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Oh, damn... MT!

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  • Oh, damn... MT!

    I'm sure we've all come across some very odd, hilarious, etc, MT's and some point in our gaming, via /tell, /say/, /linkshell, and of course, /party... What was some of the best MT's you've seen? Feel free to also post pics of the text if you have them.

  • #2
    Re: Oh, damn... MT!

    in before "sorry for cumming in your hair".


    • #3
      Re: Oh, damn... MT!

      I have one friend that sends me mistells all the time, but never anything funny.

      I had one friend send me a tell about pulling down panties and cyber stuff like that, followed by them turning /away on faster than I could reply with "Uh...". A few minutes later they said it was a mistell.

      One guy that I didn't know was asking me some fishing questions while he and his (e-)girlfriend were fishing next to me. About an hour later, they both stopped fishing, shortly followed by the guy sending me a cybering mistell. I don't think I responded. >_>a

      Those are the only two I remember the details on. Myself and my friend used to send eachother fake mistells sometimes. They were pretty similar to how we'd talk face to face. (Normal conversation > say something completely random and possibly akward > long pause of silence > continuing on.)

      I'm pretty careful about what I say after I made fun of a party member's complete lack of ability in party chat. Either they didn't even notice I was making fun of them or they were being nice and didn't make a big deal out of it. Either way, I felt silly.

      The number of MTs I make went down to next to 0 after they allowed us to use the "Home" key in FFXI. I double check where my tells go before I send them, at least when I'm talking to people with similar names in tells.
      Generic Info!


      • #4
        Re: Oh, damn... MT!

        Well, in /t I was talking to someone about using whm to take out some. bones and in /t with another person I was asking questions about another LS mate. The MT made it so that in /l chat it looked I just randomly for no reason popped out with something lines of:

        /l <insert name>, right?
        /l Yeah? I'd pound on that in a heart beat.

        Was amusing 'cause <insert name> had -just- logged in, hadn't said Hi yet, and it was the first thing they saw in thier chat log.


        • #5
          Re: Oh, damn... MT!

          Yea, a few days ago while leveling bst someone raised me and a little while later they sent a /tell mistell saying "smack your cousin for me later" or something like that. haha
          Bst:56 Rdm:43 WHM:34 Blu:30 Smn:25 Blm:24
          Thf:23 Rng:22 Drg:21 Nin:20 Sam:17 Drk:15
          BRD:15 War:6 Mnk:1 Pld:- Pup:- Cor:-
          Bastok: Rank 5

          Couple of different times when my brother and I were leveling Beastmaster in the desert.


          • #6
            Re: Oh, damn... MT!

            God, I hope the girl in my linkshll doesn't catch my posting this online.

            "Oh yeah, baby. Bite me harder"
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: Oh, damn... MT!

              I found this one online, though it really isn't real.

              <Vrtra> morning all
              <Jormungand> sup
              <Tiamat> (Hello)(leader)
              <Ouryu> sup V
              <Nidhogg> hi^^
              <Vrtra> amagad….Nid back from vacation?!?!
              <Nidhogg> no but yes
              <Jormungand> lol
              <Vrtra> how was it
              <Nidhogg> cool relaxing, good to be back
              <Vrtra> good to have you back
              <King Behemoth> yeah…so im riding her good and her fucking mom walks in
              <Jormungand> wtf
              <Tiamat> lmao
              <Ouryu> LOLOLOLOL
              <King Behemoth> FUCK MT!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                We had a potty-mouthed Manthra in our LS that would make some of the most hilarious mis-type ever. The best ones happened when the LS chat was pretty quiet. All of a sudden you would see "That <expiltive>!" followed quickly by a "mt >.>;". And that would be a fairly beneign one for him.


                • #9
                  Re: Oh, damn... MT!


                  • #10
                    Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                    I had just joined a party, and a LS member and I were joking around...I called him a "stupid [something]" in Japanese in party chat, accidently, and quickly said "miss." I didn't think it was much of a problem, since I -thought- everyone in the party only spoke English... Until seconds later a large line of "w"s appeared on screen...with "ミス"w D:

                    Best miss tell ever. At least, my LS thought so.


                    • #11
                      Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                      My husband doesn't MT very often, but he sends me typos all the time. The other day he was /telling me about how this one TV personality is hot, but it went something like this...

                      T> Look her picture up on the internet
                      T> I think he is hot
                      Me> O.O
                      Me> HE?!?!?
                      Me> {Huh!>}
                      Me> Something I should know?
                      T> ?
                      Me> Hahahaha
                      T> OMG
                      T> *she
                      T> SHE
                      T> SHE
                      T> that one went wrong haha
                      Me> Haha, best typo ever.

                      As far as mistells go, I think we've all had the one where we think we're telling our LS about something that sucks in a party, but actually tell the party. Oops.

                      I think during a party I was listening to both LS and party chat, and someone said something funny, to which I replied, "That's what she said" in the wrong chat log. Funny thing was, it worked for both conversations, and no one really knew it was a MT.

                      Someone else in the ls was in a party and was telling his party members, "I'm good" (like, good to go) but he happened to MT that during a conversation about sex. There was a nice long string of lol's after he revealed that it was a MT.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                        One of the first days that I had my new ls, I saw this doozy of an mt in ls chat:

                        "That is the most beautiful vagina in the world"

                        I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes. There have been others along those lines, but that's the one that sticks in my memory.
                        Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
                        Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
                        Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'

                        Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
                        PLD 60 RDM 54 BLM 48


                        • #13
                          Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                          These are so funny!

                          Since I just started FFXI a couple of weeks ago, I don't have anything yet.


                          • #14
                            Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                            Originally posted by Chveya
                            "That is the most beautiful vagina in the world"
                            I'm really tempted to sig this.
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                            • #15
                              Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                              /t me Okay, where should i come to pick up the gil? Or will you deliver?
                              /t me Oops mt.. You didn't see that
                              If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

                              Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284

