Seriously it has. Don't try to deny it, madness has set in and there is nothing we can do about it. Complete and utter proof of the world's descent into insanity has just been proven to me in Ru'Lude Garden.
So I was sat there but the big fountain in the centre chatting to my friend and waiting for him to come meet me when two players ran past. Both /anon and I didn't check them but they shall hereby be referred to as pld and whm as that is what their visible gear indicated. Whm was a mithra and pld was an elvaan. It started pretty innocently:
Whm hugs pld
Pld kisses whm on the cheek
Whm kisses pld
Pld spanks whm's bottom
Whm >> /s cheeky
Pld then chases the whm round the fountain a few times until......
Whm winks at pld
Pld nods at whm
Whm beckons pld
Both then enter the door to the Windy consulate. Now you can see where this is going can't you. I sat there assuming that they'd continue this in /tell well they didn't. After a few /em giggles emotes and other things along those lines they started on the stripping emotes
I {/sigh}ed and contemplated blisting them when I saw the next line....
Pld runs his fingers down Whm's back
Pld reaches below Whm's tail and gently begins to finger whm's ass....

You get the point, I'm not going any further but it got worse trust me. At this point my friend turned up and we were laughing trying to figure out if they thought the windy consulate was a private room and that no-one in the surrounding area could see the emotes or /say messages. A few people had even started doing /disgusted emotes and a few other vulgar things.
Then it happened. The complete and utter shocking thing that has led me to my conclusion of the world being insane.
Pld>> /s Do you guys mind this is private
Whm>> /s Yeah stop being so f***ing perverted and leave us alone
I tried to polietely explain they are in a public area doing public emotes and using the /say function but I got accused of being a pervert and the "ringleader" of all the people spying on them.
Now I have absolutly nothing against people cybering, they can do what the hell they want as long as they do it in a private party/linkshell chat situation. However doing it in /s and /em then calling anyone who reacts a pervert is pure and simple madness.
Surely you take a big enough risk cybering anyway given that the chance of you both being guys is pretty high, don't further your embarrassment by doing it slap bang in the middle of Ru'Lude gardens. The area name does not imply the acceptable actions within that area.
So I was sat there but the big fountain in the centre chatting to my friend and waiting for him to come meet me when two players ran past. Both /anon and I didn't check them but they shall hereby be referred to as pld and whm as that is what their visible gear indicated. Whm was a mithra and pld was an elvaan. It started pretty innocently:
Whm hugs pld
Pld kisses whm on the cheek
Whm kisses pld
Pld spanks whm's bottom
Whm >> /s cheeky
Pld then chases the whm round the fountain a few times until......
Whm winks at pld
Pld nods at whm
Whm beckons pld
Both then enter the door to the Windy consulate. Now you can see where this is going can't you. I sat there assuming that they'd continue this in /tell well they didn't. After a few /em giggles emotes and other things along those lines they started on the stripping emotes

I {/sigh}ed and contemplated blisting them when I saw the next line....
Pld runs his fingers down Whm's back
Pld reaches below Whm's tail and gently begins to finger whm's ass....

You get the point, I'm not going any further but it got worse trust me. At this point my friend turned up and we were laughing trying to figure out if they thought the windy consulate was a private room and that no-one in the surrounding area could see the emotes or /say messages. A few people had even started doing /disgusted emotes and a few other vulgar things.
Then it happened. The complete and utter shocking thing that has led me to my conclusion of the world being insane.
Pld>> /s Do you guys mind this is private
Whm>> /s Yeah stop being so f***ing perverted and leave us alone
I tried to polietely explain they are in a public area doing public emotes and using the /say function but I got accused of being a pervert and the "ringleader" of all the people spying on them.
Now I have absolutly nothing against people cybering, they can do what the hell they want as long as they do it in a private party/linkshell chat situation. However doing it in /s and /em then calling anyone who reacts a pervert is pure and simple madness.
Surely you take a big enough risk cybering anyway given that the chance of you both being guys is pretty high, don't further your embarrassment by doing it slap bang in the middle of Ru'Lude gardens. The area name does not imply the acceptable actions within that area.