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  • #16
    Re: Hi there!

    Originally posted by Ashady
    With that said, what do you get when leveling up?
    New abilities (Activated or Passive), New Spells* (if your class casts them), stat increases and the ability to wear better gear.

    *- You must buy scrolls for spells. Use it to learn the spell, and your character will know it (but not necessarily be able to cast it, depending on what class you are currently using) forever and always.

    How fast is it to level up in this game?
    It depends on the quality of your parties. Either very fast, or very slow.

    I also find that in this, getting into that flow where you lost track of time is very easy in an effective and efficient party, so often times it seems even quicker.


    Race will never prevent you from playing your job as effectively as the next Joe. Race changes where you might want to focus your equipment in some cases (Galka Mages will want MP+ gear), but overall your choice in race won't have a large impact on how effectively you play.

    Skill > equipment > race is the typical inequality used to express this.
    The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

    Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


    • #17
      Re: Hi there!

      Skill > all? im liking that!!!! EQ2 was just WAY too easy.

      So it looks like that spell system is the same as EQs, works for me.

      And it seems this games community is VERY good :D thanks guys and gals.

      Ah yeah and im in belgium, will that effect lag or does lag not matter? I already know the populations will be lower at my high time but I can deal with that.


      • #18
        Re: Hi there!

        Originally posted by Ashady
        Skill > all? im liking that!!!!
        I like it too.

        I'm sure this is already obvious, but quantity can sometimes overtake quality.
        If you have crap gear it can override whatever skill you may have.

        Originally posted by Ashady
        Ah yeah and im in belgium, will that effect lag or does lag not matter? I already know the populations will be lower at my high time but I can deal with that.
        Nope. Lag is hardly ever an issue as far as I am aware. People with 56k connections according to all accounts I have heard can run the game fine, so I'm sure your location will have little effect on how smooth it runs.
        The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

        Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


        • #19
          Re: Hi there!

          Yeah, thats a basic for all MMOs

          And whats the Gil thing on the side here for? <<


          • #20
            Re: Hi there!

            It increases by 15 per post (if I count properly), and you can donate it to people.

            Also, I think it may increase upon receiving a rate up (or decrease on rate down), though I am not sure.

            I actually have questions about it myself, but I haven't felt the need to ask. I'm rather unsure about any other purpose it may have (and I notice people with many posts will have it drop rather suddenly to low levels. I am unsure if this is from donation, or something else).
            The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

            Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


            • #21
              Re: Hi there!

              And also sence im in belgium, it will take me about a week to get the game, i forsee lots of reading and posting here in the mean time :D

              Double Post Edited:
              And Crafting, ive read the posts on it, but is it a EQ styple crafter, or an EQ2 style? where in EQ1 you put items in a box and click, or EQ2 where you have to fend of bad htings while doing so
              Last edited by Ashady; 07-16-2006, 02:40 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #22
                Re: Hi there!

                You select a crystal then a window shows up where you place ingredients to craft. I believe you can get aggro from monsters and fail the synth tho. Bats that normally would aggro didnt aggro me the other day tho.
                75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                Woodworking 91.9+2
                ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                • #23
                  Re: Hi there!

                  Originally posted by Aeolus
                  I believe you can get aggro from monsters and fail the synth tho. Bats that normally would aggro didnt aggro me the other day tho.

                  Actually in EQ 2, the "bad things" are chemical imbalances, extra-soft sections of metal or other flaws in the being-crafted-items as opposed to monsters (just to clarify)
                  The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                  Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                  • #24
                    Re: Hi there!

                    At least i have an eve online trial to hold me down untill it gets here :|


                    • #25
                      Re: Hi there!

                      this game will take over your life,,, read the warning carefully each time you start it up =)


                      • #26
                        Re: Hi there!

                        Originally posted by soonk
                        this game will take over your life,,, read the warning carefully each time you start it up =)

                        It has to specifically warn you in writing not to let it take over your life

                        It'll either hook you or you won't like it and quit. There isn't much of a middle ground that I've seen so far.
                        The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                        Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                        • #27
                          Re: Hi there!

                          So how are the newbie areas, are they completly empty? or are they middle group or completly packed? (unlikly)


                          • #28
                            Re: Hi there!

                            They are moderately busy. People are leveling new jobs all the time, even if they aren't new players (since you play all jobs on one character, you'll find yourself in the newbie areas a lot).


                            • #29
                              Re: Hi there!

                              I'd say down right packed at time, it's hard to find a place to camp 90% of the time.

