I'm sure we've all come across some very odd, hilarious, etc, MT's and some point in our gaming, via /tell, /say/, /linkshell, and of course, /party... What was some of the best MT's you've seen? Feel free to also post pics of the text if you have them.
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Oh, damn... MT!
Re: Oh, damn... MT!
I have one friend that sends me mistells all the time, but never anything funny.
I had one friend send me a tell about pulling down panties and cyber stuff like that, followed by them turning /away on faster than I could reply with "Uh...". A few minutes later they said it was a mistell.
One guy that I didn't know was asking me some fishing questions while he and his (e-)girlfriend were fishing next to me. About an hour later, they both stopped fishing, shortly followed by the guy sending me a cybering mistell. I don't think I responded. >_>a
Those are the only two I remember the details on. Myself and my friend used to send eachother fake mistells sometimes. They were pretty similar to how we'd talk face to face. (Normal conversation > say something completely random and possibly akward > long pause of silence > continuing on.)
I'm pretty careful about what I say after I made fun of a party member's complete lack of ability in party chat. Either they didn't even notice I was making fun of them or they were being nice and didn't make a big deal out of it. Either way, I felt silly.
The number of MTs I make went down to next to 0 after they allowed us to use the "Home" key in FFXI. I double check where my tells go before I send them, at least when I'm talking to people with similar names in tells.Generic Info!
Yay for broken connection preventing me from exping/meriting!
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
Well, in /t I was talking to someone about using whm to take out some. bones and in /t with another person I was asking questions about another LS mate. The MT made it so that in /l chat it looked I just randomly for no reason popped out with something lines of:
/l <insert name>, right?
/l Yeah? I'd pound on that in a heart beat.
Was amusing 'cause <insert name> had -just- logged in, hadn't said Hi yet, and it was the first thing they saw in thier chat log.
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
Yea, a few days ago while leveling bst someone raised me and a little while later they sent a /tell mistell saying "smack your cousin for me later" or something like that. hahaBst:56 Rdm:43 WHM:34 Blu:30 Smn:25 Blm:24
Thf:23 Rng:22 Drg:21 Nin:20 Sam:17 Drk:15
BRD:15 War:6 Mnk:1 Pld:- Pup:- Cor:-
Bastok: Rank 5
Couple of different times when my brother and I were leveling Beastmaster in the desert.
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
I found this one online, though it really isn't real.
<Vrtra> morning all
<Jormungand> sup
<Tiamat> (Hello)(leader)
<Ouryu> sup V
<Nidhogg> hi^^
<Vrtra> amagad….Nid back from vacation?!?!
<Nidhogg> no but yes
<Jormungand> lol
<Vrtra> how was it
<Nidhogg> cool relaxing, good to be back
<Vrtra> good to have you back
<King Behemoth> yeah…so im riding her good and her fucking mom walks in
<Jormungand> wtf
<Tiamat> lmao
<King Behemoth> FUCK MT!!!!
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
We had a potty-mouthed Manthra in our LS that would make some of the most hilarious mis-type ever. The best ones happened when the LS chat was pretty quiet. All of a sudden you would see "That <expiltive>!" followed quickly by a "mt >.>;". And that would be a fairly beneign one for him.
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
I had just joined a party, and a LS member and I were joking around...I called him a "stupid [something]" in Japanese in party chat, accidently, and quickly said "miss." I didn't think it was much of a problem, since I -thought- everyone in the party only spoke English... Until seconds later a large line of "w"s appeared on screen...with "ミス"w D:
Best miss tell ever. At least, my LS thought so.sigpic
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
My husband doesn't MT very often, but he sends me typos all the time. The other day he was /telling me about how this one TV personality is hot, but it went something like this...
T> Look her picture up on the internet
T> I think he is hot
Me> O.O
Me> HE?!?!?
Me> {Huh!>}
Me> Something I should know?
T> ?
Me> Hahahaha
T> *she
T> that one went wrong haha
Me> Haha, best typo ever.
As far as mistells go, I think we've all had the one where we think we're telling our LS about something that sucks in a party, but actually tell the party. Oops.
I think during a party I was listening to both LS and party chat, and someone said something funny, to which I replied, "That's what she said" in the wrong chat log. Funny thing was, it worked for both conversations, and no one really knew it was a MT.
Someone else in the ls was in a party and was telling his party members, "I'm good" (like, good to go) but he happened to MT that during a conversation about sex. There was a nice long string of lol's after he revealed that it was a MT.sigpic
~Aksannyi~~Hades~~75WHM~75RDM~75BLM~75SMN~73WAR~67SCH~47BRD~~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
~I has a blog~~http://aksannyi.livejournal.com/~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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Re: Oh, damn... MT!
One of the first days that I had my new ls, I saw this doozy of an mt in ls chat:
"That is the most beautiful vagina in the world"
I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes. There have been others along those lines, but that's the one that sticks in my memory.Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'
Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
PLD 60 RDM 54 BLM 48
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