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Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

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  • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

    Originally posted by Ellipses
    God damn, you suck at this game.
    Have you tried getting COR AF in Arragapo Reef since the new True Sight mobs that guard the fucking ??? yet? It's almost impossable to get by there the 5 times you need to without dieing. While you might have to skills to get past them (Which I did) you can't account for the idiots that can't do it, and train the mobs to the ??? so the second you get out of the CS you've got 4 level 80 mobs on you. Lets see you not die.


    • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

      I went to help a friend, and we managed fine to keep under control long enough for him to get his CS.

      Of course, the Lamia are being moved today.

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


      • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

        Originally posted by Kirsteena
        I went to help a friend, and we managed fine to keep under control long enough for him to get his CS.

        Of course, the Lamia are being moved today.
        Yea, unfortunatly I was alone as a 60 COR, not much I could do.


        • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

          i thought the windower was untracable?

          did they finally find a way to see if people use one... im confused...


          • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

            Originally posted by Delson
            i thought the windower was untracable?

            did they finally find a way to see if people use one... im confused...
            Unless you blab to your friends ingame S.E cant run a trace without you knowing about it, an agreeing to it. otherwise its a violation of your rights. an in violation of their own ToS,

            Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


            • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

              Originally posted by little ninja
              Unless you blab to your friends ingame S.E cant run a trace without you knowing about it, an agreeing to it. otherwise its a violation of your rights. an in violation of their own ToS,
              good thing i keep my mouth shut...


              • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                You know, alot of people are saying they use Windower only so that they can check stuff online, but, why not print the information off before hand if you know you are going to be doing it?

                Heck, I may be under the misguided impression that 80-90% of people are on DSL or other high speed interenet things, so web pages load very fast for anyone who has it, so to me, there should be no problem logging out, getting the info, and logging back in.

                I'm on dialup, it can take 2-3 minutes just to load the ffxionline main page, sometimes longer, so I just make sure that I have all the info I'll need before hand, /shrug

                That and my two massive Tomes of Knowledge, one notebook for synthing recipes for all crafts, the other notebook full of all of the quests, and windurst mission line. 200+ pages, printed 20 pages at a time since that is the limit at my college >.>

                Double Post Edited:
                =o.0= Wow, Jitensha, who did your sig? That is so incredibly well done.

                And I would agree, SE should let us type in japanese as well, I have a very hard time using the auto translator, but give me 3 minutes with my japanese dictionary and I could easily puzzle out whatever I want to try to say. But nowadays it seems that most japanese players either ignore me, or english players in general, so it's not like I have much use for my japanese anymore.
                Last edited by Vyuru; 08-02-2006, 11:21 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                  Originally posted by Vyuru
                  You know, alot of people are saying they use Windower only so that they can check stuff online, but, why not print the information off before hand if you know you are going to be doing it?
                  Because we don't always know what we want to do. We would like the freedom to use our pc for whatever comes about at any time. Whether it be printing out map directions for a family member, or putting on some music. While many of us think about ffxi outside of playing, not all of us remember what we're going to do until we are back IN the game. Finding quest walkthroughs and such can get irritating when you have to logout/login and remove yourself from in-game friends and conversations temporarily to get information.


                  • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                    And as I stated earlier in this thread, printing out maps takes alot of ink, and ink is expensive as hell. And why should we have to when we already have a system that's fully capable of doing this?


                    • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                      Originally posted by Hearshot
                      Because we don't always know what we want to do. We would like the freedom to use our pc for whatever comes about at any time. Whether it be printing out map directions for a family member, or putting on some music. While many of us think about ffxi outside of playing, not all of us remember what we're going to do until we are back IN the game. Finding quest walkthroughs and such can get irritating when you have to logout/login and remove yourself from in-game friends and conversations temporarily to get information.
                      Get a laptop, or a second PC you n00bzors. Gotta be uber game like me :x

                      But yea, it's 100x easier to have the info. you need available to you right then and there. Having to relog for a map, or look to what NPC to talk to next is rediculous. And you miss out on funny LS conversations


                      • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                        Originally posted by Vyuru
                        You know, alot of people are saying they use Windower only so that they can check stuff online, but, why not print the information off before hand if you know you are going to be doing it?
                        A: I dont allways know what I need, could be a sudden LS event come up.

                        B: I am a Digital Person. I like haveing my information digitaly so I can organize it. Usaly when I print stuff off I'll have it for 10 min then it will get lost in the pile of papers I used to have all around my computer.
                        Computers were mainly used for organizeing things before the days of games and internet porn.

                        No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                        Rest of my sig


                        • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                          Originally posted by ifandbut
                          A: I dont allways know what I need, could be a sudden LS event come up.

                          B: I am a Digital Person. I like haveing my information digitaly so I can organize it. Usaly when I print stuff off I'll have it for 10 min then it will get lost in the pile of papers I used to have all around my computer.
                          Computers were mainly used for organizeing things before the days of games and internet porn.
                          You mean there were days before games and porn...? I'm glad I'm young enough not to remember those days, they must have been horrid.


                          • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                            Because we don't always know what we want to do.
                            Ok, I can see that. I don't have alot of playtime so I normally do have a plan before I get online, so it is pretty easy for me to research whatever I need before hand.

                            And as I stated earlier in this thread, printing out maps takes alot of ink, and ink is expensive as hell.
                            Something else I didn't think of since I use a laser printer

                            And you miss out on funny LS conversations
                            "I logout bfore death, but now I'm dead, why?" Ahhh, classics

                            Get a laptop, or a second PC you n00bzors. Gotta be uber game like me :x
                            Is THAT why you and Zaethi always have the anwser to something so fast? >.> Bah! Bah I say!

                            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                            • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                              I have to agree with the wasting of ink thing, it's a lot easier to just press tab and see the map you found.

                              And btw my sig is based off a hume whm picture I found online, I just changed the wording, reskined the girl and made her a mithra :3 *squeals*


                              • Re: Sooooo 2k accounts suspended....

                                i dont even have a printer hooked up to this computer... this computer is used for entertainment... so... no printer...

                                i used to have another computer (wifes business computer) setup in the same room and i would use that for info... but since we bought a new house and our offices are in different areas of the house...

