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Oh, damn... MT!

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  • #16
    Re: Oh, damn... MT!

    I used to do a lot of Gardening back "in the day." I was wandering around in Lower Jeuno and then realized I may have to feed may plants here soon. I tried to type out /clock so I knew the day and what day was next, but the LAG Stick hit me. In the middle of an extremely quite time in the LS, this happens.

    <Odude> cock
    <LS> O.o
    <LS> {Hmmm.}
    <LS> {Um...}
    <LS> {Excuse me...}
    <LS> {What?"}
    <LS> {Where?}
    <Odude> {Um...} {Mistake}

    Damn LAG dropped the "/" and the much more important "l" out of the command. I think I laughed a good 20 minutes straight, all the while scrambling to type out a reason for the random "cock."

    Another time, one of our less loved LS Members, who either doesn't speak English very well, or just likes to be annoying, said something unintelligable. I was in a party with two other sackholders and was trying to say, /party WTF is he trying to say now? {Please use the Auto Translate function.} Only problem was I hit the CTRL+l at the last second, and it was printed out in LS, and they saw it! I then got like 15 /tells from other LS members, all along the lines of LMFAO. I felt so bad I then went out of my way to figure out what he was asking, and then to help him. lol
    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
    RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

    Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
    SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


    • #17
      Re: Oh, damn... MT!

      Mog, you have my permission to steal that for your sig if you so desire. ^^
      Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
      Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
      Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'

      Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
      PLD 60 RDM 54 BLM 48


      • #18
        Re: Oh, damn... MT!

        I was talking to my linkshell (EQ quild) and my friends name was Menacer.

        I meant to say "/gu I love u men!!!!!" because he was sending me money (everyone called him Men for short)

        The end result "/g I love men!!!!!" I end up telling my party that I love men :|

        I think the U button on that keyboard was messing with me


        • #19
          Re: Oh, damn... MT!

          LS chat it was dead quiet. All of a sudden one of my friends says

          *insert name here*: *shakes it a little* You want this?
          Greenjade: WHAT THE FUCK MATE!?!
          *insert name here*: Holy shit! MT MT MT
          Greenjade: OH my god!
          *insert name here*: yea...turning ls chat off for a few days.


          • #20
            Re: Oh, damn... MT!

            *war joins party as replacement and starts bitching about PLD's hate ability first thing*
            PLD: man this WAR sucks balls....
            PLD: mt.. haha
            *war disbands party instantly and leaves*
            PLD: I was joking!
            MNK: Nice work, jackass.

            PLEASE be careful when you're making fun of your party not to type /p before hand...

            (this was last night)


            • #21
              Re: Oh, damn... MT!

              i vote for framerates :D its one of the few not about sex(uality)


              • #22
                Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                Posting in this thread earlier must have jinxed me. Today I was pting, and our WHM sucked. No buffs, no curing status ailments, and he was going afk for extended periods of time- one time without warning! ><

                I was getting fed up with him leeching exp and making me cover his bases with my WHM sub, so I tried to bitch about it LS chat. My complaint didn't make it to LS chat, and my lovely long diatribe about people who suck landed in pt chat. I was so embarrassed, but luckily I hadn't named him so my pt just laughed it off. It was close, though.
                Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
                Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
                Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'

                Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
                PLD 60 RDM 54 BLM 48


                • #23
                  Re: Oh, damn... MT!



                  • #24
                    Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                    brutal. I would HATE to be that guy (or girl, that would be more kinky)
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #25
                      Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                      My friend and I like to crack each other up by sending each other /tells written in totally overblown n00bspeak. Anyway, one day I'm crafting by the AH in Whitegate and my friend is telling me about this party she passed by in Qufim that was being healed by a 30 RDM Taru. Apparently their little Taru babysitter couldn't quite tank a Gigas and died, and immediately after the entire party wiped.

                      I answered in our customary joking way with something along the lines of "omg wat nubs dnot tehy no u ned @ leest 4 pl 2 pt in quifim iland?!!1? lol!1!"

                      Of course, in all the Whitegate spam I hadn't noticed some stranger sending me a /tell asking for a price on the oils I was making. I apoligized for leaking stupid all over the poor, hapless customer, but my face was still red.


                      • #26
                        Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                        There was this one, though it was a loooong ass time ago, where I was in a pt in Qufim Island.

                        /p (insertnamehere) So I had to wax again for him.
                        (or something like that, it was a long time ago)
                        /p (Valdir) O.O
                        /p (her) MT!
                        /p (Valdir) Lol...

                        She went on and on about how she meant her legs <.< indeed.

                        Nothing beats Sassafrass's though o.o


                        • #27
                          Re: Oh, damn... MT!



                          • #28
                            Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                            Well i was farming some orcs in Fort ghelsba and getting scale armor drops to send to my mules i have in Windy and basty since they sometimes don't have scale mail items in the AH. I was on my whm and i hate to have /anon on and so get a tell.

                            /t guy pty did you need it.
                            well someone in my ls makes a sex joke and i forget to do the /t <so and so> and so my ls gets
                            /l me: [no thanks i'm playing solo right now.]
                            /l me: MT!
                            /l all: LOL

                            i quickly tell the guy and hide my face in my shirt.
                            [GM]Dave>> Last question.
                            Player>> Shoot.
                            [GM]Dave>> Don't tempt me.


                            • #29
                              Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                              I thought I had some mts that were pretty funny, but after reading this thread I think I'll save mine. These are hilarious!

                              PS ~ I'll keep an eye out for mts more often now lol.

                              With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


                              • #30
                                Re: Oh, damn... MT!

                                Originally posted by Ryddr
                                I thought I had some mts that were pretty funny, but after reading this thread I think I'll save mine. These are hilarious!

                                PS ~ I'll keep an eye out for mts more often now lol.
                                Awww come on, share!!!

