We are here, and we have the gonna buy or not?"

              Which leads one on to consider....

              Who exactly are they advertising to?

              Myself, I pity the gilsellers. What we consider relaxation, is their job. They probably don't even get a lunch break. Admit it, if you were chained to a desk for forty hours a week, doing what some OTHER person instructed you to, you wouldn't enjoy FFXI much at all.

              I don't intend to go inviting them to EXP and helping them with rank missions, but I do feel sorry for the individuals behind the screen.

              No, the ones I blame, the people I truly hate with an undeniable seething passion, the ones I want to be able to identify, single out, and would take indescribeable near-orgasmic pleasure from individually blacklisting every single one of them, is the gil buyers.

              THEY are the reason the sellers are here.

              THEY are the ones who can't get over "omgwtf must have this item..."

              THEY are the ones that drive the economy to ruin, when such a thing as an item that costs 14 mil to begin with "isn't good enough" and the high quality version is considered a must-have...

              THEY are the ones with the unhealthy obsession.

              THEY are the ones trying to use false ego to cover up their own deep-seated insecurities and incompetence.

              And I'm willing to bet money I know how to identify them.

              I'm willing to bet my good-enough-for-me NQ crow jupon and my good-enough-for-me NQ dark staff and ALL MY OTHER GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME GEAR that it's the 'eletists'.

              The people in my last party who thought my dark staff wasn't good enough because it was just a dark staff, not a pluto's staff.

              FOR A WHITEMAGE?

              Honestly. There's no additional hMP. I don't melee with it. If I'm standing up, I have my light staff equipped so it's not like ONE MORE MIND is going to be a huge affect.

              I'd lay my bottom gil he was a gilbuyer.

              Oh and the really funny thing...he bitched about my NQ dark staff, but he didn't say a peep about my NQ light staff.

              He did complain that I had a light staff and not a healing staff.

              I asked him if I'd run out of MP yet, and he said no. So then I asked how having fifty more MP would help, if I didn't need what I already had. He never answered. I considered mentioning that the healing staff had even less MND+ than NQ light staff, but I decided to drop it...

              Oh and yes, as BLM, he had all eight HQ staves (of which four were in his bazzar not even getting used) (Including the one with elemental skill +10). He was using plutos, vulcans, whatever hte thunder one is, and I forget the fourth.

              But my bottom line is, I want to see the BUYERS flagged. Without buyers, gilsellers are a minor annoyance. It's the buyers that give them their power.

              Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
              If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
              *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


              • #37
                Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                As I've admitted I was one of the people banned in that 2k banning last weekend for cheating. I've been watching lots of hacker forums and from what I've noticed, not one RMT got banned, I know none of them did from my server.


                • #38
                  Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                  Yeah, I was playing thru Qufim as my Ninja last week, a day didnt go by without
                  seeing a full party of subless tarus in starting RSE. Although the economy hasn't changed much on my server, maybe the gilsellers aren't getting anywhere.




                  • #39
                    Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                    Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                    Everyone seems to be so hot on the problem for gilsellers, but there's a peculiar silence onht e other side of the coin.

                    We can all recognize a RMT solo or in a group, they have so many dog-ears and markers. Did you ever stop to think about the REASON they let themselves be so obvious?

                    Myself, I think it's a way to draw in customers. I KNOW most gil is bought through 3rd party sites, the banner links on most FFXI forums, ebay, other similar sites...but I think by letting themselves be seen, so blatantly and in such numbers, is a more insidious form of advertising.

                    "We are here, and we have the gonna buy or not?"

                    Which leads one on to consider....

                    Who exactly are they advertising to?

                    Myself, I pity the gilsellers. What we consider relaxation, is their job. They probably don't even get a lunch break. Admit it, if you were chained to a desk for forty hours a week, doing what some OTHER person instructed you to, you wouldn't enjoy FFXI much at all.

                    I don't intend to go inviting them to EXP and helping them with rank missions, but I do feel sorry for the individuals behind the screen.

                    No, the ones I blame, the people I truly hate with an undeniable seething passion, the ones I want to be able to identify, single out, and would take indescribeable near-orgasmic pleasure from individually blacklisting every single one of them, is the gil buyers.

                    THEY are the reason the sellers are here.

                    THEY are the ones who can't get over "omgwtf must have this item..."

                    THEY are the ones that drive the economy to ruin, when such a thing as an item that costs 14 mil to begin with "isn't good enough" and the high quality version is considered a must-have...

                    THEY are the ones with the unhealthy obsession.

                    THEY are the ones trying to use false ego to cover up their own deep-seated insecurities and incompetence.

                    And I'm willing to bet money I know how to identify them.

                    I'm willing to bet my good-enough-for-me NQ crow jupon and my good-enough-for-me NQ dark staff and ALL MY OTHER GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME GEAR that it's the 'eletists'.

                    The people in my last party who thought my dark staff wasn't good enough because it was just a dark staff, not a pluto's staff.

                    FOR A WHITEMAGE?

                    Honestly. There's no additional hMP. I don't melee with it. If I'm standing up, I have my light staff equipped so it's not like ONE MORE MIND is going to be a huge affect.

                    I'd lay my bottom gil he was a gilbuyer.

                    Oh and the really funny thing...he bitched about my NQ dark staff, but he didn't say a peep about my NQ light staff.

