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Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

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  • #31
    Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

    Originally posted by Maju
    The windower itself is a very powerful hack, but it does not allow bot macros there are no plugins with cheats for it.

    Sure, it's probably easire to run a cheat tool in the background if you can minimize the game, but it is not at all required. If SE ever thought they could somehow prevent cheating by simply locking the game to full screen they are fools.
    You're being very saddistic here. Many third-party programs like MrArgus, ToS and Fleetool are very hard/impossible to use when playing on Full Screen mode. I'm quite sure SE has no problems against windowing mode itself, the problem is that you can use tools/hacks easier. If you have a better idea of stopping cheats in a good possible way, rather post that than boycotting SE's actions. Their intentions is not to screw us over, it is to keep a fair balance for players. Also, Windower does have some plugins that are not really hacks, but still give unfair advantage. You explain them you don't use any of it. You, and thousands of other players.


    • #32
      Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

      Originally posted by Zamphire
      They wont catch my ass again, I can promise you that.
      Ahh... The ever elusive ass.

      i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
      I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


      • #33
        Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

        Originally posted by Davitron3000
        I just wanted to ask a question to the PC users. So, does windower in fact make it
        easier to cheat with hacks, and if so, would not allowing people to use windower
        help cut down on the number of people using hacks?

        I am a PS2 user so I really don't know much about how Windower or those other
        3rd party tools work. So, I only see this as a good thing, because to me it evens the
        playing field somewhat, if it indeed makes it harder to cheat.
        I guess, if a PC user wants to browse the web while playing, buy a PS2! It sucks that Windower is forbidden, but it's far from irreasonable.


        • #34
          Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

          Originally posted by Aeolus
          It might cut down hacks but if your on the PS2 or Xbox you can still check your pcs for quests/info etc so why cant we? Its not fair /cry.
          Thats not completely true. Console users must first have a pc, then they must their internet set up so both can be online at the same time and of course having them close together helps. The first applies to me so if I want to check something I log out and go on my pc. It's not hard to tell your ls "brb, checking stuff online".


          • #35
            Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

            Shame it was never out on PS2 in Europe really then - all european players are screwed...

            Double Post Edited:
            Originally posted by durecellrabbit
            It's not hard to tell your ls "brb, checking stuff online".
            It is in the middle of Dynamis...
            Last edited by Kirsteena; 07-21-2006, 06:13 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #36
              Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

              Originally posted by Aeolus
              It might cut down hacks but if your on the PS2 or Xbox you can still check your pcs for quests/info etc so why cant we? Its not fair /cry.
              But I have to have 2 things to do this. (PS2 + a computer to look stuff up)
              I am not saying I am glad people can't look stuff up while they play, they shouldn't
              use windower, etc.

              I am glad they are banning people who are cheating though. Also, honestly, if it means
              people have a harder time cheating, then I would be for suspensions for not playing
              in full window mode also. (I know that sounds mean, but if I get a fair shot at claiming,
              instead of going against bots, I think it is a small price to pay)


              • #37
                Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                Originally posted by Haggai
                Ahh... The ever elusive ass.
                I've just have to stop using it. Mazurka gets me around quick enough I suppose.

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by Davitron3000
                But I have to have 2 things to do this. (PS2 + a computer to look stuff up)
                I am not saying I am glad people can't look stuff up while they play, they shouldn't
                use windower, etc.

                I am glad they are banning people who are cheating though. Also, honestly, if it means
                people have a harder time cheating, then I would be for suspensions for not playing
                in full window mode also. (I know that sounds mean, but if I get a fair shot at claiming,
                instead of going against bots, I think it is a small price to pay)
                I actually used the cheats, but I wont anymore. Now, I'd be happy about this if it actually stopped the people that needed to be stop. Go to Castle O, I bet you'll still see botters.
                Last edited by Zamphire; 07-21-2006, 06:18 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #38
                  Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                  Originally posted by Neo Geo
                  I guess, if a PC user wants to browse the web while playing, buy a PS2! It sucks that Windower is forbidden, but it's far from irreasonable.
                  I take it you don't realize that they no longer sell the version of the PS2 that runs FFXI. The HDD doesn't fit into the new slim ones. Plus, running FFXI at 640x480 sucks major donkey balls.

                  i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                  I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                  • #39
                    Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                    Originally posted by Haggai
                    Your logic fails.

                    Walking forward is a basic necessity to living life. Windower is not needed to play FFXI. You can play FFXI perfectly fine without windower, walking only backwards has a crippling effect.
                    Actually, his logic does have merit. You don't need Windower to play FFXI, but you sure as hell need it if you also want to use your computer. As to his example, you don't need to walk forward to get to where you're going, but you do need to walk forward to see where you're going.


                    • #40
                      Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                      Originally posted by Kirsteena
                      It is in the middle of Dynamis...
                      I doubt you suddenly decide to go and do Dynamis. Just write down or print out the information you might need before hand as part of your Dynamis planning.


                      • #41
                        Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                        Originally posted by Neo Geo
                        I guess, if a PC user wants to browse the web while playing, buy a PS2! It sucks that Windower is forbidden, but it's far from irreasonable.
                        And it actually is FAR from reasonable. I spend $1,000 dollars on a computer that's capabale of running FFXI 3-4 times over, I paid $80(FFXI, CoP, and ToaU) bucks for the software, and an aditional $12.95 a month to play the game. Not only do you want to make my $1,000 machine useable ONLY by your game that I pay do play,,you want me to go out, buy a PS2, ($159.99 that they do not make anymore), plus buy the original FFXI (Which they do not make, $99.99), and each of the expansions $29.99 an expansion just so I can use my $1,000 dollar computer for something other than this game.

                        That's not unreasonable?


                        • #42
                          Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                          Originally posted by Quanta
                          Actually, his logic does have merit. You don't need Windower to play FFXI, but you sure as hell need it if you also want to use your computer. As to his example, you don't need to walk forward to get to where you're going, but you do need to walk forward to see where you're going.
                          Okay, I get ya. Good point.

                          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                          • #43
                            Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                            Originally posted by durecellrabbit
                            I doubt you suddenly decide to go and do Dynamis. Just write down or print out the information you might need before hand as part of your Dynamis planning.
                            So I spend money on paper and ink (Ink is expensive as hell) to do something that I have a $1,000 computer that is fully capable of doing? Printing out 3 or four full colored maps of Dynamis would hurt my ink supply big time.


                            • #44
                              Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                              One of the nicest features of Windower for those of us that have crappy computers is the ability to disable the Lighting which increases my framerate by 25%--great help in PT. If SE implemented some more graphics tweaks in Config, I wouldn't use it at all--I have a second comp for looking stuff up.


                              • #45
                                Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                                Originally posted by Zamphire
                                And it actually is FAR from reasonable. I spend $1,000 dollars on a computer that's capabale of running FFXI 3-4 times over, I paid $80(FFXI, CoP, and ToaU) bucks for the software, and an aditional $12.95 a month to play the game. Not only do you want to make my $1,000 machine useable ONLY by your game that I pay do play,,you want me to go out, buy a PS2, ($159.99 that they do not make anymore), plus buy the original FFXI (Which they do not make, $99.99), and each of the expansions $29.99 an expansion just so I can use my $1,000 dollar computer for something other than this game.

                                That's not unreasonable?
                                ToS hasn't changed since day one. You accept the rules when you play the game regardless of how stupid they seem. I'm a PC user and there are many times I'd have liked to use Windower but I refrained from using it and other more malicious tools in order to play.

