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Cheating and Stuff

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  • #76
    Re: Cheating and Stuff

    Does anyone know why the windower is a problem or just that it is one? Personally, I like to multitask and constantly need to be in reach on irc/aim/msn so I find it hard not to use a windower,,, the plugins however, I can understand why those are frowned upon(except maybe winamp plugin...) and honestly i feel they clutter my screen so I just remove those anyways.. just wondering what the big problem with windower is....


    • #77
      Re: Cheating and Stuff

      Originally posted by TenTako
      edit-- and by my random slandering comment about sucking ass, dont think im just going out on a whim here, if you want i can write you a 20 page essay of why FFXI is too bad a game to charge a 12.99 monthly fee.
      Do it, we havn't had one these in a while.


      • #78
        Re: Cheating and Stuff

        its more of whether its worth it to an individual player than just to you. if someone recieves at least 13 dollars in happiness/enjoyment/whatever theyre seeking from this game then its worth it to them. if they get more then theyre doing good. only when they arent getting what they want from it is it not worth it. so you may have 20 pages why its not worth it to you, someone else may have 20 pages why it is.. my experience from previous games is if you dont like it dont play it


        • #79
          Re: Cheating and Stuff

          Originally posted by soonk
          Does anyone know why the windower is a problem or just that it is one? Personally, I like to multitask and constantly need to be in reach on irc/aim/msn so I find it hard not to use a windower,,, the plugins however, I can understand why those are frowned upon(except maybe winamp plugin...) and honestly i feel they clutter my screen so I just remove those anyways.. just wondering what the big problem with windower is....
          I think everyone's got their own opinion on that. For me, it's pretty simple. Every time I log on the game, I agree not to use windower, so I don't. I don't like to lie~ ^^


          • #80
            Re: Cheating and Stuff

            gotcha thanks


            • #81
              Re: Cheating and Stuff

              Originally posted by avhmia
              I think everyone's got their own opinion on that. For me, it's pretty simple. Every time I log on the game, I agree not to use windower, so I don't. I don't like to lie~ ^^


              Great, way to point out the flaw in my moral integrity to my conscience.
              It's going to eat me alive now.
              The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

              Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


              • #82
                Re: Cheating and Stuff

                heh, wouldnt worry about it,, your enot doing anything malicious other than making it easier on you to play the game,, true youre violating the ToS but its like comparing jaywalking to robbery -edit- in reference to windowing only
                Last edited by soonk; 07-19-2006, 10:02 AM.


                • #83
                  Re: Cheating and Stuff

                  Originally posted by Shopee


                  Great, way to point out the flaw in my moral integrity to my conscience.
                  It's going to eat me alive now.
                  Heh, no one's asking you to live by my moral compass. I'm just explaining my motivation here.


                  • #84
                    Re: Cheating and Stuff

                    Originally posted by avhmia
                    Heh, no one's asking you to live by my moral compass. I'm just explaining my motivation here.
                    Oh, I'm very well aware of that.

                    My moral compass is similiar to yours in that respect though.
                    The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                    Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                    • #85
                      Re: Cheating and Stuff

                      Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                      I don't understand why the TParty plugin is so frowned upon.
                      Because it's not something that SE wanted us to be able to see. Why? I don't know. But the fact remains that they didn't. PS2 and 360 players do just fine without seeing other's TP. Why should PC users be special?
                      I not only believe in the TP plugin 100% as an assistant to backline mages and melee alike, but i beleive it should be implimentted as a game can see your party member's TP.
                      I hear you on that. It would totally be handy. But at the current time it's not something sanctioned by SE, and it's not something that console players have access too. Meaning that PC players have a bit of an unfair advantage over them. (BLMs can be ready for a SC, melees no longer feel the need to announce their TP, etc.)
                      By saying that "It is cheating for a blackmage to be able to magicburst by not looking at the chat log" is like saying it's cheating for a melee to know to hold off on the skillchian for a few moments while the BLM gets the MP to magicburst, because it's cheating to look at their MP.
                      It's not the same thing at all, because one of them is a function of the game, and the other one isn't.
                      And if it's cheating to look at their MP, how is it not cheating for the whitemage ot be able to see all 6 party members HP at the same time, so the WHM knows imemdiately who needs how much HP cured and when?
                      It's not. So no worries there.
                      You can't tell me I don't cheat when I glance down at the little box of six pink and yellow bars and I don't even bother to target other party members, I go straight for the PLD.
                      Actually I can tell you that you aren't cheating. You aren't. Because the HP/MP information is information that SE felt it necessary to provide to you. If you played on any of the three systems this game is on, you'd be able to see that information. What you wouldn't be able to see is TP.

                      This is an example of what I was talking about above. What started as "Well, I think we should be allowed to ALT+TAB!" turns into things like "Well, I think we should be allowed to see TP!" I'm not saying that we shouldn't be allowed to see TP, but I am saying that everyone should be allowed to, not just players on PCs. So I won't use TPParty. Not because it isn't handy - because it really is, but because it's not really fair to my fellow players.


                      • #86
                        Re: Cheating and Stuff

                        I don't look at the chat log when I MB...

                        I'm not cheating...


                        • #87
                          Re: Cheating and Stuff

                          I have it on good authority that Dak = Hak(x). Heck, look at the name!


                          • #88
                            Re: Cheating and Stuff

                            Originally posted by Feba
                            Uh, so you're saying ffxi should look really shitty? I mean, what do you want, us back in Zelda-land graphics?
                            No, but there are options in the game to up the graphics, refresh rate, resolution, and all that stuff. The graphics on mine look great.


                            • #89
                              Re: Cheating and Stuff

                              Honestly I wouldn't play FFXI without some way to alt-tab. First, there is just too much dead time. Waiting for a PT, traveling via airship, waiting for NM's to pop, etc.

                              Secondly, there's not much in-game information. 95% of quests don't tell you what you need to do but instead give some kind of vague hint (you'll be lucky if you get "I heard you might find it somewhere that ghosts and skeletons reside" as a hint to look in the entirety Eldieme Necropolis, for a lvl 35 quest). Frankly I'm not going to log out every time I get a quest and I'm also not going to spend 20+ hours exploring the world to try and figure out how to complete a quest that may be too hard for me anyway and has an unknown reward. I'm also not going to spam Jeuno shout to figure it out.

                              The only other thing I would really like isn't available anyway, which is to modify the UI size and the number of chat lines displayed (beyond 8).


                              • #90
                                Re: Cheating and Stuff


                                Windower is cheating, since it breaks the ToS. If you use ANY third-party program, you are cheating.

                                Of course, you'd probably have to drive under the speed limit to really care.

                                BRD72 BST58 Windurst 8
                                Got to charm em all!