                    He did complain that I had a light staff and not a healing staff.

                    I asked him if I'd run out of MP yet, and he said no. So then I asked how having fifty more MP would help, if I didn't need what I already had. He never answered. I considered mentioning that the healing staff had even less MND+ than NQ light staff, but I decided to drop it...

                    Oh and yes, as BLM, he had all eight HQ staves (of which four were in his bazzar not even getting used) (Including the one with elemental skill +10). He was using plutos, vulcans, whatever hte thunder one is, and I forget the fourth.

                    But my bottom line is, I want to see the BUYERS flagged. Without buyers, gilsellers are a minor annoyance. It's the buyers that give them their power.

                    Yeah but not every person who is an elitist gets their gil from RMT obviously enough. The people that do buy gil are usually pretty easy to spot because they have good gear, but they still suck at playing their job. I've seen this plenty of times where the person thinks they have such good gear they don't really need to do anything but sit there and let their gear work for them. But hey theres apples and oranges for every situation and stereotype to begin with I suppose. I think the only way to really end RMT in this game and bring the economy back down at this point is to kind of make this games item system similar to WoW's wich that didn't completely stop RMT(but it made things alot better then what we have been dealing with IMO); I like though that items bind to you when you equip them, no more RMTs camping OCHY kote, and then using them whiel they have them.... then selling them when they get to jeuno. Plus make it a unique item, only one in your inv at a time, stops hording items. Also maybe implement some of the commonly camped equipment NMS to "bind when picked up". Don't get me wrong I'm not saying ffxi is worse then wow or anything of that nature, but after playing both I definitely think that WoW is much more protected against RMT problems when it comes to equipping your character and making money, others probably disagree though. Anyway theres my 2cents

                    Which FF Character Are You?


                    • #40
                      Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                      Originally posted by fiercedeity
                      this is happening on shiva too, i reported it to a GM. but they wont do anything about it.

                      try this on you're server to count all the new RMT: /sea all level 20-75 rank 1
                      all the ones without a sub are almost garenteed to be a gil seller.
                      Not really. A group of new players just figured out how to make yourself subjobless with a trick and abused it in Rabao. You'd search and find them, reasonble sounding names, some of them low ranked and no subjobs at 40...


                      • #41
                        Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                        Yeah, well on a side note I totally ripped a friend of mine a new one when I found out he was buying gil. Especially since he was with me complaining on how all these gilsellers were getting in our way. Told the idiot it was his fault for that.

                        As for the 2k banned they said specifically it was for those who speed hacked. If a gilseller didn't get banned it is because he didn't speedhack. See issue with banning RMT is definitive proof, you can look for markers and indicators all day long but none of it is definitive proof.

                        As for their such huge masses, all I can figure out of it is that likely the gilsellers are being caught so they are trying to run illegal alien tactics in crossing a boarder. You flood it with huge numbers, less likely for the law to catch all of them. What's funny though is if the database and record keeping is good enough, this tactic will eventually fail misserably. Of course due to the obvious methods of spotting potential RMT like people here have done.

                        Creates a nice list for them to work on, then trace back IPs find common sources and then proof definitivly that even 1 is a gillseller and likely to knock out a huge group.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #42
                          Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                          What about bots. I see more and more every day and they are obvious why don't the GMs do somthing about them?


                          • #43
                            Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                            Originally posted by Aeni
                            Not really. A group of new players just figured out how to make yourself subjobless


                            • #44
                              Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                              iv saw nothing on phoenix sespicous yet though my freind was campin a NM and the mob was lottery spawnd and every time it was gonna spawn thr gill seller would flee to a dirent place all the time and the NM would pop were he went. it was sad for my friend he camped the NM for 8 hours and the gill seller got it all the time


                              • #45
                                Re: On my way through Ronfaure....

                                Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                                No, the ones I blame, the people I truly hate with an undeniable seething passion, the ones I want to be able to identify, single out, and would take indescribeable near-orgasmic pleasure from individually blacklisting every single one of them, is the gil buyers.

                                THEY are the reason the sellers are here.

                                THEY are the ones who can't get over "omgwtf must have this item..."

                                THEY are the ones that drive the economy to ruin, when such a thing as an item that costs 14 mil to begin with "isn't good enough" and the high quality version is considered a must-have...

                                THEY are the ones with the unhealthy obsession.

                                THEY are the ones trying to use false ego to cover up their own deep-seated insecurities and incompetence.

                                I have to admit, your are very right. The gil sellers will keep coming back as long as their fish are biting...

                                There's someone in my social LS that I want to pin sooo badly. One day, he told us he got all the items for Excalibur, he was only missing the rare/ex items.
                                Good for him, right? Cheers and all that.
                                He was only Lv40 at the time.
                                I asked him how he got all his money, and he said he farmed ALOT (which I never recall him /ever/ farming.)
                                That same day, later someone was saying how they never have time for FFXI anymore because they were too busy with IRL things... and the same person said "Yeah, I'm always too busy to play too."
                                Oohhh I wanted to get him so bad... But before then, he had always seemed like a decent guy. He did farm, at some point, when I first joined the LS and he was always with us doing missions and such...
                                Come to think of it, lately, that whole LS has been acting strange...>.>
                                What was I here for?
                                Oh yeah. COR info. *wanders away*

